It's kind a boring with only 2 issues a day, could'nt we do something to get more issues a day? Like 5 issues or something like that.
Can we get more issues per day? Two does not cut it for me.
Unless you get the pop bug(in which case you get four) than you can only get two per day on each nation. Most people get bored with it after a while, but if not, that is what puppets are for.
[point made by Naleth]Also, chances are if you do get the pop bug, the mods will hunt you down and fixit fairly quickly. Basically - make more puppets.
The tech FAQ has a lot of common questions (and there answers) in it, you might want to give it a read sometime.
Ya, I still haven't gotten through all the stickies, but I'm plugging away at them, cause I have to say that they're giving me uber insight into the workings of this game. Thanks to all the players who took the time to write up all those mundo long threads, without them I think I'd be really lost right now.