Jacob Eberhart
22-05-2004, 02:58
I, Jacob Eberhart of The Holy Empire Of Jacob Eberhart, ask that other Jewish Theocracys join me in a excellent union of Jewish brotherhood, apply called "The Great League of Jewish Theocracies"
Thank You
22-05-2004, 04:44
IMO theorcacies are not a very effective type of government *points to the Ayatollah in Iran, the former Taliban regime, the Mideval Papal States, oh and since you're Jewish, makes a reference to how the ancient priests who had a hand in Christ's crucifixion (along with the romans) were corrupt*
Emperor Matthuis
22-05-2004, 12:12
IMO theorcacies are not a very effective type of government *points to the Ayatollah in Iran, the former Taliban regime, the Mideval Papal States, oh and since you're Jewish, makes a reference to how the ancient priests who had a hand in Christ's crucifixion (along with the romans) were corrupt*
Maybe a Jewish one might work though.