Abu-Dhabi Khristatata
10-06-2004, 23:56
It's now the one year anniversary of Islamic Ummah's deletion, and I believe that a memorial service should be held to show the effect he made on NationStates while he was here, both directly and indirectly, and after he was deleted.
The events that lead up to the deletion of Islamic Ummah took place over about a month, and I don't have documents showing all of the dialoge that transpired between Islamic Ummah, his friends, and his enemies. But what is commonly accepted as the start of a vendetta between Sirithil(Menelmacar) and IU(Islamic Ummah) is Siri stating: "I'm proud of the fact that I can count all the Muslims in my nation on one hand." Or something to that point. IU took this as an insult and protested but Siri responded with an apathetic "Meh" which only seemed to enrage IU further.
A chain of insults, both In Character and Out Of resulted, which caused IU to be thrown out of the WTE for insulting Sirithil there and subsequently insulting all members of the WTE. I also recall an incident where IU officaly changed the name of toliet seats to "Menelmacars" and demeaned Siri even further.
But this all came to a climax when IU sent an angry telegram to the SLAGLands, though I can't recall what triggered it, and [violet] deemed it spam and IU was doomed. IU had one or two discussions with Slag on IRC where the situation was only escalted, but IU apoligized, but according to IU, Slag failed to report this to [violet] and IU was deleted for flaming and spamming. This caused an IRC dialoge where he spammed "LIAT" almost endlessly and I believe "DEAT" came out of that dialoge also...
But IU said that there was a deeper reason for this, racism and bigotry(He said this in a Private IRC chat, which I will post later.) While this was all going on, IU was constantly being taunted by others on IRC, mainly Der Angst and Klammath(Who has been deleted...several times.) IU also complained about nations insulting his religon, Islam, and how he was falsely labeled as an anti-semite.
But this is all just the story of IU's deletion, I'll get to his impact on NationStates after a few IRC quotes.
First, a complete and unedited chat I had with him(I apologize for the length.)
Session Start: Tue Jun 10 18:36:24 2003
Session Ident: mushroums
[18:36] Session Ident: mushroums (~chatzilla@nycmny1-ar1-4-33-086-007.nycmny1.elnk.dsl.genuity.net)
[18:36] <mushroums> quin? adk?
[18:36] <Quin> yes
[18:36] <mushroums> i'll be able to talk to you like i promised in about 10 minutes
[18:37] <Quin> ok
[18:37] <mushroums> you're still going to be around?
[18:37] <Quin> sure
[18:37] <mushroums> ok
[18:37] <mushroums> talk to you then.
[18:37] <Quin> k
[18:47] <mushroums> all right
[18:47] <mushroums> first of all,
[18:48] <mushroums> slaglands is a son of a bitch
[18:48] <mushroums> he's dishonest
[18:48] <mushroums> so don't be "disappointed"
[18:48] <mushroums> when injustice is committed
[18:49] <mushroums> it is even worse to side with the unjust.
[18:49] <mushroums> still here?
[18:49] <Quin> Yes
[18:49] <Quin> but that's totally a matter of opinion...
[18:49] <mushroums> no it isn't really.
[18:49] <Quin> Still though....
[18:49] <Quin> you should go on with life...
[18:49] <Quin> Just start a new nation...
[18:49] <mushroums> of course
[18:50] <mushroums> go on with life yes
[18:50] <mushroums> start a new nation
[18:50] <mushroums> i don't think so.
[18:50] <Quin> why not?
[18:50] <mushroums> because when you are at the "mercy" (or lack thereof) of an idiot, opinionated and dishonest,
[18:50] <mushroums> then the game is not good.
[18:50] <mushroums> it's not fun to play anymore.
[18:50] <Quin> mhmmm...
[18:51] <mushroums> if menel reinstates IU like she said,
[18:51] <Quin> She said it was impossible last night IU...
[18:51] <mushroums> then I'll come to help you defeat RF,
[18:51] <Quin> [violet] forbade it.
[18:51] <mushroums> in what context?
[18:51] <Quin> on IRC last night
[18:51] <mushroums> violet doesn't know shit.
[18:51] <mushroums> after i spoke to menel?
[18:51] <Quin> I see.
[18:51] <Quin> some 6 hours
[18:51] <Quin> after
[18:52] <mushroums> the thing is,
[18:52] <mushroums> I apologized to that little snake.
[18:52] <mushroums> he never bothered to tell anyone.
[18:52] <mushroums> see?
[18:52] <mushroums> that's why i say he's dishonest.
[18:52] <Quin> yeah... well people see things differently
[18:52] <mushroums> it's very important to be honest.
[18:52] <mushroums> how so ?
[18:53] <Quin> Well, people veiw things with different importance and such, and Slag wasn't thinking clearly...
[18:53] <Quin> And I dobut your thinking clearly.
[18:53] <mushroums> don't doubt it , adk.
[18:54] <mushroums> he's thinking very clearly.
[18:54] <mushroums> and i am too.
[18:54] <mushroums> he chose to be dishonest about it.
[18:54] <mushroums> he never bothered to tell violet that we had a long disccusion,
[18:54] <mushroums> and that i apologized,
[18:54] <mushroums> and that he took action AFTER that.
[18:54] <mushroums> that's dishonesty.
[18:54] <mushroums> you should learn a lesson from it.
[18:54] <mushroums> of course i made mistakes.
[18:55] <mushroums> i shouldn't have insulted him.
[18:55] <mushroums> but i had the courage to swallow it up and apologize to a guy younger than me,
[18:55] <mushroums> and with much worse judgement.
[18:55] <Quin> mhmm...
[18:55] <mushroums> he didn't have the courage or dishonesty to tell his superiors that IU apologized etc.
[18:55] <mushroums> he didn't even mention it on the thread.
[18:56] <mushroums> you see my point?
[18:56] <Quin> yes
[18:56] <mushroums> violet just thought ,
[18:56] <mushroums> a spammer, who's abusing the mods.
[18:56] <mushroums> she was given no context to the story.
[18:56] <mushroums> in fact,
[18:56] <mushroums> yesterday, on the channel
[18:56] <mushroums> goodKarma silenced everyone,
[18:57] <mushroums> gave menelmacar and me voice, so we could talk without interruption,
[18:57] <mushroums> and in the end , she said she'll reinstate me,
[18:57] <mushroums> and then i told her check with violet first,
[18:57] <Quin> she tried
[18:57] <Quin> she did
[18:57] <mushroums> so that the reinstatement would not be interrupted,
[18:57] <Quin> and violet said no
[18:57] <mushroums> yes.
[18:57] <mushroums> because violet has no context.
[18:57] <mushroums> the error can only be fixed by slags.
[18:57] <mushroums> but he doesn't have the honesty to do it.
[18:58] <mushroums> you saw what he wrote
[18:58] <Quin> Slag has little power IU
[18:58] <mushroums> Slag only showed violet the angry telegram
[18:58] <mushroums> and said it was spamming.
[18:58] <mushroums> it was not spamming.
[18:58] <mushroums> first of all, and secondly,
[18:58] <mushroums> he didn't bother to tell violet or the world that I apologized.
[18:59] <mushroums> and when I confronted him in the channel, he tried to wiggle out of it, by saying I didn't mean my apology.
[18:59] <mushroums> i'm not saying this for anything but try to make you see the mechanics of the situation.
[18:59] <Quin> You two have bad cases of selective reading...
[18:59] <Quin> anyways... get over it IU.
[18:59] <mushroums> i'm already over it.
[18:59] <Quin> Shit happens
[18:59] <mushroums> i'm talking to you now
[18:59] <mushroums> not complaining about it,
[18:59] <Quin> Okay.
[19:00] <mushroums> but showing you what went wrong in the process
[19:00] <mushroums> a stupid mod, who also happens to be dishonest.
[19:00] <Quin> I see.
[19:00] <mushroums> a tempermental user who should 've gotten a break.
[19:00] <mushroums> look what klamath is writing to me in private now,
[19:00] <mushroums> i'm not answering him though:
[19:01] <mushroums> infendel you here nazi?
[19:01] <mushroums> === User infendel, (JcDenton@ Jc Denton (here), member of #FAP, is connected to <irc://irc.freenode.net/>, 0 hop(s)
[19:01] <mushroums> --- End of WHO results for infendel, 1 user(s) found
[19:01] <mushroums> infendel allah is here?
[19:01] <mushroums> infendel facist
[19:01] <mushroums> Ataman HEY
[19:01] <mushroums> Ataman YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU LIAT
[19:01] <mushroums> Ataman YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU LIAT
[19:01] <mushroums> Ataman YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU LIAT
[19:01] <mushroums> Ataman YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU LIAT
[19:01] <mushroums> Ataman YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU LIAT
[19:01] <mushroums> you see this?
[19:01] <mushroums> that's pure evil.
[19:01] <mushroums> making fun of someone who just lost his nation.
[19:02] <mushroums> klamath making fun of me,
[19:02] <mushroums> rubbing it in my face.
[19:02] <mushroums> that's what i mean.
[19:02] <Quin> =\
[19:02] <mushroums> that's why i allow myself to insult him and those like him .
[19:02] <mushroums> i'm showing you this, so you can see,
[19:02] <Quin> mhm...
[19:02] <mushroums> and not dismiss me just as a stupid angry idiot.
[19:02] <mushroums> i'm not answering him though.
[19:03] <mushroums> when you rise up above the situation ,
[19:03] <mushroums> and look at it from above, with a bird's eye view,
[19:03] <mushroums> you can tell pretty much who's being bad to who.
[19:03] <mushroums> i can give you some examples,
[19:03] <mushroums> klamath is calling me an antisemite, yes?
[19:03] <Quin> not anymore
[19:03] <mushroums> yes he is.
[19:04] <mushroums> infendel you here nazi?
[19:04] <mushroums> etc
[19:04] <mushroums> he was messagin me now as I was talking to you.
[19:04] <mushroums> but take a look at this:
[19:04] <mushroums> (you know the bird's eye view)
[19:04] <mushroums> (getting thread)
[19:06] <mushroums> that's the URL to page 3 of a thread , the fashions thread
[19:06] <mushroums> http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=31845&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=40
[19:06] <mushroums> if you look at the seventh post down, my post,
[19:06] <mushroums> and look at the sixth picture, what do you see?
[19:08] <mushroums> ?
[19:08] <mushroums> loading still?
[19:09] <Quin> You made fun of Bush =\
[19:09] <mushroums> no no
[19:09] <mushroums> the sixth picture ,
[19:09] <mushroums> two pictures above bush
[19:09] <Quin> the Jews?
[19:09] <mushroums> yes.
[19:10] <mushroums> it was to show how islamic nation has room for everyone.
[19:10] <mushroums> on the other hands,
[19:10] <mushroums> while playing NS,
[19:10] <mushroums> neo israel , for instance, started a thread where he shoots 50 muslim demonstrators - i didn't respond,
[19:10] <Quin> heh
[19:10] <mushroums> and I telegramed maraka (from my region) and diwaniya (whom i don't like)
[19:11] <mushroums> to ask them not to respond to that.
[19:11] <mushroums> another example,
[19:11] <Quin> mhmm...
[19:11] <mushroums> a nation started called muslim pigs,
[19:11] <mushroums> i complained about it, in the tech forum, and got abuse and insults and sarcasm heaped on me,
[19:11] <mushroums> the same guy , after muslim pigs got deleted,
[19:11] <mushroums> started "pork chops for allah", and "muslim piglets"
[19:12] <mushroums> a bunch of other griefers posing as muslims also once invaded my region,
[19:12] <mushroums> before i password protected it, and took the delegation
[19:12] <mushroums> and then started insulting the religion.
[19:12] <Quin> mhmm...
[19:12] <mushroums> the point is,
[19:12] <Quin> your founder anyways
[19:12] <mushroums> do I do this to any body else?
[19:12] <mushroums> no.
[19:12] <mushroums> yes yes
[19:12] <mushroums> but that's not the point - these are just examples.
[19:13] <mushroums> do you see muslims starting nations insulting the cross?
[19:13] <mushroums> no.
[19:13] <mushroums> or the jews?
[19:13] <mushroums> no. and certainly not me or anyone in my region.
[19:13] <mushroums> you see how they throw accusations at me while they're guilty of it?
[19:13] <mushroums> you see the injustice - and finally, do you see why i get mad?
[19:14] <mushroums> in the obituary thread to IU,
[19:14] <mushroums> Western asia, who's an israeli nation, and i think owner of neo israel,
[19:14] <mushroums> wrote, this is bittersweet, IU was probably going to be my nemesis.
[19:14] <mushroums> even though i always stayed away from him,
[19:14] <mushroums> and once told him i don't to rp with him,
[19:14] <mushroums> he still regarded me as a nemesis.
[19:15] <mushroums> these are the racists, ADK.
[19:15] <mushroums> these are the ones who hate.
[19:15] <mushroums> i had my allies join an attack against Garrison II, because of his nazi flag,
[19:15] <mushroums> here
[19:15] <mushroums> http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=41866&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=40
[19:15] <mushroums> when I posted the KKK picture of Garrison's leader.
[19:15] <mushroums> i was about to fight him for that.
[19:16] <mushroums> but guess who's allied with him?
[19:16] <mushroums> western asia :)
[19:16] <mushroums> when I started the flags thread, muslim piglets/pigs posted his flag showing piglet (form winnie the pooh) hugging the crescent and moon,
[19:16] <mushroums> and klamath laughed about it,
[19:16] <mushroums> i had an argument with klamath about it in IRC,
[19:17] <mushroums> what did he and Rezo (Der Angst) do?
[19:17] <mushroums> to inflame me even more,
[19:17] <mushroums> Klamath impersonated mohamed the prophet, (by changing his nick)
[19:17] <mushroums> and Rezo changed his nick to "Allah_Himself"
[19:17] <mushroums> and they posted the the log of the chat on the technical forum
[19:18] <mushroums> http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=41979
[19:18] <mushroums> where even Gratica my ally,
[19:18] <mushroums> thought i was being anti semitic
[19:18] <mushroums> so you see?
[19:18] <mushroums> you see the injustice of it?
[19:18] <mushroums> Klamath is a jew by the way.
[19:19] <mushroums> ...
[19:19] * mushroums waits
[19:21] <mushroums> hello? still here?
[19:21] <Quin> yeah
[19:22] <mushroums> i hope you see my point in these sorts of situations
[19:23] <mushroums> you know, the "context"
[19:23] <mushroums> and those guys, they're not deleted.
[19:23] <Quin> mhmmm...
[19:23] <mushroums> in fact, i'm the "bad guy" , in this
[19:23] <mushroums> i'm the one who's seen as hateful or angry or whatever.
[19:24] <mushroums> again i'm not complaining,
[19:24] <mushroums> i'm just showing you all this, because you said you were disappointed in me.
[19:24] <mushroums> i wanted to explain my situation to you.
[19:25] <Quin> I understand
[19:25] <mushroums> did you read the chat log?
[19:25] <Quin> yes
[19:25] <mushroums> that that der angst character, posted
[19:26] <mushroums> you see no one is concerned that there is someone so low that he goes out of his way to start muslim piglets nation just to insult me
[19:26] <mushroums> and put the insulting flag on my thread
[19:26] <mushroums> (which I didn't even complain to the mods about)
[19:26] <mushroums> no one is concerned that klamath with him about it,
[19:26] <mushroums> and that klamath and rezo took on nicks of God and the prophet
[19:26] <mushroums> they just see me writing
[19:26] <mushroums> "f*** you"
[19:27] <mushroums> and "klamath you're a typical jew insulting muslims like this"
[19:27] <mushroums> and they say Aaaaaaaaah, IU is an antisemite
[19:27] <mushroums> which couldn't be further from the truth.
[19:27] <mushroums> no one acknowledges i had a right to be insulted by all this.
[19:27] <mushroums> (some do , i'm sure - (
[19:28] <mushroums> i'm just showing you how , if you're evil enough and dishonest enough,
[19:28] <mushroums> you can turn the tables on a victim of abuse,
[19:28] <mushroums> and pretend that he is the abuser.
[19:28] <mushroums> that's very bad.
[19:28] <Quin> yes
[19:28] <mushroums> and they made playing the game very difficult for me.
[19:28] <mushroums> see what i wrote in that chat:
[19:28] <mushroums> <iu> i won't insult moses or Yahweh
[19:29] <mushroums> <iu> you're insulting you're own God
[19:29] <mushroums> <iu> i won't insult moses or Yahweh
[19:29] <mushroums> <iu> because I believe that the God of Moses is the God I worship
[19:29] <mushroums> <iu> and that moses was his prophet
[19:29] <mushroums> Allah_Himselve (~AkaHoshi@pc28.rz.RWTH-Aachen.DE) is now known as Rezo
[19:29] <mushroums> whatever,
[19:29] <mushroums> etc. etc.
[19:30] <mushroums> muslims are taught to respect others' religions.
[19:30] <mushroums> so anyway.
[19:30] <mushroums> i hope you understand all this,
[19:30] <mushroums> and not feel disappointed in me anymore.
[19:31] <mushroums> i hope you understand how unjust those people were to insult and then inflame me and rub it in my face.
[19:31] <mushroums> and that slags was dishonest.
[19:31] <mushroums> i made alliances and friends, with over 40 nations.
[19:31] <mushroums> created a region, and protected its members.
[19:31] <Quin> If the God of Moses is the God of Allah then Christainity Judism and Islam all woship the same God...
[19:31] <mushroums> created a secret society , and the templars alliance,
[19:31] <mushroums> and entered into several alliances.
[19:31] <mushroums> but whatever.
[19:32] <mushroums> i'm done.
[19:32] <mushroums> don't be disappointed in me. understand that i was angry, because i was being kicked while i'm down.
[19:32] <Quin> I see
[19:33] <mushroums> is siri back online?
[19:33] <Quin> no
[19:33] <mushroums> BTW I saw your message
[19:33] <mushroums> and it nearly broke my heart.
[19:33] <mushroums> i asked celeborne to write you a telegram
[19:33] <mushroums> to tell you that I'l ltry my best to get the nation back.
[19:35] <Quin> Yeah, I got the TG...
[19:35] <mushroums> good
[19:35] <mushroums> i'm sorry that i was deleted
[19:35] <mushroums> slags didn't convey the proper information to violet.
[19:36] <Quin> well you did do some stupid things though...
[19:36] <mushroums> yes
[19:36] <mushroums> like insulting him when you brushed me off.
[19:36] <mushroums> sorry
[19:36] <mushroums> like insulting him when HE brushed me off.
[19:37] <mushroums> yes I shouldn't have done that.
[19:37] <mushroums> i did apologize to him however.
[19:37] <mushroums> he still chose to "warn me"
[19:37] <mushroums> which was unnecessary
[19:37] <mushroums> when reploid sent the warning
[19:37] <mushroums> i thought the matter was closed
[19:37] <mushroums> but hours later i got deleted
[19:38] <mushroums> quite possibly because of Der Angst' s thread where he posted the chat log.
[19:38] <mushroums> a log that even shows how he took the nick of allah
[19:38] <mushroums> and kept pushing me .
[19:38] <mushroums> like the baboon, that he is.
[19:39] <mushroums> and reploid responding saying i hate her guts, i have no idea where she gets that from.
[19:39] <mushroums> man those mods
[19:39] <mushroums> they are neither just nor fit to mod this thing.
[19:39] <mushroums> and that's my opinion since long before this episode.
[19:41] <mushroums> you don't want to say anything?
[19:42] <mushroums> ?
[19:44] <Quin> i'll become a mod to fight bigotry
[19:44] <mushroums> :)
[19:44] <mushroums> good luck.
[19:44] <Quin> thanks
[19:44] <mushroums> i enjoyed playing with you
[19:44] <mushroums> i really did.
[19:45] <Quin> I did too
Session Close: Tue Jun 10 19:50:18 2003
Here we see me defending Slag, and surprisingly enough Siri... And of course, as you can tell, I never became a mod :P
Here's an exceprt from a chat about 4 hours after the discussion above took place.
Session Start: Tue Jun 10 22:39:25 2003
Session Ident: #nationstates
[22:39] * Now talking in #nationstates
[22:39] * Topic is 'Welcome to NationStates!'
[22:39] * Set by SHODAN on Sat Jun 14 01:46:52
[22:39] -ChanServ- [#nationstates] Welcome. This channel is for players of NationStates, www.nationstates.net. Enjoy yourself; the rules are simple. Don't harrass other users, don't spam/flood, no porn. If you are being harrassed in any way contact a channel op, or send a telegram to nation SiamSiam. By entering this channel you agree to abide by these rules. Those not abiding by the rules will be warned then banned.
[22:40] <K1amath> hi liat
[22:41] <Quin> ...
[22:41] * Quin glares daggers at Klamath
[22:41] * Jhesiara_Rhah hugs Nathi
[22:41] <Nathicana> OH shush now .. no glaring. Neutral ground, neh?
[22:42] <Quin> he started it...
[22:42] * Jhesiara_Rhah pets Nathi
[22:42] * Nathicana looks back up the log and shakes her head.
Here we see Klammath pestering me about it.
And in the next quote we see more people pestering and agitating me, some random dialoge, and me throwing a fit that wasn't neccesary.
Oh, and this took place June 11, 2003, a day after the incident.
[19:25] <Kelanis> GooBye Slag
[19:25] <EOTEDdy> cya BB
[19:25] * BodyguardBarry has quit IRC ("yuoo are a LIAT yuoo are a LIAT yuoo are a LIAT yuoo are a LIAT")
[19:25] <Kelanis> Told you
[19:25] <Kelanis> yuoo are a liat
[19:25] <Kelanis> yuoo are a LIAT
[19:25] <Quin> *Slagger =\
[19:26] <Kelanis> SlagD0r
[19:26] <Kelanis> Slacker?
[19:26] <Quin> SHUT THE HELL UP!
[19:26] <Quin> Slagger
[19:26] <Kelanis> j00r unph17 2 5p34k l337
[19:26] <Quin> No one expects the Nation States Inquistion!
[19:26] <Kelanis> 50 5hu7 j00r m0w7|-|
[19:26] <EOTEDdy> noooooooooo my thread is gone :\
[19:26] <Quin> =\
[19:26] <Kelanis> Your thread is gone? I bet SLAG did it
[19:26] <Kelanis> that favoritist...
[19:26] <Quin> lol
[19:26] <EOTEDdy> no, I suspect it fell off the end of the Forum
[19:27] <Kelanis> o_O
[19:27] <Quin> But the forums are round!
[19:27] <Kelanis> No, the forums are flat.
[19:27] <Quin> No...
[19:27] * EOTEDdy begins to wade through his egosearch pages.,
[19:27] <EOTEDdy> -,
[19:27] <Kelanis> Now shut up you LIAT LIAT PANTS ON FIAT
[19:27] <Quin> SHUT THE FUCK UP DAMN IT!
[19:27] <Quin> ...
[19:27] <Kelanis> YUOO ARE A LIAT
[19:27] <Quin> >_>
[19:27] <Klamath> YOU ARE A LIAT
[19:27] <Quin> Your a dumbass...
[19:28] <Treznor> The forum is round, like his head!
[19:28] <EOTEDdy> all 27 of them.
[19:28] <Kelanis> YUOO ARE A LIAT
[19:28] <Klamath> come my child
[19:28] <Klamath> do not fear me
[19:28] <Masta_Idla> Da Bears.
[19:28] * Klamath pets quin
[19:28] <Kelanis> YUOO ARE A LIIIII-AT
[19:28] <Masta_Idla> nono
[19:28] <Masta_Idla> Duh Bears.
[19:28] <Quin> Kelanis, your a fucking idiot =\
[19:28] <Kelanis> no, Teh Bears.
[19:28] <Klamath> kelanis is teh LIAT
[19:28] <Kelanis> Quin, your a fucking 12 year old =(
[19:28] <EOTEDdy> whew, there it is, on page 7
[19:28] <Masta_Idla> mmm
[19:28] <Kelanis> LIAT
[19:28] <Quin> Damn right!
[19:29] <Kelanis> LIAT YUOO LIAT!
[19:29] <Klamath> how can 12 yearold be fucing?
[19:29] <Kelanis> DIE!
[19:29] <Klamath> k
[19:29] * Kelanis kills Quin with automatic shotgun
[19:29] <Quin> Now shut up about the Liat =\
[19:29] <Kelanis> YUOO LIAT
[19:29] <Klamath> LIAAAAAAAAAT
[19:29] * EOTEDdy ponders switching over to a Quenya name for EOTED, just to baffle everyone
[19:29] <Quin> ...
[19:29] <Kelanis> BWahAh
[19:29] <Treznor> Early adolescence?
[19:29] <Treznor> It happens.
[19:29] <Quin> lol
[19:29] <Kelanis> More like pre-birth adolescence
[19:29] <EOTEDdy> namely, Dor Iluvauromen. That'd confused everyone.
[19:29] <Quin> =\
[19:29] <Klamath> quin
[19:29] <Kelanis> EOTED yuoo liat, don't confuse people
[19:29] <Klamath> you are ziotah ?
[19:29] <Quin> what?
[19:29] <Quin> No
[19:30] <Kelanis> Quin is ADK
[19:30] <Quin> I am ADK!
[19:30] <Klamath> hmmmm
[19:30] <Klamath> ahhhh
[19:30] * Quin dances
[19:30] <EOTEDdy> liat?
[19:30] <Kelanis> Aboo Dabi Kristatatatatatatatata
[19:30] <Klamath> that =/
[19:30] <Quin> yeah
[19:30] <EOTEDdy> I confuse people already...
[19:30] <Quin> XD
[19:30] <Masta_Idla> hmmm
[19:30] <Kelanis> LIAT!
[19:30] <Klamath> ziotah always do that crap
[19:30] <EOTEDdy> ...with the whole posting as Ma-tek but being EOTED thing
[19:30] <Kelanis> I know you are Empire of Eternal Dawn
[19:30] <Kelanis> Empire of the eternal dawn, that is
[19:30] <Klamath> ABU DHABI LIAT
[19:30] <Quin> ...
[19:31] <EOTEDdy> yea, but if I changed my nick to Dor_Iluvauromen, would you know who I was still ?
[19:31] <Kelanis> well, you're only one of a couple elven nations I know
[19:31] <Kelanis> so it would either be you or Menel
[19:31] <EOTEDdy> or Dor-menelnenyatarelda ?
[19:31] <Quin> Elvish nations have high suicide rates
[19:31] <Kelanis> lol
[19:31] <Kelanis> Elv[EN]
[19:31] <Kelanis> not Elv
[19:32] <Kelanis> j00 liat
[19:32] <Quin> shut up =\
[19:32] <Kelanis> yuoo are a liat
[19:32] <Quin> intercourse the liat
[19:32] <EOTEDdy> just say 'you're one of only a couple Quendi nations I know'
[19:32] * Agent_Bers has joined #nationstates
[19:32] <Treznor> Menelcar is not online.
[19:32] <Quin> You impotent >_>
[19:32] <Kelanis> OH NO
[19:32] <Kelanis> Menelcar?
[19:32] <EOTEDdy> http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=21342&start=20
[19:32] <EOTEDdy> go read it.
[19:32] <Agent_Bers> Menelmacar you mean
[19:32] <Treznor> f<j
[19:32] <EOTEDdy> I reveal what RISE stands for.
[19:32] <EOTEDdy> Finally.
[19:32] <Quin> *KELANIS
[19:32] <Melkor_> Menelmacar sucks
[19:32] <Treznor> Like I can can remember the correct spelling of the full name?
[19:32] <Quin> YOUR A LIAR!
[19:32] <Quin> LIAR!
[19:32] <Quin> XD
[19:32] <Treznor> Do I look like Tolkien to you?
[19:32] <Kelanis> rofl LIAT
People just would not let it rest. They kept it up because they hated IU and I happened to be a very good friend of his.
Now, onto IU's impact on NS...
In his one or two months of playing the game, IU created an alliance, a secret society, and joined several alliances. His alliance, the Templar Alliance, lasted several months after his deletion, but his secret society, the Group of 16, fell apart after he was deleted. But this was not the only impact he had on NS, he entered into a buisness contract with the nation of Ell, and they developed some of the greatest aircraft of their time.
But perhaps one of the largest impacts he made was by selling me several of his Low Orbit Bombers, which allowed me to 'win' the war against RF and helped greatly with my space program. So really, without IU as a friend and ally, I most likely would have quit NS about nine months ago and wouldn't be typing this now.
IU's legacy are carried on by his allies and friends, and not just me, though really, I might be the only one left. The Vortex Corporation defended IU on the WTE forums and was a member of the Templar Alliance, though I believe he has died due to inactivity. There is also Celeborne, who was also in the Templar Alliance, and he attempted many times to preserve the legacy and memory of Islamic Ummah.
Thank you for your time, and you must understand I hastily put this togethor without preperation.... I'm also sorry that I could not find my copy of the LIAT chat.
If anyone has any [i]positive comments or something they'd like to add, they are welcomed and appreciated, greatly.
The events that lead up to the deletion of Islamic Ummah took place over about a month, and I don't have documents showing all of the dialoge that transpired between Islamic Ummah, his friends, and his enemies. But what is commonly accepted as the start of a vendetta between Sirithil(Menelmacar) and IU(Islamic Ummah) is Siri stating: "I'm proud of the fact that I can count all the Muslims in my nation on one hand." Or something to that point. IU took this as an insult and protested but Siri responded with an apathetic "Meh" which only seemed to enrage IU further.
A chain of insults, both In Character and Out Of resulted, which caused IU to be thrown out of the WTE for insulting Sirithil there and subsequently insulting all members of the WTE. I also recall an incident where IU officaly changed the name of toliet seats to "Menelmacars" and demeaned Siri even further.
But this all came to a climax when IU sent an angry telegram to the SLAGLands, though I can't recall what triggered it, and [violet] deemed it spam and IU was doomed. IU had one or two discussions with Slag on IRC where the situation was only escalted, but IU apoligized, but according to IU, Slag failed to report this to [violet] and IU was deleted for flaming and spamming. This caused an IRC dialoge where he spammed "LIAT" almost endlessly and I believe "DEAT" came out of that dialoge also...
But IU said that there was a deeper reason for this, racism and bigotry(He said this in a Private IRC chat, which I will post later.) While this was all going on, IU was constantly being taunted by others on IRC, mainly Der Angst and Klammath(Who has been deleted...several times.) IU also complained about nations insulting his religon, Islam, and how he was falsely labeled as an anti-semite.
But this is all just the story of IU's deletion, I'll get to his impact on NationStates after a few IRC quotes.
First, a complete and unedited chat I had with him(I apologize for the length.)
Session Start: Tue Jun 10 18:36:24 2003
Session Ident: mushroums
[18:36] Session Ident: mushroums (~chatzilla@nycmny1-ar1-4-33-086-007.nycmny1.elnk.dsl.genuity.net)
[18:36] <mushroums> quin? adk?
[18:36] <Quin> yes
[18:36] <mushroums> i'll be able to talk to you like i promised in about 10 minutes
[18:37] <Quin> ok
[18:37] <mushroums> you're still going to be around?
[18:37] <Quin> sure
[18:37] <mushroums> ok
[18:37] <mushroums> talk to you then.
[18:37] <Quin> k
[18:47] <mushroums> all right
[18:47] <mushroums> first of all,
[18:48] <mushroums> slaglands is a son of a bitch
[18:48] <mushroums> he's dishonest
[18:48] <mushroums> so don't be "disappointed"
[18:48] <mushroums> when injustice is committed
[18:49] <mushroums> it is even worse to side with the unjust.
[18:49] <mushroums> still here?
[18:49] <Quin> Yes
[18:49] <Quin> but that's totally a matter of opinion...
[18:49] <mushroums> no it isn't really.
[18:49] <Quin> Still though....
[18:49] <Quin> you should go on with life...
[18:49] <Quin> Just start a new nation...
[18:49] <mushroums> of course
[18:50] <mushroums> go on with life yes
[18:50] <mushroums> start a new nation
[18:50] <mushroums> i don't think so.
[18:50] <Quin> why not?
[18:50] <mushroums> because when you are at the "mercy" (or lack thereof) of an idiot, opinionated and dishonest,
[18:50] <mushroums> then the game is not good.
[18:50] <mushroums> it's not fun to play anymore.
[18:50] <Quin> mhmmm...
[18:51] <mushroums> if menel reinstates IU like she said,
[18:51] <Quin> She said it was impossible last night IU...
[18:51] <mushroums> then I'll come to help you defeat RF,
[18:51] <Quin> [violet] forbade it.
[18:51] <mushroums> in what context?
[18:51] <Quin> on IRC last night
[18:51] <mushroums> violet doesn't know shit.
[18:51] <mushroums> after i spoke to menel?
[18:51] <Quin> I see.
[18:51] <Quin> some 6 hours
[18:51] <Quin> after
[18:52] <mushroums> the thing is,
[18:52] <mushroums> I apologized to that little snake.
[18:52] <mushroums> he never bothered to tell anyone.
[18:52] <mushroums> see?
[18:52] <mushroums> that's why i say he's dishonest.
[18:52] <Quin> yeah... well people see things differently
[18:52] <mushroums> it's very important to be honest.
[18:52] <mushroums> how so ?
[18:53] <Quin> Well, people veiw things with different importance and such, and Slag wasn't thinking clearly...
[18:53] <Quin> And I dobut your thinking clearly.
[18:53] <mushroums> don't doubt it , adk.
[18:54] <mushroums> he's thinking very clearly.
[18:54] <mushroums> and i am too.
[18:54] <mushroums> he chose to be dishonest about it.
[18:54] <mushroums> he never bothered to tell violet that we had a long disccusion,
[18:54] <mushroums> and that i apologized,
[18:54] <mushroums> and that he took action AFTER that.
[18:54] <mushroums> that's dishonesty.
[18:54] <mushroums> you should learn a lesson from it.
[18:54] <mushroums> of course i made mistakes.
[18:55] <mushroums> i shouldn't have insulted him.
[18:55] <mushroums> but i had the courage to swallow it up and apologize to a guy younger than me,
[18:55] <mushroums> and with much worse judgement.
[18:55] <Quin> mhmm...
[18:55] <mushroums> he didn't have the courage or dishonesty to tell his superiors that IU apologized etc.
[18:55] <mushroums> he didn't even mention it on the thread.
[18:56] <mushroums> you see my point?
[18:56] <Quin> yes
[18:56] <mushroums> violet just thought ,
[18:56] <mushroums> a spammer, who's abusing the mods.
[18:56] <mushroums> she was given no context to the story.
[18:56] <mushroums> in fact,
[18:56] <mushroums> yesterday, on the channel
[18:56] <mushroums> goodKarma silenced everyone,
[18:57] <mushroums> gave menelmacar and me voice, so we could talk without interruption,
[18:57] <mushroums> and in the end , she said she'll reinstate me,
[18:57] <mushroums> and then i told her check with violet first,
[18:57] <Quin> she tried
[18:57] <Quin> she did
[18:57] <mushroums> so that the reinstatement would not be interrupted,
[18:57] <Quin> and violet said no
[18:57] <mushroums> yes.
[18:57] <mushroums> because violet has no context.
[18:57] <mushroums> the error can only be fixed by slags.
[18:57] <mushroums> but he doesn't have the honesty to do it.
[18:58] <mushroums> you saw what he wrote
[18:58] <Quin> Slag has little power IU
[18:58] <mushroums> Slag only showed violet the angry telegram
[18:58] <mushroums> and said it was spamming.
[18:58] <mushroums> it was not spamming.
[18:58] <mushroums> first of all, and secondly,
[18:58] <mushroums> he didn't bother to tell violet or the world that I apologized.
[18:59] <mushroums> and when I confronted him in the channel, he tried to wiggle out of it, by saying I didn't mean my apology.
[18:59] <mushroums> i'm not saying this for anything but try to make you see the mechanics of the situation.
[18:59] <Quin> You two have bad cases of selective reading...
[18:59] <Quin> anyways... get over it IU.
[18:59] <mushroums> i'm already over it.
[18:59] <Quin> Shit happens
[18:59] <mushroums> i'm talking to you now
[18:59] <mushroums> not complaining about it,
[18:59] <Quin> Okay.
[19:00] <mushroums> but showing you what went wrong in the process
[19:00] <mushroums> a stupid mod, who also happens to be dishonest.
[19:00] <Quin> I see.
[19:00] <mushroums> a tempermental user who should 've gotten a break.
[19:00] <mushroums> look what klamath is writing to me in private now,
[19:00] <mushroums> i'm not answering him though:
[19:01] <mushroums> infendel you here nazi?
[19:01] <mushroums> === User infendel, (JcDenton@ Jc Denton (here), member of #FAP, is connected to <irc://irc.freenode.net/>, 0 hop(s)
[19:01] <mushroums> --- End of WHO results for infendel, 1 user(s) found
[19:01] <mushroums> infendel allah is here?
[19:01] <mushroums> infendel facist
[19:01] <mushroums> Ataman HEY
[19:01] <mushroums> Ataman YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU LIAT
[19:01] <mushroums> Ataman YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU LIAT
[19:01] <mushroums> Ataman YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU LIAT
[19:01] <mushroums> Ataman YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU LIAT
[19:01] <mushroums> Ataman YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU LIAT
[19:01] <mushroums> you see this?
[19:01] <mushroums> that's pure evil.
[19:01] <mushroums> making fun of someone who just lost his nation.
[19:02] <mushroums> klamath making fun of me,
[19:02] <mushroums> rubbing it in my face.
[19:02] <mushroums> that's what i mean.
[19:02] <Quin> =\
[19:02] <mushroums> that's why i allow myself to insult him and those like him .
[19:02] <mushroums> i'm showing you this, so you can see,
[19:02] <Quin> mhm...
[19:02] <mushroums> and not dismiss me just as a stupid angry idiot.
[19:02] <mushroums> i'm not answering him though.
[19:03] <mushroums> when you rise up above the situation ,
[19:03] <mushroums> and look at it from above, with a bird's eye view,
[19:03] <mushroums> you can tell pretty much who's being bad to who.
[19:03] <mushroums> i can give you some examples,
[19:03] <mushroums> klamath is calling me an antisemite, yes?
[19:03] <Quin> not anymore
[19:03] <mushroums> yes he is.
[19:04] <mushroums> infendel you here nazi?
[19:04] <mushroums> etc
[19:04] <mushroums> he was messagin me now as I was talking to you.
[19:04] <mushroums> but take a look at this:
[19:04] <mushroums> (you know the bird's eye view)
[19:04] <mushroums> (getting thread)
[19:06] <mushroums> that's the URL to page 3 of a thread , the fashions thread
[19:06] <mushroums> http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=31845&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=40
[19:06] <mushroums> if you look at the seventh post down, my post,
[19:06] <mushroums> and look at the sixth picture, what do you see?
[19:08] <mushroums> ?
[19:08] <mushroums> loading still?
[19:09] <Quin> You made fun of Bush =\
[19:09] <mushroums> no no
[19:09] <mushroums> the sixth picture ,
[19:09] <mushroums> two pictures above bush
[19:09] <Quin> the Jews?
[19:09] <mushroums> yes.
[19:10] <mushroums> it was to show how islamic nation has room for everyone.
[19:10] <mushroums> on the other hands,
[19:10] <mushroums> while playing NS,
[19:10] <mushroums> neo israel , for instance, started a thread where he shoots 50 muslim demonstrators - i didn't respond,
[19:10] <Quin> heh
[19:10] <mushroums> and I telegramed maraka (from my region) and diwaniya (whom i don't like)
[19:11] <mushroums> to ask them not to respond to that.
[19:11] <mushroums> another example,
[19:11] <Quin> mhmm...
[19:11] <mushroums> a nation started called muslim pigs,
[19:11] <mushroums> i complained about it, in the tech forum, and got abuse and insults and sarcasm heaped on me,
[19:11] <mushroums> the same guy , after muslim pigs got deleted,
[19:11] <mushroums> started "pork chops for allah", and "muslim piglets"
[19:12] <mushroums> a bunch of other griefers posing as muslims also once invaded my region,
[19:12] <mushroums> before i password protected it, and took the delegation
[19:12] <mushroums> and then started insulting the religion.
[19:12] <Quin> mhmm...
[19:12] <mushroums> the point is,
[19:12] <Quin> your founder anyways
[19:12] <mushroums> do I do this to any body else?
[19:12] <mushroums> no.
[19:12] <mushroums> yes yes
[19:12] <mushroums> but that's not the point - these are just examples.
[19:13] <mushroums> do you see muslims starting nations insulting the cross?
[19:13] <mushroums> no.
[19:13] <mushroums> or the jews?
[19:13] <mushroums> no. and certainly not me or anyone in my region.
[19:13] <mushroums> you see how they throw accusations at me while they're guilty of it?
[19:13] <mushroums> you see the injustice - and finally, do you see why i get mad?
[19:14] <mushroums> in the obituary thread to IU,
[19:14] <mushroums> Western asia, who's an israeli nation, and i think owner of neo israel,
[19:14] <mushroums> wrote, this is bittersweet, IU was probably going to be my nemesis.
[19:14] <mushroums> even though i always stayed away from him,
[19:14] <mushroums> and once told him i don't to rp with him,
[19:14] <mushroums> he still regarded me as a nemesis.
[19:15] <mushroums> these are the racists, ADK.
[19:15] <mushroums> these are the ones who hate.
[19:15] <mushroums> i had my allies join an attack against Garrison II, because of his nazi flag,
[19:15] <mushroums> here
[19:15] <mushroums> http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=41866&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=40
[19:15] <mushroums> when I posted the KKK picture of Garrison's leader.
[19:15] <mushroums> i was about to fight him for that.
[19:16] <mushroums> but guess who's allied with him?
[19:16] <mushroums> western asia :)
[19:16] <mushroums> when I started the flags thread, muslim piglets/pigs posted his flag showing piglet (form winnie the pooh) hugging the crescent and moon,
[19:16] <mushroums> and klamath laughed about it,
[19:16] <mushroums> i had an argument with klamath about it in IRC,
[19:17] <mushroums> what did he and Rezo (Der Angst) do?
[19:17] <mushroums> to inflame me even more,
[19:17] <mushroums> Klamath impersonated mohamed the prophet, (by changing his nick)
[19:17] <mushroums> and Rezo changed his nick to "Allah_Himself"
[19:17] <mushroums> and they posted the the log of the chat on the technical forum
[19:18] <mushroums> http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=41979
[19:18] <mushroums> where even Gratica my ally,
[19:18] <mushroums> thought i was being anti semitic
[19:18] <mushroums> so you see?
[19:18] <mushroums> you see the injustice of it?
[19:18] <mushroums> Klamath is a jew by the way.
[19:19] <mushroums> ...
[19:19] * mushroums waits
[19:21] <mushroums> hello? still here?
[19:21] <Quin> yeah
[19:22] <mushroums> i hope you see my point in these sorts of situations
[19:23] <mushroums> you know, the "context"
[19:23] <mushroums> and those guys, they're not deleted.
[19:23] <Quin> mhmmm...
[19:23] <mushroums> in fact, i'm the "bad guy" , in this
[19:23] <mushroums> i'm the one who's seen as hateful or angry or whatever.
[19:24] <mushroums> again i'm not complaining,
[19:24] <mushroums> i'm just showing you all this, because you said you were disappointed in me.
[19:24] <mushroums> i wanted to explain my situation to you.
[19:25] <Quin> I understand
[19:25] <mushroums> did you read the chat log?
[19:25] <Quin> yes
[19:25] <mushroums> that that der angst character, posted
[19:26] <mushroums> you see no one is concerned that there is someone so low that he goes out of his way to start muslim piglets nation just to insult me
[19:26] <mushroums> and put the insulting flag on my thread
[19:26] <mushroums> (which I didn't even complain to the mods about)
[19:26] <mushroums> no one is concerned that klamath with him about it,
[19:26] <mushroums> and that klamath and rezo took on nicks of God and the prophet
[19:26] <mushroums> they just see me writing
[19:26] <mushroums> "f*** you"
[19:27] <mushroums> and "klamath you're a typical jew insulting muslims like this"
[19:27] <mushroums> and they say Aaaaaaaaah, IU is an antisemite
[19:27] <mushroums> which couldn't be further from the truth.
[19:27] <mushroums> no one acknowledges i had a right to be insulted by all this.
[19:27] <mushroums> (some do , i'm sure - (
[19:28] <mushroums> i'm just showing you how , if you're evil enough and dishonest enough,
[19:28] <mushroums> you can turn the tables on a victim of abuse,
[19:28] <mushroums> and pretend that he is the abuser.
[19:28] <mushroums> that's very bad.
[19:28] <Quin> yes
[19:28] <mushroums> and they made playing the game very difficult for me.
[19:28] <mushroums> see what i wrote in that chat:
[19:28] <mushroums> <iu> i won't insult moses or Yahweh
[19:29] <mushroums> <iu> you're insulting you're own God
[19:29] <mushroums> <iu> i won't insult moses or Yahweh
[19:29] <mushroums> <iu> because I believe that the God of Moses is the God I worship
[19:29] <mushroums> <iu> and that moses was his prophet
[19:29] <mushroums> Allah_Himselve (~AkaHoshi@pc28.rz.RWTH-Aachen.DE) is now known as Rezo
[19:29] <mushroums> whatever,
[19:29] <mushroums> etc. etc.
[19:30] <mushroums> muslims are taught to respect others' religions.
[19:30] <mushroums> so anyway.
[19:30] <mushroums> i hope you understand all this,
[19:30] <mushroums> and not feel disappointed in me anymore.
[19:31] <mushroums> i hope you understand how unjust those people were to insult and then inflame me and rub it in my face.
[19:31] <mushroums> and that slags was dishonest.
[19:31] <mushroums> i made alliances and friends, with over 40 nations.
[19:31] <mushroums> created a region, and protected its members.
[19:31] <Quin> If the God of Moses is the God of Allah then Christainity Judism and Islam all woship the same God...
[19:31] <mushroums> created a secret society , and the templars alliance,
[19:31] <mushroums> and entered into several alliances.
[19:31] <mushroums> but whatever.
[19:32] <mushroums> i'm done.
[19:32] <mushroums> don't be disappointed in me. understand that i was angry, because i was being kicked while i'm down.
[19:32] <Quin> I see
[19:33] <mushroums> is siri back online?
[19:33] <Quin> no
[19:33] <mushroums> BTW I saw your message
[19:33] <mushroums> and it nearly broke my heart.
[19:33] <mushroums> i asked celeborne to write you a telegram
[19:33] <mushroums> to tell you that I'l ltry my best to get the nation back.
[19:35] <Quin> Yeah, I got the TG...
[19:35] <mushroums> good
[19:35] <mushroums> i'm sorry that i was deleted
[19:35] <mushroums> slags didn't convey the proper information to violet.
[19:36] <Quin> well you did do some stupid things though...
[19:36] <mushroums> yes
[19:36] <mushroums> like insulting him when you brushed me off.
[19:36] <mushroums> sorry
[19:36] <mushroums> like insulting him when HE brushed me off.
[19:37] <mushroums> yes I shouldn't have done that.
[19:37] <mushroums> i did apologize to him however.
[19:37] <mushroums> he still chose to "warn me"
[19:37] <mushroums> which was unnecessary
[19:37] <mushroums> when reploid sent the warning
[19:37] <mushroums> i thought the matter was closed
[19:37] <mushroums> but hours later i got deleted
[19:38] <mushroums> quite possibly because of Der Angst' s thread where he posted the chat log.
[19:38] <mushroums> a log that even shows how he took the nick of allah
[19:38] <mushroums> and kept pushing me .
[19:38] <mushroums> like the baboon, that he is.
[19:39] <mushroums> and reploid responding saying i hate her guts, i have no idea where she gets that from.
[19:39] <mushroums> man those mods
[19:39] <mushroums> they are neither just nor fit to mod this thing.
[19:39] <mushroums> and that's my opinion since long before this episode.
[19:41] <mushroums> you don't want to say anything?
[19:42] <mushroums> ?
[19:44] <Quin> i'll become a mod to fight bigotry
[19:44] <mushroums> :)
[19:44] <mushroums> good luck.
[19:44] <Quin> thanks
[19:44] <mushroums> i enjoyed playing with you
[19:44] <mushroums> i really did.
[19:45] <Quin> I did too
Session Close: Tue Jun 10 19:50:18 2003
Here we see me defending Slag, and surprisingly enough Siri... And of course, as you can tell, I never became a mod :P
Here's an exceprt from a chat about 4 hours after the discussion above took place.
Session Start: Tue Jun 10 22:39:25 2003
Session Ident: #nationstates
[22:39] * Now talking in #nationstates
[22:39] * Topic is 'Welcome to NationStates!'
[22:39] * Set by SHODAN on Sat Jun 14 01:46:52
[22:39] -ChanServ- [#nationstates] Welcome. This channel is for players of NationStates, www.nationstates.net. Enjoy yourself; the rules are simple. Don't harrass other users, don't spam/flood, no porn. If you are being harrassed in any way contact a channel op, or send a telegram to nation SiamSiam. By entering this channel you agree to abide by these rules. Those not abiding by the rules will be warned then banned.
[22:40] <K1amath> hi liat
[22:41] <Quin> ...
[22:41] * Quin glares daggers at Klamath
[22:41] * Jhesiara_Rhah hugs Nathi
[22:41] <Nathicana> OH shush now .. no glaring. Neutral ground, neh?
[22:42] <Quin> he started it...
[22:42] * Jhesiara_Rhah pets Nathi
[22:42] * Nathicana looks back up the log and shakes her head.
Here we see Klammath pestering me about it.
And in the next quote we see more people pestering and agitating me, some random dialoge, and me throwing a fit that wasn't neccesary.
Oh, and this took place June 11, 2003, a day after the incident.
[19:25] <Kelanis> GooBye Slag
[19:25] <EOTEDdy> cya BB
[19:25] * BodyguardBarry has quit IRC ("yuoo are a LIAT yuoo are a LIAT yuoo are a LIAT yuoo are a LIAT")
[19:25] <Kelanis> Told you
[19:25] <Kelanis> yuoo are a liat
[19:25] <Kelanis> yuoo are a LIAT
[19:25] <Quin> *Slagger =\
[19:26] <Kelanis> SlagD0r
[19:26] <Kelanis> Slacker?
[19:26] <Quin> SHUT THE HELL UP!
[19:26] <Quin> Slagger
[19:26] <Kelanis> j00r unph17 2 5p34k l337
[19:26] <Quin> No one expects the Nation States Inquistion!
[19:26] <Kelanis> 50 5hu7 j00r m0w7|-|
[19:26] <EOTEDdy> noooooooooo my thread is gone :\
[19:26] <Quin> =\
[19:26] <Kelanis> Your thread is gone? I bet SLAG did it
[19:26] <Kelanis> that favoritist...
[19:26] <Quin> lol
[19:26] <EOTEDdy> no, I suspect it fell off the end of the Forum
[19:27] <Kelanis> o_O
[19:27] <Quin> But the forums are round!
[19:27] <Kelanis> No, the forums are flat.
[19:27] <Quin> No...
[19:27] * EOTEDdy begins to wade through his egosearch pages.,
[19:27] <EOTEDdy> -,
[19:27] <Kelanis> Now shut up you LIAT LIAT PANTS ON FIAT
[19:27] <Quin> SHUT THE FUCK UP DAMN IT!
[19:27] <Quin> ...
[19:27] <Kelanis> YUOO ARE A LIAT
[19:27] <Quin> >_>
[19:27] <Klamath> YOU ARE A LIAT
[19:27] <Quin> Your a dumbass...
[19:28] <Treznor> The forum is round, like his head!
[19:28] <EOTEDdy> all 27 of them.
[19:28] <Kelanis> YUOO ARE A LIAT
[19:28] <Klamath> come my child
[19:28] <Klamath> do not fear me
[19:28] <Masta_Idla> Da Bears.
[19:28] * Klamath pets quin
[19:28] <Kelanis> YUOO ARE A LIIIII-AT
[19:28] <Masta_Idla> nono
[19:28] <Masta_Idla> Duh Bears.
[19:28] <Quin> Kelanis, your a fucking idiot =\
[19:28] <Kelanis> no, Teh Bears.
[19:28] <Klamath> kelanis is teh LIAT
[19:28] <Kelanis> Quin, your a fucking 12 year old =(
[19:28] <EOTEDdy> whew, there it is, on page 7
[19:28] <Masta_Idla> mmm
[19:28] <Kelanis> LIAT
[19:28] <Quin> Damn right!
[19:29] <Kelanis> LIAT YUOO LIAT!
[19:29] <Klamath> how can 12 yearold be fucing?
[19:29] <Kelanis> DIE!
[19:29] <Klamath> k
[19:29] * Kelanis kills Quin with automatic shotgun
[19:29] <Quin> Now shut up about the Liat =\
[19:29] <Kelanis> YUOO LIAT
[19:29] <Klamath> LIAAAAAAAAAT
[19:29] * EOTEDdy ponders switching over to a Quenya name for EOTED, just to baffle everyone
[19:29] <Quin> ...
[19:29] <Kelanis> BWahAh
[19:29] <Treznor> Early adolescence?
[19:29] <Treznor> It happens.
[19:29] <Quin> lol
[19:29] <Kelanis> More like pre-birth adolescence
[19:29] <EOTEDdy> namely, Dor Iluvauromen. That'd confused everyone.
[19:29] <Quin> =\
[19:29] <Klamath> quin
[19:29] <Kelanis> EOTED yuoo liat, don't confuse people
[19:29] <Klamath> you are ziotah ?
[19:29] <Quin> what?
[19:29] <Quin> No
[19:30] <Kelanis> Quin is ADK
[19:30] <Quin> I am ADK!
[19:30] <Klamath> hmmmm
[19:30] <Klamath> ahhhh
[19:30] * Quin dances
[19:30] <EOTEDdy> liat?
[19:30] <Kelanis> Aboo Dabi Kristatatatatatatatata
[19:30] <Klamath> that =/
[19:30] <Quin> yeah
[19:30] <EOTEDdy> I confuse people already...
[19:30] <Quin> XD
[19:30] <Masta_Idla> hmmm
[19:30] <Kelanis> LIAT!
[19:30] <Klamath> ziotah always do that crap
[19:30] <EOTEDdy> ...with the whole posting as Ma-tek but being EOTED thing
[19:30] <Kelanis> I know you are Empire of Eternal Dawn
[19:30] <Kelanis> Empire of the eternal dawn, that is
[19:30] <Klamath> ABU DHABI LIAT
[19:30] <Quin> ...
[19:31] <EOTEDdy> yea, but if I changed my nick to Dor_Iluvauromen, would you know who I was still ?
[19:31] <Kelanis> well, you're only one of a couple elven nations I know
[19:31] <Kelanis> so it would either be you or Menel
[19:31] <EOTEDdy> or Dor-menelnenyatarelda ?
[19:31] <Quin> Elvish nations have high suicide rates
[19:31] <Kelanis> lol
[19:31] <Kelanis> Elv[EN]
[19:31] <Kelanis> not Elv
[19:32] <Kelanis> j00 liat
[19:32] <Quin> shut up =\
[19:32] <Kelanis> yuoo are a liat
[19:32] <Quin> intercourse the liat
[19:32] <EOTEDdy> just say 'you're one of only a couple Quendi nations I know'
[19:32] * Agent_Bers has joined #nationstates
[19:32] <Treznor> Menelcar is not online.
[19:32] <Quin> You impotent >_>
[19:32] <Kelanis> OH NO
[19:32] <Kelanis> Menelcar?
[19:32] <EOTEDdy> http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=21342&start=20
[19:32] <EOTEDdy> go read it.
[19:32] <Agent_Bers> Menelmacar you mean
[19:32] <Treznor> f<j
[19:32] <EOTEDdy> I reveal what RISE stands for.
[19:32] <EOTEDdy> Finally.
[19:32] <Quin> *KELANIS
[19:32] <Melkor_> Menelmacar sucks
[19:32] <Treznor> Like I can can remember the correct spelling of the full name?
[19:32] <Quin> YOUR A LIAR!
[19:32] <Quin> LIAR!
[19:32] <Quin> XD
[19:32] <Treznor> Do I look like Tolkien to you?
[19:32] <Kelanis> rofl LIAT
People just would not let it rest. They kept it up because they hated IU and I happened to be a very good friend of his.
Now, onto IU's impact on NS...
In his one or two months of playing the game, IU created an alliance, a secret society, and joined several alliances. His alliance, the Templar Alliance, lasted several months after his deletion, but his secret society, the Group of 16, fell apart after he was deleted. But this was not the only impact he had on NS, he entered into a buisness contract with the nation of Ell, and they developed some of the greatest aircraft of their time.
But perhaps one of the largest impacts he made was by selling me several of his Low Orbit Bombers, which allowed me to 'win' the war against RF and helped greatly with my space program. So really, without IU as a friend and ally, I most likely would have quit NS about nine months ago and wouldn't be typing this now.
IU's legacy are carried on by his allies and friends, and not just me, though really, I might be the only one left. The Vortex Corporation defended IU on the WTE forums and was a member of the Templar Alliance, though I believe he has died due to inactivity. There is also Celeborne, who was also in the Templar Alliance, and he attempted many times to preserve the legacy and memory of Islamic Ummah.
Thank you for your time, and you must understand I hastily put this togethor without preperation.... I'm also sorry that I could not find my copy of the LIAT chat.
If anyone has any [i]positive comments or something they'd like to add, they are welcomed and appreciated, greatly.