Zombies. Best national animal ever.
They can't become extinct and in the event of a nuclear holocuast, they'll still survive! Yes! Go my beautiful zombies! Go!
They do tend to go to pieces in an emergency though. :wink:
That dosen't matter. The population always grows and adjusts itself according to the situation at hand.
Our nation's national animal is the gay man. They are very abundant this year.
24-05-2004, 02:25
Nefashu you are so silly but true. :lol:
Godmoding Unlimited
24-05-2004, 18:27
Godmoding Unlimited
24-05-2004, 18:29
You're a puppet nation of Ulna Dim aren't you?! They too have zombies and so do you! That can't be a ca-conicion-cow- that can't just have happened! Everyone's a puppet nation except me! Or maybe I am too? The world doesn't make sense anymore!