How much money I have in my state?
14-07-2004, 11:41
Some days ago I've found a link where you can see how muck money we have in our state... someone knows the link? I stole it!
Unfree People
14-07-2004, 12:58
You can calculate your GDP by going to
14-07-2004, 15:07
Dont forget to replace the end with your nation name
14-07-2004, 16:18
And don't forget name)&nation=(nation name)
Canadian Dominance
15-07-2004, 00:52
I always use the one because it tends to be more accurate and it provides a lot more information. I recommend that one over the first one.
15-07-2004, 06:24
Thank you very much!!!!
Please Leave
14-08-2004, 04:58
this third geek link is very cool.
Universalist Totality
14-08-2004, 12:38
I always use the one because it tends to be more accurate and it provides a lot more information. I recommend that one over the first one.
I agree, whoever created this thing deserves an NS Nobel or something.
The Water Cooler
14-08-2004, 13:37
Garrgh - I can't get that thirdgeek link to work. I enter the following
and get this following error message:
Nation is not in specified region
What gives?
Universalist Totality
14-08-2004, 13:51
When I try to access the info for your region, I get: Unknown nation "_ardena". Maybe switch regions, and try again. There seems to be something muddled with the Heartland.
If your region is over 100 people, Third Geek doesn't work.
Damn, I'm pathetic!
1 chiro = ...
... $0.2479
Gross Domestic Product: $49,639,839,395.33
GDP Per Capita: $4,963.98
Consumption: $30,987,600,000.00
Government Budget: $19,705,607,250.00
Government Expenditures: $19,311,495,105.00
Goverment Waste: $394,112,145.00
Exports: $5,756,445,196.58
Imports: $6,415,700,906.25
Trade Deficit: $659,255,709.67
Government Category: Democratic Socialists
Government Priority: Education
Economic Rating: Reasonable
Civil Rights Rating: Below Average
Political Freedoms: Excellent
Income Tax Rate: 32%
Major Industry: Book Publishing
National Currency: chiro
National Animal: panther
Total Population: 10,000,000
Government Budget Details
Administration: $5,407,218,629.40 28%
Welfare: $2,510,494,363.65 13%
Health: $2,510,494,363.65 13%
Education: $4,441,643,874.15 23%
Religion & Spirituality: $965,574,755.25 5%
Defence: $0.00 0%
Law & Order: $2,510,494,363.65 13%
Commerce: $965,574,755.25 5%
Public Transport: $0.00 0%
The Environment: $0.00 0%
Social Equality: $0.00 0%
The Dohme
15-08-2004, 02:35
way cool, how does that work?
The Water Cooler
15-08-2004, 02:56
If your region is over 100 people, Third Geek doesn't work.
Well, that's stupid.
The Dohme, here's yours.
Stupidly insane people
15-08-2004, 08:05
I wish I knew mine from the Geek one.
15-08-2004, 09:43
Thanks for the help but these number's seem to hurt.
Domestic Statistics
Government Category: Democratic Socialists
Government Priority: amp; Order
Economic Rating: Struggling
Civil Rights Rating: Very Good
Political Freedoms: Excellent
Income Tax Rate: 63%
Major Industry: Trout Farming
National Currency: peyak
National Animal: bear
Total Population: 9,000,000
Tricozia Economic Statistics
Exchange Rate: 32.2654 peyaks = $1
Gross Domestic Product: $5,373,225,745.52
GDP Per Capita: $597.03
Consumption: $1,824,240,600.00
Government Budget: $3,621,413,413.80
Government Expenditures: $3,548,985,145.52
Goverment Waste: $72,428,268.28
Exports: $685,360,426.73
Imports: $685,360,426.73
Trade Deficit: $0.00
its Economic Statistics
Gross Regional Product: $5,373,225,745.52
GRP Per Capita: $597.03
Regional Population: 9,000,000
Regional Average GDP: $5,373,225,745.52
Largest GDP: Tricozia ($5.37 billion)
Smallest GDP: Tricozia ($5.37 billion)
Largest GDP Per Capita: Tricozia ($597.03)
Smallest GDP Per Capita: Tricozia ($597.03)
Largest Trade Surplus: Tricozia ($0.00)
Largest Trade Deficit: Tricozia ($0.00)
They will hurt for quite some time. As you answer issues you will tune your nation more towards your desired spending and economic goals and they will begin to look better and better.
It should absolutely be noted that no calculation should be considered absolute. All current calculators make assumptions based purely on your nation's description and the XML feed. While the XML feed is absolutely accurate it does not contain some information that would make the calculators far more accurate. This information may or may not be added - that would be up to Salusa and I would assume he would be very busy right now.
For now I would always assume these numbers are guidelines to be modified by your own picture of how your nation works as well as by information like the UN Rankings. This does not however mean that anyone should make assumptions that their economy or numbers are vastly outside the ranges presented by the calculators. Stretching the norm a little bit is ok - but breaking the norm will dramatically lower the amount of reasonable people who will continue to RP with you. Balance is important - you cannot be the best at everything.
For now I would always assume these numbers are guidelines to be modified by your own picture of how your nation works as well as by information like the UN Rankings. This does not however mean that anyone should make assumptions that their economy or numbers are vastly outside the ranges presented by the calculators. Stretching the norm a little bit is ok - but breaking the norm will dramatically lower the amount of reasonable people who will continue to RP with you. Balance is important - you cannot be the best at everything.
did i miss Third Geek becoming the official NS economy page? you talk as if those numbers are official, when they're not. nor are they even remotely accurate. does TG use your nation's industries to generate GDP? it should, because if your nation's industries are low value industries your economy can be Powerhouse all you want and you still won't generate much money.
and then we can talk about completely arbitrary stats, like government waste. where does this stat come from? where in the XML feed is that? right, it's calculated by an equation that TG made up. and so on.
none of these calculators are accurate in the least because they ignore basic reality, not to mention the basic working of economies. to act like Third Geek's calculator, whose only merit is that many people use it and ignore it's obvious flaws, is now the standard of NS economic analysis is absurd.
did i miss Third Geek becoming the official NS economy page? you talk as if those numbers are official, when they're not. nor are they even remotely accurate.
It should absolutely be noted that no calculation should be considered absolute. All current calculators make assumptions based purely on your nation's description and the XML feed. While the XML feed is absolutely accurate it does not contain some information that would make the calculators far more accurate.
If you feel that a better calculator could be made, then please, make it. This would require creating a very large database that would store every player's daily decisions, UN Rankings, and of course the data in the XML feed over the entire lifetime of their nation. If you have the computing power avaliable as well as the skill, again, please do so. Otherwise I would suggest that you realize that the people who make the calculators do the best they can with what they have.
I always use the one because it tends to be more accurate and it provides a lot more information. I recommend that one over the first one.
Yea, I have the Thirdgeek one in my region.
Universalist Totality
16-08-2004, 04:51
I think thirdgeek rocks. Its a good indicator for RP purposes, as well. Speaking of which....
Well, it shouldn't be taken as perfect, but it is a good indicator. Although, mine has 0% Public Transport. . .well, hel-lo, I've banned cars. How else are we supposed to get places?
In your case Temme that would be a bad thing, yes. Give your 100% income tax rate you would need to put some money into public transport or everyone walks. My guess? Like one of my friends you might give people certain minimums for a certain amount of work, and any over that can be used for 'luxuries' like bicycles.
The Water Cooler
17-08-2004, 04:36
It would be good if it worked!