What do you do to get people to join your region? And how do you get on the UN?
The Psychotic Daunce
17-04-2004, 19:15
What do you do to get people to join your region? And how do you get on the UN?
Generally the easiest way to get people to join a region is to persuade people you know to join. Once it has grown a bit you can then probably post an advert in this thread:
Joining the UN is simpler, in the main game section if you click on the UN tab on the sidebar and read the page there will be an option to apply to join the UN. It takes about a day to process the requests generally.
Hope that helps
imported_White Lotus Eaters
17-04-2004, 23:45
If you're a new player, I'd recommend joining another region first to see how it's run, and how everything works, before starting your own - which of course you can do but you need either a really good idea or some personal contacts to get people to come to you. (The question to ask yourself is: "why would someone want to come to a region where I'm boss, rather than starting their own?")
To find a suitable one, check the Unofficial NS Directory, Goobergunchia's sticky thread at the top of this forum, which lists the larger ones by geography, politics, themes, etc. If you choose a medium-to-large one, say 50-250 nations, you should be able to get experience quickly. :wink:
White Lotus Eaters
UN Delegate, Urbanites (http://www.nationstates.net/cgi-bin/index.cgi/target=display_region/region=urbanites)