Invader / Defender Group Contact List
17-09-2004, 03:38
Since the "Big Invader/delegate FAQ" thread is quite outdated... and because it doesn't necessarily help out NS players wishing to join up...
I'm starting a new list for invader / defender groups to describe themselves.
If you represent a group of either affiliation, please list your primary and recruitment region names, leaders, contact information, affiliations (invader or defender, and alliances), and any other information you'd like to add.
New Florence Marie
17-09-2004, 03:47
DEN is home to the most efficient, well-organized and well-disciplined raider army in NationStates. Raiding regions since February 27, 2004, DEN (now DEN II) has earned a global reputation for effective, clandestine raider operations.
A co-sponsor of the 2004 Global Summit on Raiderplay and Defensive Operations, DEN II is a recognized leader in analysis and forumulation of raiding principles presently used in the game, and has earned the respect of raider and defender organizations throughout NationStates. You may contact the nations of Martian City States or Mara Jade in the region of DEN II for further information.
If you're looking for the best in raiderplay, look no further than DEN II!
Bling Bling world
17-09-2004, 03:52
I am a represenitve for the IDC, a independent defender group... We are off-site and are located at eitheir or our forum is at If you wish to be part of a safe, defender region join the Pimped Out Bling. We belive in no buracracy and/or government. We have Military and Inteligence positions available.
Master Bling,
Co-Leader of the IDC
The newest evolution in defense
I am Opty here to represent the AOD at
We are a honorable new invader group haunted by the IDC, hehehehe.
Death to the IDC
17-09-2004, 04:53
The Brigandian Security Council provides small defenses for unprotected regions. We aren't big, we aren't powerful, we're here to just help regions out when needed. Brigandia has its own forum at
I represent Commonwealth of Solaris, we are one of the oldest defender regions in Nationstates...though our inactivity has grown over the summer, I am renovating our military since I am the Minister of Armed Forces. Commonwealth of Solaris ( ) is lead by Euresia, Contino, Danimalia, Park Slope-Estan, Freemon, and myself...feel free to contact Contino, since he runs recruitment...
Pope Hope
17-09-2004, 07:04
Alliance Defense Network (ADN) -- The ADN is the largest Defender alliance in the international community. We are comprised of 25-35 diverse and sovereign regions, united under the banner of the ADN, working together to help protect founderless regions from the imperialism of invader groups with mighty success. The ADN is well known for military and intelligence gathering prowess, and the diplomatic manner in which we strive to protect the natives of regions under attack. Founded in the Spring/Summer of 2003, the ADN values regional sovereignty, friendship, and Defender Unity above all. We are allied with many other defender regions and alliances, and are certainly friendly with all defenders. We work for a noble cause, and manage to have a lot of fun in the process. ADN Motto: With Strength and Honor... (HQ (
Borogravia Moldavi
17-09-2004, 18:12
Defender army based out of New Sparrow. Dedicated to defending against the invader menace. A small (15-20 UN nations) select group of nations trained for rapid response. Allied to The Union of Sovereigns.
Founded: Nov. 2003.
SECO Command: Borogravia Moldavi, Tygaland, Schizoids united (all can be telegrammed in New Sparrow and all are authorized to issue orders)
Borogravia Moldavi
17-09-2004, 18:15
An alliance of regions dedicated to the defense of member regions only.
The alliance is currently comprised of 4 regions with additional regions being voted on privately. The Union is invitation only.
Alliance HQ:
The region of the 10000 Islands ( defends others in need through TITO (Ten thousand Islands Treaty Organization.) We have defended over 125 regions to date and are at work inside just about every invader region. The 10000 Islands is the 3rd largest user created region and while we work closely with other defenders, we are our own entity.
We see invaders as bullies who prey on the weak and innocent; kind of like the kid riding his bike down the road who pushes a grandma walking down the road and then laughing as he rides away. Invaders invade to ruin others fun and freedom because they are bored and need an ego boost. It is quite sad and if you join TITO you will see their sadness first hand.
One thing invaders don't realize is that theirs is ultimately a losing cause. Whenever they have a temporary victory, they usually lose the region several days later or password protect it to kill it. Freedom will always win out in the end because people want to choose where and how they live.
If you'd like to be on the winning and right side of NationStates, you are encouraged to join the 10000 Islands and write me (Grub) about joining TITO. Also, check out our forum