I need advice on region-building...
Arx Angelus
16-08-2004, 23:53
I have founded a new region, Krak des Chevaliers... And I am trying to build it up... but so far I have had limited success. I know there are plenty of NS success stories out there... How did you build up your region... and what advice do you have for those following in your footsteps?
My advice: don't do it. I got so tired of building and maintaining my region, I just went freelance.
Tuesday Heights
17-08-2004, 00:15
If you decide region-building is what you wish to do within NationStates, I'd suggest on creating an off-site forum and start recruiting like mad (as long as you follow the rules).
Then, just sit back, and your hardwork will pay off.
Good luck!
Neo England
17-08-2004, 01:13
You need a gimmick, something that makes your region stands out from the rest.
Also as TH said, recruit like mad, you'll find the more nations you get, the more that will come... until a point.
Mew Mew Sweetie
17-08-2004, 01:54
I would suggest getting a few friends on nation states to join it, then telegram nations that are in 'bad' nations (empty ones, ones on permanate hiatus, etc.), and then get them to telegram their allied nations (if they have any). Like the people up there said, recruit like nobodies buisiness! Seek out new players (I'm still on the radar map mostly because I have a cute flag, I'm a nice person, and I'm pretty new LOL)- i.e, a thread that says 'I'm new and I want a reigon to join' or something, jump on it. I've never made a reigon before but I did make something on Neopets called a guild once, and I got a few members... but the guild went BOOM because I got tired of it and wanted to be free. ^_^ Just go all out and be friendly!
Tuesday Heights
17-08-2004, 02:19
Like I said, just make sure you know the recruiting rules, like no recruiting in player-created regions without the Founder/Delegate approval. No more than one telegram per nation. Only recruit messages on the feeder (The Pacific, The North Pacific, The East Pacific, The West Pacific, The South Pacific, & The Rejected Realms) Current Happenings board once every 24 hours.