Once again, I'm on the hunt of a good region. As always, looking for activity, not to big, not to small, but good sized, conservative leaning (not a must, but helps), no tech restrictions (military is future, special forces are modern~2015, general life is about 2010), no religious biais, etc. etc. etc. Give me offers, and we can work soemthing out. I have a fact book in the works if you want to see it.
Space Missions
26-09-2004, 22:29
Terran Space Administration (http://www.nationstates.net/cgi-bin/index.cgi/page=display_region/region=terran_space_administration) would be happy to welcome new members, but it's probably not big or active enough.
The region of Futura (http://www.nationstates.net/cgi-bin/index.cgi/page=display_region/region=Futura).... we are primarily capitalsts, and signatories of the CDEA. Very proactive, region, and UN wise. And all Tech levels are present. (Tekania is Future)