How are organ donations at an all time low?
Absolute Abundance
08-06-2004, 03:57
First I passed a law that made organ donations compulsory.
Then I didn't pass a law that said people would get paid for organ donations, and suddenly "organ donations are at an all time low".
How is that possible? People MUST donate organs, so there is no "all time low" unless there suddenly is no one dying in my country.
08-06-2004, 04:03
Its just one of those quirks brought about by answering issues in a certain way. A few days ago a guy posted about how he had banned cars in an earlier issue, and was then his country was flooded by "televangilists who drive to rallies in large, expensive automobiles"
Unfree People
08-06-2004, 04:11
The issue making them "compulsory" isn't what you're thinking of - you made taking dead people's organs compulsory. Not organ donation.
Also, you must have just chosen the other choice on "pay people for organs", because organ donation rates being at an all time low comes of choosing the second option and outlawing the practice. If you had allowed it, it would say something about students selling their kidneys for food.
08-06-2004, 04:12
Its just one of those quirks brought about by answering issues in a certain way. A few days ago a guy posted about how he had banned cars in an earlier issue, and was then his country was flooded by "televangilists who drive to rallies in large, expensive automobiles"