Mothers of Invention
29-09-2004, 17:04
The region of Patagonia is beginning to write a Constitution. We were wondering if some friendly regions could post thier Constituions to help us get an idea of what it should say.
We plan to be democratic and have regular elections. We also would like to create a separation of powers, so that all decisions will not be dictated by only a few.
I think if you post your Constitution it will help us, and may also be a good advertisement for your region.
~Mothers of Invention~
Citizen of Patagonia
Further Maths
29-09-2004, 17:55
The regional constitution of Despots R Us can be found on our website, here:
We are not individually democratic nations, but the region itself is overseen by a democratic parliament, which meets on our regional forum.
In fraternity,
The Theocrat
Due to my nation's "disbelief" (ok - that is not the word I wanted, but I can't think of the word I do want) in a constitution we do not have one, but an outline of how we run our country is available here
Tuesday Heights
29-09-2004, 22:37
Here ( is the regional Constitution of The Chemistry of 923.
30-09-2004, 05:03
Here is The Proletariat Coalition's Constitutions:
The Meritocratic charter can be found at
1 Infinite Loop
30-09-2004, 07:47
The East Pacifics Articles of Confederation can be found on our offsite forum,
Here (
it is in the section called the Book of the Law.
30-09-2004, 13:25
The 10000 Islands Constitution.
(Scroll down a bit).
My nation really doesn't have a technical consitution. Instead, there is a "Grand Charter", with the Emperor as absolute monarch:
Chapter One: The Succession
ARTICLE I. The Imperial crown shall be vested in the male descendants of Albert I “The Great”.
ARTICLE II. The crown shall be succeeded to by the eldest son of the Emperor.
ARTICLE III. If the Emperor’s eldest son is deceased, the imperial crown shall go to his eldest son; if there are neither, the throne shall go to younger male issue of the emperor, in order of age.
ARTICLE IV. If the Emperor has no sons, than the throne shall go to his next eldest brother and his male issue.
ARTICLE V. If there are no such descendants, the throne shall be vested unto the Emperor’s eldest uncle and his issue.
ARTICLE VI. In the case that none of the above exists, throne shall go to the next closest male, provided he is a male line descendant of Emperor Albert I.
ARTICLE VII. If the Imperial heir is suffering from an incurable disease of mind or body, or when any other weighty cause exists, the order of succession may be changed in accordance with foregoing provisions, with an Imperial Decree being issued to officiate this.
ARTICLE VIII. Women and their issue are forever excluded from the succession.
ARTICLE IX. A dynast may lose his place in the succession; this may be done if permission is not obtained for a marriage, or a dynast formally signs a contract renouncing his rights. The latter may only be done with the Emperor’s permission.
ARTICLE X. Dynasts who have renounced lost or renounced their imperial rights will lose imperial status as well. They will be accorded noble status and be titled as peers by imperial decree.
Chapter Two: Majority and Institutions
ARTICLE XI. Members of the Imperial House and its cadet branches shall attain majority at seventeen years of age.
ARTICLE XII. The Heir Apparent shall automatically be entitled to the style “Prince Imperial of Tharra”.
ARTICLE XIII. Accession to full imperial privileges and status shall come upon attaining majority.
Chapter Three: Styles and Titles
ARTICLE XIV. The Emperor shall be known as “Emperor of all Tharra and its colonies” and styled “Imperial Majesty”.
ARTICLE XV. The Empress shall be styled likewise and titled “Empress-Consort of all Tharra”.
ARTICLE XVI. Only the Emperor and the heir apparent’s children may be styled “Imperial Highness.” Other grandchildren will be styled “Highness”. All others will be styled “Serene Highness”.
ARTICLE XVII. The Emperor’s children and grandchildren will be titled “Prince/Princess of Tharra” and allowed the surname “zu Tharra.”
ARTICLE XVIII. All others will be titled “Prince/Princess zu (title of cadet branch’s founder)”. The same title of the cadet branch’s founder shall be their surname.
ARTICLE XIX. Women shall loose imperial status upon marriage and take their husband’s style.
ARTICLE XX. Upon birth, all sons of the emperor and prince imperial shall be given a duchy as an appanage. They shall automatically be entitled to its revenues upon reaching majority. Sons of cadet branches may either take one of their father’s appanages or be granted one by the Emperor.
Chapter Four: Regency
ARTICLE XXI. When the emperor is a minor, prevented from governing, or sees fit, a regent shall be appointed.
ARTICLE XXII. Regents may be appointed by Imperial Decree. If the emperor is unable to appoint one, than the Imperial Privy Council shall do so.
ARTICLE XXIII. The regency shall be assumed by a member of the imperial family who has reached full majority:
1. The Prince Imperial
2. The Empress or Empress-Mother
3. A Prince or unmarried Princess of Tharra
4. A Prince of the Blood
ARTICLE XXIV. The Regent shall exercise full imperial authority; however, the Imperial Privy Council may remove a regent if he or she is unable to govern.
Chapter Five: The Imperial House
ARTICLE XXV. The Imperial Family shall be made up of the Emperor, Empress, and all Princes/Princesses of Tharra. The consorts of Princes shall also be included, for they shall assume their husband’s status upon marriage.
ARTICLE XXVI. All other descendants of Emperor Albert I are members of cadet branches, and thus still members of the “Imperial Dynasty.”
ARTICLE XXVII. The status of “Prince/Princess of Tharra” and “Imperial Highness” or “Highness” may be awarded to a member of the Dynasty by Imperial Decree.
ARTICLE XXVIII. Births, naming, marriages and deaths in the Imperial Family shall be announced by the Grand Chamberlain of the Empire.
ARTICLE XXIX. Genealogical and other records relating to the matters, mentioned in the preceding Article, shall be kept in the Imperial Archives.
ARTICLE XXX. The members of the Imperial Dynasty shall be under the control of the Emperor.
ARTICLE XXXI. When a Regency is instituted, the Regent shall exercise the power of control referred to the preceding Article.
ARTICLE XXXII. When a member, male or female, of the Imperial Dynasty is a minor and has been bereft of his or her father, the Emperor shall appoint a care taker.
ARTICLE XXXIII. The guardian of a member of the Imperial Family must be himself a member thereof and of age.
ARTICLE XXXIV. Both male and female members must officially ask the Emperor’s permission to marry during a Privy Council session. This shall than be officiated by an Imperial Decree. Failure to do so will result in a heavy fine (in the case of a woman) or loss of imperial status and rights of succession (if a dynast).
ARTICLE XXXV. A legal consort of a member of the Imperial Dynasty (be the said person male or female), must be at least a noble, of no less than five generations on both sides.
ARTICLE XXXVI. A member of the dynasty may legally wed one without the said qualifications. However, the same process applies.
ARTICLE XXXVII. A marriage mentioned in the preceding article will be considered morganic. The spouse will not be granted imperial status, but instead a title by Imperial Decree. A female who contracts a morganic marriage will be allowed to retain her status.
ARTICLE XXXVIII. All issue of morganic marriages will be considered nobles and legitimate, but will hold no succession place. They may be granted titles by Imperial Decree alone.
ARTICLE XXXIX. Women shall loose all imperial status upon legal marriage, taking their husband’s rank. However, they may be allowed to retain their rank by special decree.
ARTICLE XL. Dynasts require Imperial permission to travel abroad. Failure to obtain such will result in loss of rights.
ARTICLE XLI. The Emperor shall fix annual incomes of dynasts and other imperial family members.
ARTICLE XLII. No member of the dynasty may be tried in a national court. Instead the emperor and the privy council shall preside over a special trial.
Chapter Six: Government
ARTICLE XLII. The Emperor is absolute and inviolable. He is the absolute monarch of the empire, and has full authority as supreme autocrat.
ARTICLE XLIII. The highest government body shall be the Imperial Privy Council. It’s members shall serve for life, and be appointed by the Emperor, who acts as its chairman.
ARTICLE XLIV. The Privy Council shall form policy and focus on administration, under the Emperor’s jurisdiction. It shall meet at least twice a week.
ARTICLE XLV. The said council shall consist of the Emperor, the Prince Imperial, the Prime Minister, the First Peer of the Empire, the State Secretaries, the Grand Officers of State, ten appointed members of the Imperial dynasty, and ten appointed Peers of the Empire.
ARTICLE XLVI. A standing body of the Privy Council shall also be appointed. It shall be known as the “State Council.”
ARTICLE XLVII. The State Council shall meet daily and discharge the duties of the Privy Council when it is not in session.
ARTICLE XLVIII. The State Council shall consist of the Emperor (its chair), the Prime Minister, the Prince Imperial, and three appointed members.
ARTICLE XLIX. The Grand Officers of State shall consist of the Arch Chancellor of State (who will head the department of justice), the Grand Chamberlain of the Empire (who will head the Imperial Household department), the Grand Master of Ceremony (who will head the department of religion), the Grand Admiral of the Empire (who will head the imperial navy), the Grand Marshal of the Empire (who will head the military), the Lord Keeper of the Seal (who will be charged with keeping the imperial archives), and the Arch Treasurer of the Empire (who will head the finance department).
ARTICLE L. The Secretaries of State shall consist of the State Secretary of Foreign Affairs, the State Secretary of Culture, the State Secretary of Internal Affairs, the State Secretary of Economic Affairs, and the State Secretary of Public Affairs. All shall head their namesake department.
ARTICLE LI. The Departments of State shall aide the Emperor in running the Empire, of which throughout shall exist branches.
ARTICLE LII. The departments of state shall concern themselves with their namesake and consist of the Department of Religion, Department of Justice, Department of the Imperial Household, Department of Finance, Department of Foreign Affairs, Department of Economic Affairs, Department of Culture, Department of Internal Affairs, and the Department of Public Affairs.
ARTICLE LIII. The Grand Curia shall be the highest court in the empire. All other land courts will be called “curia.”
ARTICLE LIV. The Grand Curia shall be composed of fifteen justices and be presided over by the Arch Chancellor. The Emperor may veto any decision, via Imperial Decree.
ARTICLE LV. The said curia must register all imperial decrees and letters patent.
ARTICLE LVI. The Imperial Diet will be composed of all of the Peers of the Empire, and be the main legislative body.
ARTICLE LVII. The diet shall convene only when summoned by the emperor, and be ceremonial in nature.
ARTICLE LVIII. The Imperial Diet will set annual government finances and expenditures. It may be vetoed by the Emperor alone, also via decree.
ARTICLE LIX. City and provincial governments shall be composed of a High Curia, an assembly of local nobles (all appointed by Governor), and an Imperial Governor (who holds the most power).
ARTICLE LX. Imperial Decrees shall hold the status of national law, when stamped with the Imperial Seal.
Chapter Seven: Nobility
ARTICLE LXI. Nobility shall be hereditary in the male line, by heirs male alone.
ARTICLE LXII. Nobility shall be granted by hereditary status, appeal to the Grand Curia (through money), or letters patent issued by the Emperor.
ARTICLE LXIII. Nobles shall have the right to be tried only by the Imperial Diet and Emperor, hold serfs and lands, answer only to the Emperor and certain officers, be exempt from most taxes, and any other privileges laid down by law.
ARTICLE LXIX. Peers of the Empire shall be the holders of the noble titles alone. Their families shall be considered untitled nobles, unless granted a courtesy title.
ARTICLE LXX. The grades of nobles shall be Princes and their families, Dukes and their families, Counts and their families, Barons and their families, and untitled nobles.
ARTICLE LXXI. Peers shall bear the predicate “zu” before land title. Their children will bear the land title and predicate as a surname.
ARTICLE LXXII. Untitled nobles will bear the predicate “zu” before their surname.
ARTICLE LXXIV. Nobles must maintain a set income of at least 100,000 Livres, save by special exemption, via appeal to the Emperor or Grand Curia.
Special Clauses: Classes
ARTICLE LXXV. Society and position therein shall be hereditary. Social advancement shall only be possible, with few exceptions, by Imperial Decree.
ARTICLE LXXVI. The set classes shall be nobility, who shall compose of the highest class and aristocracy of the Empire; commoners, who will act as the artisans, laborers, merchants, etc. and fill the economic gap; and serfs, who will be the property of the land and its owner.
ARTICLE LXXVII. Serfs may only be sold with the land; however they may not be freed, instead always working their masters’ land.
ARTICLE LXXVIII. Commoners will have the right of self ownership, and a small set of basics laid down by decree. However, it is to be said that they are inferior to the nobility.
H.I.M. Alexander II Emperor of all Tharra and its colonies