Seeking a new home
Daistallia 2104
16-01-2004, 05:34
I*m looking for a region for post-modern/near future region - 2100 or so. Hopefully an actively rping region. Thank you. :D
Emperor Matthuis
16-01-2004, 18:24
I*m looking for a region for post-modern/near future region - 2100 or so. Hopefully an actively rping region. Thank you. :D
R.P...The Heartland or Wysteria are the big regions for R.P
Outer Bulgaria
17-01-2004, 03:50
The Urbanites, they are just getting themselves together after their last Delegate went mad and ejected some nations.
17-01-2004, 04:08
The New Meritocracy, it's populated by the best and brightest from every region in this game.
17-01-2004, 04:42
The New Meritocracy, it's populated by the best and brightest from every region in this game.
Wouldn't it be exclusive then? :?
come to the bluelightpotatosphere and bask in the warm blue light of our potato powerplants!
Emperor Matthuis
17-01-2004, 15:56
come to the bluelightpotatosphere and bask in the warm blue light of our potato powerplants!
:?: ...Try the region of the "Rejected Realms" that's without a "the" it's got some new members and on a recruitment drive, 8)
17-01-2004, 21:43
:?: ...Try the region of the "Rejected Realms" that's without a "the" it's got some new members and on a recruitment drive, 8)
It's a defender region though, not a post-modern RP region. That's why I didn't invite Daisitalia to Zhaucauozian Friendship, which is (although I may be being a bit modest) the best region in the game. It's not an active RP region though. Nor is RR, indeed perhaps even less than mine, as at least Canada-Germany, is an RPer.
imported_White Lotus Eaters
20-01-2004, 11:10
The Urbanites, they are just getting themselves together after their last Delegate went mad and ejected some nations.
Heyyy, that's a bit unfair. Just coz he developed a facial tic and sat stroking a white Persian cat next to the piranha tank ... :wink:
I have no bloody idea what era we're in. Some are medieval I think, others are using gauss rifles, and our Cultural Advocate throws cocktail parties with music by Frankie Valli (who he?)
White Lotus Eaters
UN Delegate, Urbanites ( Region