02-10-2004, 13:27
Ive got 1 of 2 probelms,
1 this game is hugly complex and i cand find how to do anything OR
2 this game is vary basic and im looking for fuctions that dont exist, the chances are i wont be active in the fourms, so anyone who can help me, could you email me at
Rave Shentavo
02-10-2004, 15:18
These forums can take some getting used to. Yes there are many players, and many storylines. It may be hard to find out where to start. Here is what you have to do. Decide what kind of nation you want. It’s not in a drop down menu; it will be shown through your game play. You can have any type you want. Some examples are mid-eval, futuristic, fantasy, present-time. Basically decide what kind of population you are going to have, such as humans, elves, cyborgs…any kind of race you want. You can create a race if you want to. Think about what kind of geographical locations you have in your nation. Are there massive cities or small towns? Think of the government. What type of ruling do you have, and who rules your nation. After you get a good grasp of what your nation is like, create characters that you want to role-play with. Think of what they would look like, how they would act, where they live. Think of problems, situations, or journeys that you want to have them do. After you get some characters you’re comfortable with in your mind, just write a post kind of like an introduction to a character or nation. Describe them…maybe has a dialogue with another. Anything really, and start your own storyline or join someone else’s. You can look at the stickies at the top of the page when you enter the forums to read about important information on more posting and such. They are really helpful.
If you need help with a storyline and need someone else to rp with, I’ll help you with your first thread. You can email me @ . I’ll create a character to go along with your storyline, and you can get some experience.
03-10-2004, 08:11
#2 for 'the game' itself
(simple to the point of bizaaro wierdness often
resaulting from its simplisticness)
the forums more or less make up for
by being as much or as little as participants
in any given thread mutualy defacto consent to being