Inflatable Marbles
26-09-2004, 01:11
As the one who shall make the allignment public, I would gladly be the one to state the following:
The Free Land of Inflatable Marbles:
"Shut up and deal with it."
National animal: the Drug Addict
Currency: Cotton Swabs
Wishes to merge with:
The Rogue nation of DDRAzNs:
"Wow. We're betetr at DDR than u."
National animal: the Chocobo
Currency: Rice Cakes
All who are in favor of this allignment being a good choice, say "moo" and those who decline say "roar".
The Free Land of Inflatable Marbles:
"Shut up and deal with it."
National animal: the Drug Addict
Currency: Cotton Swabs
Wishes to merge with:
The Rogue nation of DDRAzNs:
"Wow. We're betetr at DDR than u."
National animal: the Chocobo
Currency: Rice Cakes
All who are in favor of this allignment being a good choice, say "moo" and those who decline say "roar".