NationStates Jolt Archive

What's your UN category?

Howard Zinn Haters
19-07-2004, 23:08
Corporate Bordello, formerly Free-Market Paradise

EAT THIS, ZINN!!!!!!!!!! :sniper: :mp5: :gundge: :sniper: :mp5: :gundge:
19-07-2004, 23:13
Scandinavian Liberal Paradise, used to be a Democratic Socialists :eek:
19-07-2004, 23:14
Father Knows Best State

...and I do! Need to keep all those little people in line.
The Island of Rose
19-07-2004, 23:16
Left-Leaning College State.

Bish. =P
19-07-2004, 23:33
I believe it's an Innofensive Centrist Democracy.

EDIT: Actually it used to be ^... But now it's a Capitalist Paradise.
Arx Angelus
19-07-2004, 23:39
Democratic Socialists... It was 'corrupt dictatorship' for a while, but I straighten my government out. ^.^
20-07-2004, 00:11
I have a few nations, and I like to 'theme' them after real life nations or historical possibilities. They are:

1x Anarchy
1x Benevolent Dictatorship
1x Capitalist Paradise
2x Civil Rights Lovefest
1x Corrupt Dictatorship
1x Father Knows Best State
1x Left-leaning College State
1x Left-wing Utopia
1x Libertarian Police State
2x Moralistic Democracy
1x Right-wing Utopia
1x Tyranny By Majority

I like aiming for 'rare' types of UN categories, especially the almost non-existant "Whatever-wing-Utopia", Tyranny by Majority and Moralistic Democracy.
20-07-2004, 09:49
I have created a new nation, and it started off as a Civil Rights Lovefest.
It changed to a New York Times Democracy overnight.
20-07-2004, 11:07
Psychotic dictatorship.....
Holy panooly
20-07-2004, 11:30
capitalist paradise, but I'm aiming for a corporate policestate.
Unfree People
20-07-2004, 11:33
YAY! I finally got my puppet to Aurthoritarian Democracy after literally months of trying.

*throws a party*

As for this nation, I'm a Compulsory Consumerist State, and I try to keep it that way. It fits my nation quite well :)
20-07-2004, 11:37
Democratic socialists.
20-07-2004, 11:39
New York Times Democracy
20-07-2004, 11:48
I'm a corporate police state. My mother always said I'd make a great capitalist pig, razing the forests and destroying all that is good in this world--the vestal prairies and oceans.

20-07-2004, 11:49
Current UN Category: Capitalist Paradise.
Before I have been a moralistic democracy, a right-wing utopia and an inoffensive centrist democracy. So: I think I was everything out of the centre-right of the political spectrum. And that´s the way my country is as well. No commies allowed.
Spookistan and Jakalah
20-07-2004, 11:49
Mere Anarchy
20-07-2004, 12:10
Before I was a Corporate Bordello, a Capitalist Paradise, an Inoffensive Centrist Democracy and maybe even a Father Knows Best State.

Why? I tend to run my government as an ultra-libertarian one with some welfare, which is largely made up of "Poor? Join the army, get a degree, get paid, you rube." and the people are loving it.

Surely, they may not be the smartest or the happiest in the world but they have a military they can be proud of, people can survive on welfare if they must and our economy is great.

Also: Our universities aren't the kind of place where you want to call yourself bisexual instead of heterosexual because you'd be viewed as insensitive otherwise.
24-07-2004, 04:00
Psychotic dictatorship... :gundge:

I don't try to be evil... I just do what I think is reasonable.... sigh.
Pax Salam
24-07-2004, 04:07
New York Times Democracy.
24-07-2004, 04:11
Iron Fist Consumerits
...i am not quite sure about sounds so...soft...had a psychotic Dictatorship before... :headbang:
24-07-2004, 04:22

The funny thing is I'm not getting any issues to pull my government out of it ... largely because I'm pretty picky about the issues these days.
24-07-2004, 05:37
A while ago I had a few nations that were all very much of my political preferences. That was over a year ago. After a while I crossed over into making some nations go in paths modified from my ideology, and others outright against it. Today I sort of have a theme where each nation of mine is opposed politically to another nation of mine, but then make it hard for nations to form alliances with each other as the diplomacy lines can reach their opponents indirectly.

Endolantron (My preferred world)-- Currently Left-Wing Utopia. Other common UN categories are Left-Leaning College State, Civil Rights Lovefest, and Scandinavian Liberal Paradise.

Futurus-- Currently Capitalist Paradise. Sometime Inoffenstve Centrist Democracy instead. I've spent a very long time trying to make it into either a Corporate Bordello or a Free-Market Paradise (regardless of how rare they are). A long time ago it used to be a New York Times Democracy, but that was before I decided to get each nation to be very different, regardless of whether or not I would actually want to live there. Opponent: Shugeria

Shugeria-- Currently Corrupt Dictatorship. Sometimes Iron-Fist Socialists instead, which I prefer for Shugeria. A long time ago, they used to go between Democratic Socialists and Scandinavian Liberal Paradise, but it was when Futurus was a not-so-capitalist New York Times Democracy. Opponent: Futurus

Dakrov-- Psychotic Dictatorship, always. It used to be at Iron Fist Consumerists several months ago. Opponent: Kazete

Kazete-- Anarchy, always. It used to be at Civil Rights Lovefest several months ago. Opponent: Dakrov

Navigator-- Corrupt Dictatorship, but I'm trying to make it into a Benevolent Dictatorship. Opponents: Zenar and Lazora

Goazedth (a place I'd never dare go to in reality)-- Corporate Police State, always. It used to be at Iron Fist Consumerists back when Dakrov was as well. Opponent: Endolantron

Zenar-- Currently Father Knows Best State. Used to be a Benevolent Dictatorship until I realized that the Zenarians would prefer the exact opposite, Tyrrany by Majority, their current goal. Opponents: Navigator and Jeivumtha

Lazora-- Left-Wing Utopia, always. Opponents: Navigator and Jeivumtha

Jeivumtha-- Capitalist Paradise, always. Opponents: Zenar and Lazora

Hibage (extremely young nation)-- Currently Capitalist Paradise. Opponent: None... yet.

My twelfth nation, when I create it, will probably have the goal of being either a New York Times Democracy or Liberal Democratic Socialists.
General Mike
24-07-2004, 11:54
I'm usually a Father Knows Best State, although ATM I'm a Corrupt Dictatorship.
Oceanic Liberty
24-07-2004, 14:11
Oceanic Liberty is considered by the UN to be a Anarchy
i suppose it is the "good" kind of anarchy, the kind anarchist preach about (every one does for each other) and not the somali kind of anarchy
New Livingstonia
24-07-2004, 14:31
Civil Rights Lovefest, apparently :D
Zhong Wa
24-07-2004, 15:12
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy, right now.

In the first days, I got New York Times Democracy. Then later, I got Father Knows Best State.
The Vinyls
24-07-2004, 15:28
The Vinyls is a nation of liberal democratic socialists
24-07-2004, 16:18
Both nations are Civil-Rights Lovefests.

Sometimes they cross the border into Anachy.
24-07-2004, 20:10
Moralistic Democracy. I also have a few Corporate Bordellos, a Civil Rights Lovefest, a few Iron Fist Consumerists, some Father Knows Best States, a few Corporate Police States, a Tyranny By Majority, a New York Times Democracy or two, an Inoffensive Centrist Democracy (I think), a Democratic Socialists, and some others.
The Dark Dimension
25-07-2004, 01:16
Corporate Police State...just the way I like it!
Bob the samuri
25-07-2004, 01:29
father knows best
Tuesday Heights
25-07-2004, 01:33
Capitalist Paradise; it took me nine months to get it that way, too.
The Dark Dimension
25-07-2004, 03:00
Capitalist Paradise; it took me nine months to get it that way, too.

Just out of curiosity, but what was it before? Lemme guess...inoffensive centrist democracy, right?
25-07-2004, 03:31
Democratic Socialists

I've mostly kept it there, but occasionally I've been an authoritarian democracy.
El Zenith
25-07-2004, 03:43
The Republic of El Zenith is currently Inoffensive Centrist Democracy.
28-07-2004, 01:49
I'm a left-leaning college state.
28-07-2004, 03:13
Until very recently, I was a civil rights lovefest. I just became a left wing utopia, but I'm trying to get it changed back. :D
The Blackguard
28-07-2004, 03:34
Corporate Police State

But at times, it strays over to Iron Fist Consumerists
Tuesday Heights
28-07-2004, 05:04
Capitalist Paradise.

It took me close to six months to get there from Inoffensive Centrist Democracy.
28-07-2004, 05:58
Father Knows Best State
28-07-2004, 06:02
Doomduckistan- I sway from Father Knows Best to Compulsary Consumerist, but this time I think I've locekd myself into Compulsary Consumerist State and I'm shooting for benevolent Dictatorship.

Commarchic Duckistan- Inoffensive Centrist Democracy with an unknown future- I pretty much randomly answer issues based upon whims.
Saint Chaos
28-07-2004, 22:07

Long live chaos.
28-07-2004, 22:36
I am a Capitalist Paradise, have been for over a month...will be for as long as I can.
29-07-2004, 07:54
UN Category: Compulsory Consumerist State
29-07-2004, 08:09
"Liberal Democratic Socialists"

With the usual Excellent-Imploded-Excellent stats. I like my nation just where it is, with protected housecats and free college. It's actually a personal utopia right now excluding the anti-government websites (They only do that because they're allowed :P )
Newport Medium
29-07-2004, 08:15
Benevolent Dictatorship

Am I the only one?
29-07-2004, 14:30
I'm a Left Leaning College State.

I have several other nations...
1 - Anarchy
1 - Left Leaning College State
1 - Inoffensive Centrist Democracy
1 - Compulsory Consumersist State
2 - Civil Rights Lovefest