6 months
I am six months old! Not my nation, but I have played for 6 months. Since December 12.
19-06-2004, 19:55
Uhhhhhh,Whats your point :?
Emperor Matthuis
19-06-2004, 21:29
Uhhhhhh,Whats your point :?
Yeah i gotta agree with you there?
Neo England
19-06-2004, 23:51
well Im 18 months, I know that my thingy says february but I was actually created in late Jan'
Reason is back in the old days, admin/mods deleted peoples nations accounts on the forum (not actually in the game, just the forum) if they didnt use the forum much to save space. I didnt use the forum really, and got deleted from the forum, but when they got more sever space or whatever, nations accounts on the forum were introduced permantly. I got mine back onto the forum on 17th Feb
Uhhhhhh,Whats your point :?
Everybody makes these posts in Gameplay, so I thought I should.
Emperor Matthuis
20-06-2004, 11:59
well Im 18 months, I know that my thingy says february but I was actually created in late Jan'
Reason is back in the old days, admin/mods deleted peoples nations accounts on the forum (not actually in the game, just the forum) if they didnt use the forum much to save space. I didnt use the forum really, and got deleted from the forum, but when they got more sever space or whatever, nations accounts on the forum were introduced permantly. I got mine back onto the forum on 17th Feb
Really, i didn't know that. :)
Congrats, Susa! Don't mind this cynical lot....
20-06-2004, 22:08
Really? The capital of Elam is only six months old? I must really have traveled back in time somehow. I wonder how my internet access still works. . . :P
Tuesday Heights
21-06-2004, 04:05
Congrats! :D