Nation names - where do they come from?
NEWI Cefn Druids
16-01-2004, 04:37
Just pondering (as many have no doubt done before) about where nations take their names from. Ours, for example, is named afte a Welsh Premier League football club. Our puppet, The Master Cooper, is named after my local pub. Does anyone else have any kind of reason behind their nation's name, or do they all just come about by accident?
Mine was my families name before we came to America (by "we" I mean my grandparents and their families, not me specifically). it means "woodsmen"
16-01-2004, 04:43
Mine is the name of small village about 50 miles north of my city where a lot of my relatives live
16-01-2004, 04:55
"Qaaolchoura" was random. I was big on Central Asia and the Caucasus at the time so I used some CA/Ca sounding letter combinations. . .
My others are less so, the only other truly random ones being "Aechdavaestan" and "The Esk".
No Light
No -> Na
Light -> Lumin -> Lum (Nalum is a character name I use sometimes) -> Leth (sounds more like a place)
Aegria (my biggest nation and a puppet) is from "Aegis"
16-01-2004, 05:17
Aidoneus=Aides=Hades, Greek god of the underworld. Aidoneus and Aides were other names for Hades.
BritishAmerica, Britannicanadia---I think you can see where these names came from. It also stems from my anglophilia
Luciferakistan---I wanted to have a nation named after Lucifer
Mustaches--from some joke about Hitler's mustache
Eriu is the name that ancient Ireland had (before it became known as ireland).
Interestingly enough, the original poster has druids in the name, my country is a Theocracy of the Druidist religion =).
Mine was basicly totally random. I like Ravens, they are my favorite bird. I also like the letter "A". So, why not combine them? I give:Ravea.
17-01-2004, 03:21
Zabadasia is name after a Dark Elf Zabad, the asia (ah-SEE-ah) on the end make it sound more like a nation. The nation has a love for music especially metal, and the nation was formed from an alliance of Dark Elves, Humans, and Trolls.
A TV show. The network Tech TV has a show currently named 'X-Play', a video game review show. (Funny stuff, I might add.) It was formerly named 'Extended Play'. I wanted to model my nation after the show, voting how I feel a show like this might. The name came naturally.
17-01-2004, 03:35
Nianacio -> nia nacio -> our nation
Niancio -> Nianacio -> nia nacio -> our nation
I'm a fan of Gilmore Girls and in one of the episodes Lorelai uses a lipstick called Vicious Trollop. My nation's motto (Oy with the poodles already!) also comes from Gilmore Girls.
17-01-2004, 08:10
Hoydonia is simply part of my last name and since I tend to follow and work in fashion rather closely the Hoydonian currency is the Manolo and my nation's favorite animal is the tropical Skin Shedding Mink. :)
17-01-2004, 08:40
<-- Based on James Oglethorpe and his ideals.
Spookistan and Jakalah
17-01-2004, 08:42
I actually live in the little known nation of Spookistan and Jakalah. I thought I would create a nation on here to raise world awareness of our tiny country.
I actually live in the little known nation of Spookistan and Jakalah. I thought I would create a nation on here to raise world awareness of our tiny country.
*looks up in the CIA World Factbook*.
*looks up on internet*
17-01-2004, 10:10
Hate All. I have two nations, one with high political freedom and civil rights, and this, where economy is most important.
Mine looks like variant from Dan Simmons's Hyperion-book series' planet called Sol Draconi Septem. Though it was more like an accident. I just came up the name "Sol Septre". I was thinkin of Sun (Sol) and a movie called "Semperfive" or something like that. I'm too lazy to check it out. But after that remembered there was a planet with a similar name in Hyperion books. :)
17-01-2004, 12:13
Well, my first nation, Sepistan, was named... My name is Seppo, and people call me Sepi. So.. Sepistan. Isn't it logical? But then i forgot it's password and created Sebytania. Sebytania sounds better anyway.
17-01-2004, 13:04
carlemnaria, lananara and elinaria are all variants on what the world of many of my previous lives FEELS like.
litteraly accurate details seem to be dependent on a physical storage capacity of somekind and therefor seem to not travel well in the abscence of physical form as occurs between lifetimes
my name themnax that i prefer to call myself as an individual, came literaly (at least in this lifetime) from a ouji board (many many years, decades actualy, ago)
(though i've since learned some of the legends of my previous not of THIS earth lives)
Emperor Matthuis
17-01-2004, 14:19
Emperor Matthuis-Emperor-Matthuis=Matthew
Others Durnia sounds cool
Grand High Duke Thomas-same principle just a different name
And Qaaolchoura i know i've seen a thread which said how to pronounce your name but i've forgotten...little help :)
Shee City
17-01-2004, 20:35
Shee City and Kitchen Garden are both places in Cyberlife's orginal game Creatures. (My region is named after the Creatures' world of Albia.) It's been suggested that Shee is derived from sidhe (as in bain sidhe, banshee).
The Alton Domain and The Renunciates are from Marion Zimmer Bradley's Darkover books.
Terra Inversa - the world turned upside down - a typical hard-line 'patriarchal' society but with men's and women's roles reversed.
Cat Bells and Derwent Water - the former is a (bell-shaped) mountain, the latter a lake, in the Lake District in north-west England.
Magician - named after Digory's uncle in "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe", but I couldn't remember what his name was. Created as a puppet for the region "The Wood Between the Worlds".
The Dawn Sisters and The Harper Hall - from Anne MacCaffrey's Pern books. The Dawn Sisters was the name given to the 3 original colony spacecraft when seen from the planet surface.
So, mostly derivative. But then, I never claimed to be original :)
17-01-2004, 20:58
Kandarin's name was taken from is a territory in a MMORPG called Runescape. Ironically, that game area is limited to paying members and I'm not one (I spend all my online time on NationStates), so my Runescape character is yet to set foot in Kandarin.
17-01-2004, 22:36
And Qaaolchoura i know i've seen a thread which said how to pronounce your name but i've forgotten...little help :)
It said very basically.
I'm getting better at transcribing it, but I still can't figure out fully how to transccribe it.
Most recent attempt at transcription into Latin alphabet:
the "k"("Q" in my name) is somewhere between a "g" as in "gain" and a "c" as in "cat"
Mine was completely random. Later, I found out that "Nanak" is a name, but I randomly came up with a name.
Mine stems from the name of something I collect...floaty pens, also called "Photoramic Pens." 8)
ojiisan means grandfather in japanese.
Sino is a prefix that denotes anything that's Chinese. RP'ing a Chinese-based nation, it is more than suitable.
The country was originally meant to be called "Theocracy of Achernar", per the name of the star Alpha Eridani, but it was taken, so I used Alkaid, the name of a star in Ursa Major (Eta Ursa Majori).
The similarity with Al-Qaida is totally coincidencial. I didn't even notice it before I first posted.
The Federation of Shatis Territories should be named Shanti Federation, but it's impossible in Nationstates. Shantis are the name of an Alien race in a sci-fi RPG setting I created.
My Name ish from my origin, im a catgirl, im also insane! so i wanted to come together with people of my species and mental stability! :twisted: :lol: :D :o
it's the song i was listening to.
or i had it in my head.
something like that.
Libertas Honestus
18-01-2004, 05:12
Latin for "Honorable Freedom."
1 Infinite Loop
18-01-2004, 06:36
Apple Computer
1 Infinite Loop
Cupertino, CA 95014
Autocraticia: at its establishment, it was an autocracy.
Lafitteland: For businessman/pirate Jean Laffite (i misspelled it, damn that sucks). It's a country consisting entirely of pirates.
Upper Scandicanada: A combination of Scandinavia and Canada. Brr.
La Mano de Dios: "The hand of God" It's an authoritarian theocracy.
Just started playing today, and this is my first post ... weeee!!
My nickname is Metalbunny, but most ppl just call me bunny, so nomatter what I play there's always Bunny somewhere in the name ... just happened to be that all the Fluffy Bunny names I could come up with was taken :?
18-01-2004, 15:23
Moontian: Just liked the sound of it.
Tritonites: People from Triton, Moontian's first space colony.
Nereidans: People from Nereid, Moontian's second space colony.
My name for my country was taken from a Cream song.
Long live classic rock
18-01-2004, 17:50
I just make my names up completely:D
This nation was made as a haven for those who seek freedom from the oppression of pants-wearing society. After all, don't you hate pants?
I've embarked on a campaign to replace lol with flam, which stands for funny like a moose. Moose/mooses/meese are funny. My name, and my national motto (Banish lol, say flam!), and my national animal (moose) are all based on it, because I couldn't think of anything better at the time.
My nation's name---Carreg Cennen---comes from the ruins of a Welsh castle. The castle, dating as early as 1300, commands breath-taking views, 300ft above the Cennen river valley, from on top of a limestone cliff.
18-01-2004, 18:33
Frisbitania's national religion is Frisbitarianism. That means that we beleive that we end up on the roof when we die.
18-01-2004, 19:02
Frisbitania's national religion is Frisbitarianism. That means that we beleive that we end up on the roof when we die.
How oddly coincidental. Same here.
(and no, we were unaware of Frisbitania's existence when we named our new nation)
19-01-2004, 00:11
If there are any Monty Python fans out there, they'll understand how we got our name. The spelling change in the name was just to be weird. :wink:
19-01-2004, 02:11
If there are any Monty Python fans out there, they'll understand how we got our name. The spelling change in the name was just to be weird. :wink:
What is it with Monty Python fans, and their beliefs that Monty Python invented Camelot? :?
19-01-2004, 02:17
Monty Python made Camelot interesting.
"On second thought, let's not go to Camelot. 'tis a silly place."
19-01-2004, 02:21
I'm a huge New York Rangers fan, that's where my name came from.
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
Western Navascuez
19-01-2004, 03:42
Navascuez, I'm not sure where I got that but it just sounded nice so I used it. It might be a Spanish last-name but I'm not sure. Western was a prefix I added because my nation is sort of like the American West.
19-01-2004, 05:29
It's a street, somewhere in France and other places I'm sure you know I'm going with the whole Holy Empire thingie too. :lol:
My nation name is from several plays that I've written. The Divine Imperium of Keldjora is the premier power in the world of my plays and I'm hoping it can reflect that sentiment here in NationStates.
Chloes Borg Dragons
19-01-2004, 06:50
Well there is quite a long story but basically I had a rpg char (Chloe) that controled a nation called mordor(as a joke/rebutal on Tolkiens mordor, since mordor=tech=evil acording to tolkien, and mordor is the most technically advanced nation in the rp, and pseudo-good), but the name mordor was already taken, and at the same time I was having a discusion about what would happen if the borg tried to assimilate mordor. The conclusion was that Chloe would assimilate the borg instead :lol:
Since much of mordors military might relies on dragons, and I like dragons so I added it into the name.
Now the name Chloe comes form the Chloe in the anime Noir, Chloe took the name when she left the Chloe from Noir.
I was probably thinking about cars at the time, so I assimilated "automobile" into a nation name. That also explains my motto: "Always driving, no matter what"
19-01-2004, 07:35
Rejistania=Rejis-tanha=The united country: I invented the rejistanian language in math class long before I found NS (even long before NS *existed*). This name symbolizes the great diversity in this country.
USAnia=USAnien: that's a german word for the US (I like the idea to have a socialist nation which name refers to the USA :) )
Amerikanha: Well, I thought, this sounds like a south-american dictatorship. If you are interested: the nationality is Amerikan (and not like some people say Amerikanhanian or so)
Abysmalistan: Abysmal country (I needed a really bad team for sports RPs, a team that is defeated 0-5 in soccer and thinks this game was great. That's why I thought about this name)
Compound interest (Full name: The Incorporated States of Compound Interest): Well, that is quite fitting for my hypercapitalist puppet, isn't it? It's motto is the formula for compound interest.
The most fundamental principals of our nation are Truth, Logic and Knowledge. Thus, we are Firinne, the Gaelic word for Truth.
SC Gamecocks
19-01-2004, 15:28
My nation's name is quite simple. I am a graduate of the University of South Carolina, of which the Gamecock is our mascot. Therefore, I named my nation SC Gamecocks.
My nation is called the Queendom of Lovebug or just Lovebug. The French Bulldog is our national animal, which is both wild and domesticated - when our country was begun 200 years ago my ancesters decided to name it after the queens most prized companion her French Bulldog - Lovebug, every leader since has had a dog named Lovebug for good luck. :D
Queen ShyButterfly
Argyres is my mom's maiden name. I'm a lot closer to my Greek relatives, so I decided to honor them in a small way. Plus it's cool to have a name no one can pronounce correctly (other than fellow Greeks :wink: )
It was kind of random, and based off the title of a story I read once.