A little advice please.
Fascist Americas
19-06-2004, 13:57
Hello! I have just started, and made a nation. I think I know the basics, but can anyone give me to some advice for how to best enjoy the game?
19-06-2004, 14:00
Come back with a differnt nation...
Weve had some bad experiences with peopel under similar names and it might cause you some grief.
Just my advice :P
Welcome to NS!
Chibi chibi
19-06-2004, 14:01
maybe this (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=146795&highlight=) can help a bit, although i'm still working on it...
Fascist Americas
19-06-2004, 15:12
Thankyou! As for grievences, I am a fascist afterall, and we try to lie as least as possible, espescialy to ourselves. So changing the name would be immoral to me. I'm not racist, but I won't go shouting that fact. I'll give them no reason to ban me, by just being a good person.
19-06-2004, 15:24
No, its not facism itself, we have real facists on the General board, its the fact that people puppet spam as extremist-named nations.
Fascist Americas
19-06-2004, 16:47
You mean A. They flout political propaganda, or B. They're selling stuff?