NationStates Jolt Archive

Cliched topic: What is the reason behind your nation's name?

14-05-2004, 22:01
Okay someone has had to have done this before, but what exactly was the reason behind your name? For example the reason behind Daishon is that me and my friends do this multi-comic series and one of the themes involved in these comics is an alliance of planets one of which is Dai'shon. Since I do the work for the Dai'shon series I decided that would be my nation name. So um... yea... :oops: Okay so anyone who happens to be interested post back. :)
Ying ying CR
14-05-2004, 22:41
Yeah, okay I'm one Daishon's friends so I'll post. My name is the title of one of the comics we do. It roughly translate to Clear Reflection in chinese. It's my favorite of the comics because of it's protagatist Mira. :)
15-05-2004, 00:02
Teebeestroika is the title of a track on the album "TB Resucitation" by the masters of Acid House, Hardfloor.

As soon as I saw the title, I thought 'that's an odd name for a song, it sounds more like a place in the former soviet union'.

Actually, it seems it's a place in GTBN :-)
15-05-2004, 03:45
This is the turf of the Anti Chain Mail Movement. My country is, anyway. Yes yes.
Attitude 910
15-05-2004, 04:25
Attitude is for attitude


910 is a random number Yahoo gave me as an option for another email address when the one I choose was already taken
Josh Dollins
15-05-2004, 05:12
my idea of a perfect or more perfect united states of america, the latter is just add on it being my name
1 Infinite Loop
15-05-2004, 05:34
Apple Computer
1 Infinite Loop
Cupertino California.

Loop East Pacific, Delegate
My current flag
The Underground City
15-05-2004, 05:52
Well, The Underground City is a city, and you can probably guess the rest.
15-05-2004, 05:57
I'm also one of Daishon's friends. It was my idea to start the Day Dreamer's multicomic Universe. Therefore when we decided to start a little cliche on here I chose the main character of the uiverse as my nation name. Well actually the character's name is Ananda which means something like 'the happiness without which the universe cannot exist". Yeah big name huh? Oh, well. :wink:

P.S. um...1 Infinite Loop what's the deal with the flag? :lol:
15-05-2004, 06:07
(SOME FOREIGN CITY WITH A NAME LIKE "KZAGBLECH" THAT YOU COULD NOT IN A MILLION YEARS LOCATE ON A MAP) -- Fighting resumed today in this war-torn capital following the breakdown of yesterday's cease-fire between (names of two ethnic groups that have been killing each other nonstop for 6,000 years). (etc. etc.)
15-05-2004, 09:26
Vostokoslavia in russian means "Land of the east slavs," it is a play on Yugoslavia which means "Land of the south slavs."
1 Infinite Loop
15-05-2004, 09:54
I'm also one of Daishon's friends. It was my idea to start the Day Dreamer's multicomic Universe. Therefore when we decided to start a little cliche on here I chose the main character of the uiverse as my nation name. Well actually the character's name is Ananda which means something like 'the happiness without which the universe cannot exist". Yeah big name huh? Oh, well. :wink:

P.S. um...1 Infinite Loop what's the deal with the flag? :lol:

it is part of my standard signature, and well I really like Miss Tron
15-05-2004, 11:11
I simply stuck to two syllables together that sounded 'neat.'

Tar and Kiss = Tarqys

I guess I could have gone for that ELP charm and named it Tarkus.
Calum and his hair
15-05-2004, 16:17
well, "calum and his hair" is because of calum and his hair :lol:
15-05-2004, 16:31
I name my nation Beautifulpeople because I am so Beautiful I look at my People, and turn them Beautiful too :lol:
15-05-2004, 18:40
Alright Daishon I'll bite. Well I'm also on the staff of the DayDreamer multi-comic Universe. My nation name like Daishon comes from one of the planets Ancara. Ancara is behind the comic Shove. It's people are beautiful, intelligent, and warrior-like.
15-05-2004, 18:43
"Goobergunch" is my online name on pretty much everything, and "Goobergunchia" seemed to be the logical alteration of that into a nation name.
Cyper Cero
15-05-2004, 19:12
Since everyone on staff is posting I'll have a go. Cyper is the name of one of the comics and Cero is the name of the main character. So Cyper Cero. Of course there is also the whole double meaning. To cyper is to figure out or decode. Cero is the zero in ten and the codename for that kid from the X-men multiverse who got killed.
16-05-2004, 01:34
My country is the empire of Ragnaros. from the mytho of Rangarok the final battle. I wrote a short story about the survivors after a neuclear war and they named their country ragnaros because they had survided the battle HAPPY NOW! :lol:
Tuesday Heights
16-05-2004, 03:46
Tuesday Heights is simple.

Tuesday is the newspaper deadline for my school. I'm the news editor, thus, I'm there most tuesday nights and writing for the newspaper will someday bring me to the heights of journalism I want to pursue.
16-05-2004, 06:04
So I guess everyone off the staff has to hit this thread? Alrighty than, my nation is named after one the planets like Ancaria and Daishon. I picked Niobi not because I do the comic but because it's my favorite planet from the fictional alliance. That is really confusing when I read it. Oh, well I fulfilled my obligation(s)!
Ulna Dim
16-05-2004, 06:31
Dang why do you people got ta' strat things and drag everyone into it? Fine, Ulna is the planet and Dim is the comic. Put them together to make Ulna Dim. There I paid my debt to Society!
16-05-2004, 06:40
I bet no one can guess where I got mine from? :lol:
Atticus Justus
16-05-2004, 07:07
My first choice was Justus, that being my last name...
Atticus is the proposed name of my second son, but that'll depend on what my wife thinks about it, and how the meiosis goes on, and which is the fastest sperm, and all that....

but anyway, that's the story behind my name, and i thought it flowed well.
it has a rhythm, say it with me: AtticusJustus
16-05-2004, 07:26
In the book Eragon, Surda is a small nation, 1 of 2 on their continent. The other being the corrupt Empire (or whatever it's called, I forget). Surda seperated from the Empire soon after they're corruption and help rebel forces quietly so as not to be invaded and decimated.
16-05-2004, 18:42
Bakshimbo = combination of my 2 favorite words

akimbo = arms on hips (i think)
baksheesh = bribe

but baksheesh and akimbo were taken
Free Fire Zones
17-05-2004, 04:09
The Armed Republic of Free Fire Zones
Of Baentopia

Baentopia (the region) is named after Baen Books presenters of many fine novels of Science Fiction and Fantasy and its owner Jim (GE=God Emperor) Baen. Promoting literacy, gun rights and political conservatism (US flavor) in that order. :)
The evilest marketing plan ever conceived. Free professionally written and published (in dead tree format) novels by best-selling and award winning authors like David Weber, Lois McMaster Bujold, Eric Flint, David Drake and John Ringo. Why pirate e-books when you can download them for free! BWAHAHAHA!

The Armed Republic of Free Fire Zones -- you get one guess which of the above three points of promotion we represent. :)

Emperor Pro-Tem "Big D"
The GE is coming and boy is he armed and dangerous!
The kevinngzh
17-05-2004, 09:58
"kevinngzh" is the standard username I use in most places you need to register. "The" is the result of not active on NationStates while not turning on vacation mode
17-05-2004, 13:47
I called my country MegalomaniaX because I basically have an overexaggerated feeling of superiority within myself. I also plan on achieving global domination by the time I'm 25. All cower before my mighty proletarian-crushing intellect! :twisted: :lol: :!: :!: :!:
17-05-2004, 14:43
Myrdinn might be the actual name of Merlin. Myrdinn was also a very powerful wizard character of mine in the days when I played D&D.
17-05-2004, 23:22
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
17-05-2004, 23:22
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
Seven Wise Minstrels
18-05-2004, 00:36
Pengutopia is a combination of Penguin and Utopia, because I am somewhat obsessed with penguins and because it would be nice if my nation was a Utopia. I had to add 'reborn' because Pengutopia was already taken, and 'reborn' sounds cool.
Pengutopia Reborn
18-05-2004, 00:47
"Pengutopia Reborn"
Pengutopia is a combination of penguin and utopia, because I am somewhat of a penguin fanatic and it would be nice if my nation was a utopia. I had to add 'reborn' because Pengutopia was already taken, and 'reborn' sounds cool. (Well, I think it does...)
18-05-2004, 01:25
My nation is named after the band.
Godmoding Unlimited
18-05-2004, 19:20
My nation is named after the band.

That rocks 'cause Nirvana rocks. Kurt Cobain was a f*cking God!

Anyway my nation's name was made because I read the post about gameplay and they kept going off about the whole godmode thing. So I thought it'd be funny. Did I mention I'll try almost anything once?
18-05-2004, 19:32
18-05-2004, 23:29
Homer: Now, Marge, just remember. If something goes wrong at the plant, blame the guy who can't speak English. Ah, Tibor, how many times have you saved my butt?

Smithers: That idiot Tibor lost the key...

Homer: Ohhhhh...

Marge: What?

Homer: I'm used to seeing people promoted ahead of me. Friends, co-workers, Tibor...

When ever I screw something up (and I do that a lot) I blame Tibor. It's my favorite running joke, no matter how many people tell me it's not funny.
18-05-2004, 23:29
::double post::

Damn you, Tibor!
18-05-2004, 23:31
19-05-2004, 04:36
Well a while back, someone posted a thread about recycling names after a time, and they posted "...with things going like they are eventually people will be forced to make nations with names like "the Democratic republic of Qfdsdiozbnf"..."

I couldnt resist.
Molotov Cocktail
22-06-2004, 20:23
Because I like the name. Besides it makes a national profile very simple.
"Violent, narrow-minded, religious fanatic, racial profiling, etc."
Molotov Cocktail
22-06-2004, 20:24
Because I like the name. Besides it makes a national profile very simple.
"Violent, narrow-minded, religious fanatic, racial profiling, etc."
23-06-2004, 08:31
Well a while back, someone posted a thread about recycling names after a time, and they posted "...with things going like they are eventually people will be forced to make nations with names like "the Democratic republic of Qfdsdiozbnf"..."

I couldnt resist.

That's got to be the best story yet!
23-06-2004, 08:37
pulled it outta my butt.

Sorry, no story.
Dimple Boffin
23-06-2004, 12:52
My friend is obessed with lord of the rings and someone sent her an email where you put in your name and it gives you your hobbit name and well Dimle Boffin was mine and as I couldnt think of anything better or more unusal to call my nation
25-06-2004, 14:50
Because as you can probably guess I was originally SuddenDeath01.
And well SuddenDeath01 was a test to see how fast I could get deleted.
And I set a new record a little less than two hours! I least I think it too that long it might have taken a lot less.
26-06-2004, 04:11
The Federation of C-Hawk
of Falcone

C-Hawk is me, it is my handle, it is derived from the two fastest animals on land and air, the Cheeta and the Red Tailed Hawk.

While as Falcone is my pen name, it is a variation of the Peregrine Falcon on the most beautiful raptors
26-06-2004, 14:09
I just chose my name, I dunno why I picked it :oops:
27-06-2004, 02:12
I'm From Minnesota, 'nuf said. :D
Arterial Leakage
27-06-2004, 04:00
Arterial Leakage a: cos it sounds like a Death Metal band name and b: cos I can't stand Bleeding Heart types :twisted:
27-06-2004, 04:16
The republic of MegaTokyo-3 derives its name from the animes Bubblegum Crisis 2032 and Neon Genesis Evangelion. Not surprisingly, the RP stuff I use is based off BGC, NGE, and FMP! technology. :P
27-06-2004, 05:08
Hak-Generale is part-Cantonese, part-French. "Hak" mean black in Cantonese, and Generale is the more obvious French term. It means that in general I'm black, but with a touch of French and Cantonese. There's other stuff in my ancestry, but those are all the important ones. :wink:
The NationStatesTurtle
27-06-2004, 13:50
"Hak" mean black in Cantonese, and Generale is the more obvious French term. It means that in general I'm black, but with a touch of French and Cantonese. That's really cool.

I gave this nation its name around the time when the NationStates Bunny first began using scripts to travel through the regions and to collect data. I was a real fan but hopelessly inept in programming so I had to follow its path manually. Because I was so much slower and because at the time NS didn't allow me to fit tortoise in the name box I became The NSTurtle.
The Schizoid
28-06-2004, 02:47
I really doubt I need to explain was a psych student, not a psychiatrist or anything, so I might be normal.

[Robs friends from opportunity of posting here]

She, er, lives in Kalamazoo.

Couldn't think of a name, but he like the Christmas Island flag and noticed it had 5 starts so...
Canadian Dominance
28-06-2004, 03:15
The Holy Empire of Canadian Dominance is the name of the world nation in the comic I write in my spare time. Surprisingly enough, Canada took over the world, with the help of a few giant robots and enough natural resources to build a fleet of them. At any rate, that's where the name comes from.
Monte Ozarka
28-06-2004, 05:10
I am obsessed w/Ozarka brand spring water. However, as my nation is a grand duchy, I wanted to give it more of a high-flung European flair. So, I saw The Count of Monte Cristo sitting on my desk, and I just tacked on the word "Monte". Yep, water and a book that just happened to be there.
28-06-2004, 06:20
A completly random name I made up. And, I'm quite happy that I did think of it at the time.
28-06-2004, 06:41
Mine is the same as Hallad's.
15-07-2004, 05:34
In Esperanto, "nia" means "our", and "nacio" means "nation". Nianacio was originally an Esperanto-speaking micronation founded by a bunch of like-minded people. Not knowing anything about these people (at least not that I remember), I couldn't make a name representative of them, so I just named the nation Nianacio.
One Red Dot
24-07-2004, 16:45
my flag has one red dot. that's basically it
24-07-2004, 17:52
In the Wayne's World book, Extreme Close Up, Wayne lists his middle name, Mother's maiden name, and his pets' names as "Nibblet", so I simply added "on" and thus Nibbleton was born.
The Emperor Fenix
24-07-2004, 19:30
The place is currently called, The Holy Citadels Of The Emperor Fenix, this is unwieldy and you cant call people Feniexians or anything, the land is known as the Okyton Empire after the capital and only city Okyto.

Okyto: When the japanese powers that be up and moved their Capitol from Kyoto, the re-arranged the letters to make Tokyo (shame on you if you didnt notice that), i merely took the only remaining nice sounding re-arrangement Okyto.
Oceanic Liberty
24-07-2004, 19:37
The Concept behind my nation was that it was an experiment in building a sea based completely self sufficiant colony with a majority of the facilities below the oceans surface and shipping, airfields built above the water. They rebelled against UN rule and created their own county/city based on libertarian ideals. Hence Oceanic Liberty
Joke and a Half
24-07-2004, 19:46
my band is named Joke and a Half
24-07-2004, 20:48
Korea was taken.
24-07-2004, 22:56
The name of my nation is actually the name of a short-lived villain in a story I stopped writing a while back.:p
25-07-2004, 02:20
Well, it all started hundreds of years ago. Amongst the hordes of barbarians there was one man who needed a new AIM screen name. Among the rather ridiculous names he went over, one of them was to his liking. "Palladium".

Why "Palladium"? Well, for one, it's a rather shiny, awesome metal similar to platinum. Palladium is named after the Greek goddess of wisdom, Pallas, along with an asteroid discovered at the same time as the metal. Microsoft also was toying around with a big-brother internet security system for a while. Weather Report has a song called Palladium. It just sounds cool.

Seeing as how roughly seven trillion people use AOL and AIM, "Palladium" was taken. Though not much of a fan of l33t, I decided to stick a 4 in there, and thus I had "p4lladium". You pronounce it the same, it's just a pain in the ass to describe to people in real life. Now, Palladia, a more "nationy" version of "palladium" was taken here at NationStates, so I'm stuck with the stupid 4 again.

To summarize: It stems from "palladium", but "Palladia" was taken and I had to put a 4 in it.
25-07-2004, 03:04
I hate cockroaches, and in middle school I had a group called 'Roach-Busters,' so I figured, hey, why not?
25-07-2004, 08:32
Rockonia was taken...
25-07-2004, 14:41
the name 'wackelli' is a name that my Girlfriend uses on some sites so i thought it'd be nice to make it into a region. What will happen to it if we break up im not sure bout though :)
CornixPes II
25-07-2004, 15:42
Crowfoot is my internet alias, and has been for years. CornixPes is Crowfoot in Latin. I've now got a II next to it because I was reactivated.
25-07-2004, 16:57
Well, before I got my current flag, I used the default NS flag. I added '-ia' to make it more nation-like. Hence, Defaultia.
25-07-2004, 17:46
I needed to make a name. I thought. And then inspiration struck me. "Maniac" is a fun word. "Maniacal" is an adjective stemming from maniac. I have noticed that cool nation names usually end in "a." I took the long-I sound in "Maniacal" and took off the l to get Maniaca, prounounced Muhn-EYE-uh-kuh.
25-07-2004, 18:14
My nation was going to be designed around a Democratic Leninist/Trotskyite Communism. Lenin and Trotsky were Russian, and Voroziniya sounds like it could be a Russian word or name. The Bolshiev, our currency, comes from the word Boshevik, the party that established communism in 1917, led by Lenin.
The electric monks
25-07-2004, 18:29
very simply i had a nation last year that was called the electrical monks, i lost intrest as most of my friends in the region of "the axis of non pyromaniacs" ceased to exist. I then tried to re start the axis but failed and becam the electric monks because i was not allowed to have my original name. The actual name comes from Douglas Adam's book "Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency" the reason behind my currency is that i once knew someone who claimed that he was a member of a secret society that has creutons as their money, they are of course little pieces of toast that you find in soup
Pope Hope
25-07-2004, 19:14

When I started this game, I didn't take it seriously (had no idea what it was about).

I decided it would be fun to create a religious satire nation: a religious nation with Catholic traits, whose leader was a female Pope! I had a good deal of fun my first few weeks of NS, sending amusing satirical telegrams to nations I didn't know (in retrospect, some of them are now Moderators lol) about trading national animals, animal rights, and praying.

Pope Hope was recruited to move to Nasicournia, which was small at the time and in need of some leadership. I started recruiting there for fun, then our first founder left, and all of a sudden I started taking NS pretty seriously. Recruited over a hundred nations, protected the region from invasions, etc.

And so it came that Pope Hope became a nation that was once very religious but is now very spiritual. The title of "High Queen Pope Hope IV" no longer means that our leader is an actual's now a traditional surname type of deal.

So no, we are not heretics! lol That's the story behind my nation name.
Itinerate Tree Dweller
25-07-2004, 19:34
Itinerate Tree Dweller is named after the native animal found on our island systems when the first colonials arrived here. The dominant mammals on this island were tree dwelling apes. We prefer to called by our initials ITD, cause is sounds a whole bunch better than the full name.

Actually.... the name came from Jay and Silent Bob Strikeback
The Coalition for the Liberation of Itinerate Treedwellers..... :rolleyes:
So I took Itinerate Tree Dwellers. :p
25-07-2004, 19:44
Well, both Daschenda and Dalcolore were made up on the fly. But, I like them all the same.
26-07-2004, 02:11
One day my friend Alex and I were talking about politics, if you could call it that. We were mostly talking about penguin-sharks with rocket launchers and monkey-katana defense systems for the white house. Then we started to get so elaborite that we could have made our own nation out of the things we thought up. We couldn't think of a name though. So all of a sudden Alex shouts out "What the hell is up with all these stan countries? I should make Purplestan!". So I named my nation Purplestan.
26-07-2004, 17:09
Olwe is my Elvish name ( (it's also the name of my favorite character in Tolkien's greatest work, The Silmarillion).

For the in-character explanation, Olwe was the name of the first military casualty of The Conclave, and therefore the territory he lived in was named after him.
26-07-2004, 17:29
Well, I read and liked Erin Hunter's "Warriors" books (they're still coming out). The groups of cats in the terrirories were clans. There is ThunderClan, RiverClan, WindClan and ShadowClan, and I thought it would be cool to have a "FireClan". (Though I like wolves more than cats.)
26-07-2004, 18:37
Okay... first I decided to put in the prefix Endo- ecause I was thinking of the term endothermic reaction from a science class the previous year. Then I had to put "an" in there somewhere. The rest just sort of fit in like the pieces to a puzzle.
26-07-2004, 23:35
I named my nation Lazarus000 because I am like Lazarus in having been reborn and 000 because the name Lazarus was already taken.
Five Civilized Nations
27-07-2004, 00:16
Well, my class studied both the Five Civilized Tribes: Choctaw, Creek, Cherokee, Chickasaw, and Seminole, along with the Iroquis Confederation/Nation: Seneca, Mohawk, Oneida, Cayuga, and Onondaga.

I liked the concept, so boom... The Five Civilized Nations...

And now it denotes my main nation and its four colonies...
Draconis Nightcrawlis
27-07-2004, 00:19
Nothing special, its just what popped into my head while signing up :)
Polish Warriors
27-07-2004, 00:38
Mine gets it's name from being polish and also a slight honor paid to the mighty Winged Hussars(famous cavalry unit 15th-18th century poland) and also the 3rd regimental light cavalry who charged a German infantry division at the battle of Bzura River in Poland September 7th 1939. I'm a history dork.
27-07-2004, 02:23
I was just randomly trying to make up a name to make USSR... and I succeed!
27-07-2004, 02:51
Okay someone has had to have done this before, but what exactly was the reason behind your name?

For Sarzonia, it's just my last name with "nia" added to make sound all countrylike and stuff. ;)

For my puppet Antonos, it's a play on my middle name and it's altered somewhat to a Greek-sounding name just because I think it sounds cool.
27-07-2004, 03:12
"Kandarin" is a map area in a MMORPG. Despite never having visited Kandarin (damn you, monthly fees!), I thought it was a pretty name, so I made it my own.
27-07-2004, 03:24
Because both Latin and falcons are cool.
Giggling Maniacs
27-07-2004, 12:00
Well... I picked it because I intend to RP as a completly and utterly insane bunch of maniacs.
27-07-2004, 13:25
I once played a game and made up ridiculous names. So one day i was playing as 'Heinrich Vollmer', creator of the German MP40 smg, someone asked me to join his clan. Everyone knew me under this name. So when a group of gamers decided to make nations, i joined and called my nation Vollmerian so the others would recognize me easily.
Nadejda 2
28-07-2004, 01:13
I have no creativity for names so i named m nation Nadejda after my that i didnt even name....
Nice and evil
28-07-2004, 16:31
I have a split personality, one good sode, one bad side....SHUT UP BEFORE I KILL YOU. THEY MUST NOT KNOW. SO I CAN TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!...Yeah...Whatever.
Cornflake Gremlins
28-07-2004, 18:23
Mines an odd one.... Me and my (now ex) boyfriend saw the cornflakes advert where the man changes from a caveman into a modern man due to a bowl of cornflakes. And we noticed that he was unshaven before he ate them, and clean shaven afterwards, and the only explanation we could come up with was that there are hair eating gremlins that hide in cornflakes. They jump out, eat your beard, then hide again before you've noticed..... :s
28-07-2004, 18:24
I wanted my nation to be named Pillonia, but there was already a Pillonia, so I chose Shillonia instead.
29-07-2004, 03:17
My nation's name, Miratha, comes from a long line of stories and pipe-dream video games I've written about. What started out as a simple lunatic city controlled by Mayor Kabapus at the start of a game turned into a legacy of two psychic twins, a war and the corruption of the city. NationStates is the perfect opportunity to see what'd happen if I considered everything from the Mirathan point of view, effectively resulting in a slave city. Finare, another nation I started, is also in the same world.

I'll explain everything a bit more; keep in mind that I'm skipping A LOT; even though it's still incredibly long. You probably won't understand it.

Kabapus Anderson understood that there was some kind of evil influencing a great city in the sky. He believed it was the result of a black diamond at the bottom of the ocean, and he was right. When he went below to destroy it, however, when he clenched it in his hand, it burned his entire body pitch-black and made him unusually corrupt and overall, nuts.

Much, MUCH later, twins were birthed, named Miratha and Atharim. To make a long story short, they grew up with wacky, psychokinetic powers and joined a group of warriors destined to destroy the sinner Hades. After this, however, they broke apart from each other and rebelled against one another. They both built a city; the island city Atharim, and at the nearest coast of Durania, Miratha. Numerous wars broke out between them; in the end, Miratha was killed and his city lied in ruins. Kabapus Anderson offered to become their mayor and help them rebuild the city. When they accepted his offer, he enslaved them and forced them to rebuild it into his vision; a city of corruption and ultimate hell.
Newport Medium
29-07-2004, 08:18
I don't remember.
29-07-2004, 08:31
Kroblexkij is named so because I am learning russian and my friends asked me if i knew any and then i made up Kroblexskij (pronounced Cro'blek'sski) and that is my pig russian name for a country
and it also sounds russian or eastern european or Polar
29-07-2004, 09:03
Well, I'm a fan of the Romans and I wanted to recreate the Empire (at least my own version of it) on NS. It's supposed to stand for "Rome West".
29-07-2004, 14:33
Well, I like the letter "K" and I wanted a nation name that sounded nice and foreign. I also wanted the letter "zed" in it as well as the letter combination of "ia" ending the name, so that's how I came to the name of Kryozerkia (Kree'o'zer'ke'ah).

I also have Farflorin; "florin" is taken from The Princess Bride, and since "Florin" was taken, I made it Farflorin.

I also have Kutou-koku, which I took from my favourite anime.

I inherited Dor Cirion.

Then I also have Soviet Republikans (I wanted something different), Aero Dynamik (the name of a Kraftwerk song) and Tschernobyl (I liked the proper name).
Good Neighbour
29-07-2004, 15:38
well, Good Neighbour without the "u" is my last name, even though here is translated to english.
And anyway, it IS nice to have The Principality of Good Neighbour as a border nation... isn't it?
29-07-2004, 15:54
Apple Computer
1 Infinite Loop
Cupertino California.

Loop East Pacific, Delegate
My current flag
I always wondered why...
29-07-2004, 15:54
I don't know where this name came from... I did not create this nation. I think it is named after an ancient Persian city though.
Almighty Dan
29-07-2004, 20:13
My name is Dan, and "The Republic of Dan" was taken. I threw in a cool word, "Lord Dan" But I didn't like it. Switched to "Almighty Dan"
30-07-2004, 05:40
I don't know where this name came from... I did not create this nation. I think it is named after an ancient Persian city though.

The capital of the Persian empire was the Citadel of Susa.
30-07-2004, 05:52
David Eddings should be enough of a clue.

If not, Sendarian holiday in "Pawn of Prophecy"

I like the idea of it, just like I like the philosophy of Sendars
Vantilbeam shire
30-07-2004, 19:26
when I started playing NS I was quite undecided as to what my nation should be called so I looked in a thesaurus for other words that mean the same as undecided and chose ambivalent (a word that isn't, in my opinion, used enough in everyday language) then mixed the letters up to Vantilbeam then just added the shire to pay homage to LOTR...
30-07-2004, 20:22
IC: Well my land is named after its ruler and the God of the Zaktarian people. Zaktar Everlast
OOC: its named I have used for along time. Picked it up along the way in my UO days
30-07-2004, 20:46
Microsoft = evil, I think it's rather self explanatory.
Hu Li
30-07-2004, 20:46
Hu Li is the chinese Word for Fox
30-07-2004, 20:50
er... I f*cked your mom?
30-07-2004, 20:57
In Albanian, Rilindia means "Rebirth"
it's actually spelled Rijlindja
Hu Li
30-07-2004, 21:54
er... I f*cked your mom?

Spacko..... :headbang:
30-07-2004, 22:10
I named my nation after the dry, mediterranean wind, the 'sirocco' (or 'scirocco'). I just thought the name was cool.
Reploid Productions
31-07-2004, 11:14
When I first discovered Nationstates via a link on another forum, I figured "Hey, this is a nifty little game I'll probably dork around on for a month or two." and I named my nation, Reploid Productions, after something else that I am lord and master over- the website my sister and I run by the same name.

A year and a half and MODification later, I'm thinking I ought to have named my nation after something else, since certain parties who shall remain nameless went digging and launched an invasion of my chatroom that is in no way, shape, or form related to Nationstates, and in fact predates Nationstates by six years. Needless to say, the regulars of that chatroom who don't play Nationstates were not amused by the massive disruption.

... And just a warning to anybody else who gets the bright idea to repeat that particular event: Rep Prod the Game Mod may be very patient and very even-handed, but Firefury Amahira the IRC channel founder is only patient to a point, and quick to utilize the kick/ban command when angered. :mad:

Bearded Road-Apple
31-07-2004, 16:20
My nation's name comes from a Dilbert comic in which Alice grabs this old Unix programmer by the suspenders and says, "Look you bearded road-apple, one more pointless anecdote like that and I'll snap you into next week!".
31-07-2004, 18:00
My nation is named after the villiage in which I have lived for 15 years, in England.

I also have a few other nations:

Brytish Empire: Obviously a different spelling of British Empire.

PizzaHutEnterprises: Nation given to me by a loyal Pizza Hut Employee.

The Insurgents: I wish to theme a Confederate States of America nation called 'The Rebels', but was taken. Microsoft word synomyn for rebels was 'insurgents', so I took that instead.

North Fields: This is the name of the council estate in my villiage 'Strensall'. It's really rough, there are hate-crimes and vigilantes up there so I'm aiming to make it become a Right Wing Utopia.

Wolfen City: This nation was given to me by the kid-brother of one of my friends.

The Opressed Marjority: This nation is a pun on the comment found in the title of the BNP website 'Voice of the Silent Majority'. Lol.

Mosleys Britain: A nation I made themed on what Britain would be like if Oswald Mosley's BUF were elected in the 1930s

EU Communists: This is a parody nation of the corrupt, socialist politicians in the European Parliament.

Better Dead Than Red: This is an anti-communist anarchist nation.

Commu-Nazis: I saw an episode of The Simpson's which started with a scene from a movie in which people looking like Baron Von Richtofen (German WW1 fighter-ace) with Hammers & Sickles on their arms were shooting down UNICEF aid planes. The Arnold Schwarzenegger piss-take then commented "Oh no, Nazi-Communists are attacking UNICEF". This nation is themed after them guys.
31-07-2004, 20:13
My nation's name. My name is Tzor. Well my handle is Tzor.

I've used Tzor ever since an online game (Island of Kesmai) on Compuserve in 1989, so it's older than the internet. It's a nice four letter word that is almost never used as an online handle.

My nation is Tzorsland .. er Tzor's Land?

(I knew I should have gotten the air, sea and mineral rights ... all I have is the land.) :(
Midgar and Junon
01-08-2004, 12:39
Midgar was already taken (though not in use)

I thought for a bit...and came up with Midgar and Junon.

Obviously becase Final Fantasy VII is The Best Game Ever.