Fascist Americas
21-06-2004, 11:52
You know whats realy unfair? You have to join the U.N. to wage war. The U.N. law says that you can't attack another nation right, its collective security. It says you can't go to war with any nation outside the U.N. too because they can't fight war. But this would mean that no war should be fought at all, because everyone is a member of the same team. Yet it has unrealisticly been turned into "Fight Club" when it should be about protecting nations from agressors. It goes further to actualy dictat how individual states should run themselves in attempt to creat a new world order of anarchists and corruption and "Democracy". The whole U.N. consept has to be reevaluated. It should not only be more realistic, with the allowing of war outside the U.N., but better, with freedom of state and collective security.