NationStates Jolt Archive


Veteran Soldiers
24-05-2004, 07:48
i am the founder of a military region called soldiers, and we have gotten ourselves into a conlict with Land of the red army and their allies. i hereby give out this call! if any nations want to join us, telegram me and i will look into it(our region is pw protected for safety reasons) if any regions wish to offer their aid in this war, telegram me and we will deal!
imported_White Lotus Eaters
24-05-2004, 09:51
If you want to RP, fine, but if you're attempting actual region-crashing, may I suggest that you read some of the FAQs here first and find out how it works?

Not only did you not have enough forces during your last attempt, but it's pretty pointless trying to invade a region where there is an active founder who has turned off Delegate Control ... :roll:

*Mutter mutter ... invaders these days ... not like the good old days ... I remember when this was all fields* :wink:
Veteran Soldiers
24-05-2004, 10:44
yeah our first invasion was bad, but i was just taking a stab at fate. as for regional delegate control, they turned it off after we invaded them so we didnt have a chance to do it again.