we need your support
10-05-2004, 09:39
as the founder of my great and not so powerful region i wanted to ask all you experienced founders how we get other countrys to join our region! any tried and tested ways of doin this?
we are the AACI region
"bow down to the wrath of the holy empire of hydraulics" :twisted:
Tactical Grace
10-05-2004, 14:05
No no no, I think perhaps you should kneel before the might of the Mercian Regions. :P
Tactical Grace
UN Delegate / Minister of War / Defence Consultancy
Mercia The Next Generation (http://www.nationstates.net/cgi-bin/index.cgi/target=display_region/region=Mercia_The_Next_Generation)
13-05-2004, 10:08
maybe when my bowels freeze over? *grin*
what makes a great region huh? is it the competion, freindly yet offensive banter! or maybe that all of our countries founders have large breasts?
im thinking the breasts bit helps!
13-05-2004, 15:59
Good spelling and grammar may help (hint hint)...
Emperor Matthuis
13-05-2004, 18:00
Check out the regions "Gameplay Academy", i used to teach classes on recruiting but i didn't have time. It's worth a try, just send a puppet there. :)
14-05-2004, 12:31
you'll have to forgive my spelling jackass! im dyslexic and theres no spell checker on this forum!
jees some people gotta hate on anything aint they?