Factory Committees
08-04-2004, 10:25
Libertarian Communism:
"The only place for true equal and free workers.
No governments, no gods, no power only united workers"
Join NOW!
imported_White Lotus Eaters
08-04-2004, 13:51
Just out of interest, like ...
In what way will this new region be different to/better than existing anarchist regions, including those listed in the Unofficial NS Directory?
White Lotus Eaters
UN Delegate, Urbanites (http://www.nationstates.net/cgi-bin/index.cgi/target=display_region/region=urbanites) Region
Factory Committees
08-04-2004, 15:26
I visited a few anarchists regions in NS. Some are nihilistics, some are non-organisational, some are purely capitalist (freemarket). We, Factory committees propose an anarchist region based on a federative structure of united workers, based on collectivism, freedom of speech, freedom to become a member of the federation or to leave it.