NationStates Jolt Archive


08-04-2004, 09:56
or rather lack of. The daily issues are becoming somewhat repetetive and im not to sure if i can carry on running a nation if im making the same choices over again. the issue issue needs changing before i lose my faith in this game.
08-04-2004, 10:23
or rather lack of. The daily issues are becoming somewhat repetetive and im not to sure if i can carry on running a nation if im making the same choices over again. the issue issue needs changing before i lose my faith in this game.

There are only so many issues a nation of one type can get, A facist state doesnt get commie issues, and so on, or, if you banned cars, you wont get the issues about building a public monorail or unbannning cars....until more issues are're just gonna have to stick it out, or just stop getting issues at all

Why dont you try RPing, thats always a good way to pass the time, hit up Nationstates, or II for mroe details, IE the Stickies!
08-04-2004, 18:31
Please read this:

At the time of writing, there is 111 issues out there. There used to be only 30, so count yourself lucky. :wink: