Idea: UN-banned nations
What do we think of the idea of having an option to create UN-banned nations, kinda like... invasional euneuchs. These nations would be completely inert, unable to ever join the UN. They could be admitted safely to any region at all without comprimising security (no risk that they'd join the UN later), and therefore could be ambassadors to your region from uncertain ones, or reporters, or peace envoys.
If this idea has any merit I'm gonna send it over to tech, but I'd like to kick it around a bit here first.
Edit: Rather than UN banned nations, (RL analogy, rogue states), think more like neutral/ almost neutral states (RL analogy: Switzerland)
It's a good enough idea. Of course, there would also have to be something added to the spotlight to show the UN ban status of a nation.
15-01-2004, 02:27
15-01-2004, 02:28
Frisbeeterians wonder about the rationale for such an action. Aren't most banned nations guilty of some infraction against either the UN or NationStates as a whole? I was under the impression that UN privileges were revoked for multi-ing, illegal invasions, and that sort of thing. Given that they were removed for cause, why then should they be rewarded with a special class of participation that allows them most of the benefits of good behavior, at very little cost?
It would also involve a fair amount of technical work to add an entire subclass of players. I don't see the technical staff spending that much time supporting those they've already removed once.
I'm truly curious. I haven't the history with the game that many of you have, so I don't know the circumstances. Still, this proposal seems to be a reward for bad behavior. I forsee a whole sub-class of future players who would work at offending the UN, specifically so that they could get one of the treasured "UN Banned" labels affixed to their nation.
Hmm .. idea ... maybe you could add a couple more little UN badges to the rofile (beyond UN Member and UN Delegate). Maybe these:
UN Delegate <- Duh :P
UN Member <- Wonder what this could be :wink:
Prospective UN Member <- Someone think of a better title? Not in the UN, but could join.
Neutral Terrirory <- What your suggesting, a nation that can't join the UN by choice.
Rouge Nation <- Nation that has been banned from the UN for rule violations
Arthurian Legend
15-01-2004, 06:09
I don't like it as it could make sleeper cell invasions harder.
D'oh logged in as puppet.
~Qaaolchoura (but if you ever see an AL post in the wrong forum and/or with horrific grammar, you know that it is my friend Leland. . .)
Tactical Grace
15-01-2004, 06:20
It is not really a reward for bad behaviour. Rather, it would remove some annoying trust issues.
There are 12,000 regions out there, of which several hundred are managed by more than an individual puppet-master or a relatively small handful of players. Many of them have fun attacking others, directly or by gradual infiltration. Once a region has been subjected to repeated attempts on its sovereignty, paranoia sets in. Any nation entering the region is immediately suspected of being an invader, even without UN membership. After all, what if several non-member nations sit quietly in the background and then acquire UN membership overnight, seizing Delegacy in the morning?
And some (harmless) people do like having lots of puppets scattered across many regions. They should experience ejections more frequently than most.
If you could create nations never capable of endorsing another, with a UN status badge displaying "UN Observer" or similar, people would be happy letting them into their regions, confident that they will never turn nasty and endorse an invader.
Of course, people could still abuse this trust for spying purposes, but it is good that the measure allows some scope for intrigue. It might be an idea, depending on how complicated it would be to implement. There is probably one hell of a game improvement backlog, though.
Tactical Grace
UN Delegate / Minister of War / Defence Consultancy
Mercia The Next Generation (
1 Infinite Loop
15-01-2004, 06:42
I like the idea of a UN onserver I would even be willing to make a flag for them,
Actually, I am one of those players with quite a few puppets scattered around and I have yet to be ejected from a region with any of them. They all pretty much just sit there doing nothing (except looking cool, since 90% of them have custom flags).
hmmm, It's an okay idea, the only thing I would like is to have the title of "Rogue Nation" under my name cause I'm just such a rebel :twisted: .
It is not really a reward for bad behaviour. Rather, it would remove some annoying trust issues.
In politcs there should alaways be skeptism.
I would be against this idea as it encorages fat-cat delegates who need only clean house once a week. There is no need for the players to be so sedintary that they can't find room for paranoia in world politcs. I think there is room in the RP forums for that, no need to re-write the rules in the actual regions.