NationStates Jolt Archive

Arda/TCO treaty: preliminary draft

Melkor Unchained
25-01-2004, 21:28
Message from the Kalessin Ministry of Peace to the Crimson Order:

The Emperor of Kalessin, in his capacity as regent and delegate of Arda, joint founder of the Arda alliance, captain-temporal of the forces of Chaos and rightful sole-ruler of Nationstates Earth, and Lord Melkor, Emperor Eternal of the Glorious Imperium of Melkor Unchained, co-founder of the Arda Alliance, have come forth to offer the Crimson Order [the "signatory"] an alliance agreement with the region Arda [the "author(s}"].

1. No nation within the boundaries of either the Crimson Order or Arda shall allow any member of the Elven race any place in government, whether local or national. This includes law enforcement positions, school board seats, or any "elected" or appointed position as it pertains to direct governmental employment. Government is to be defined in its literal sense as ?governing? or carrying out tasks that facilitate the government's operation in the signatory or author state[s]. As such, no Elf of any age or gender may have any power or authority of any kind over any non-Elf of any age, rank or gender. The word ?Elven? refers to those beings and groups of beings whom the Kalessin Ministry of Love and the Imperial Medical Directorite defines as ?Elven,? and as such does not include the Drow of Arani, the Dark Eldar of Raem, or similar beings. Pending discovery of "new" races of Elves, the authors will study a subject for a period appropriate to determine its nature. The Authors retain the right to defer this particular function if no member of this race exists in any sort of governing capacity in either the Signatory or Author states. In addition, the signatory agrees to adopt basic domestic policy requisites as suggested by the authors in regards to keeping the signatories' nations staffed properly, particularly as it pertains to this article.

1a. Both the Emperor of Kalessin and Lord Melkor retain the right to suspend any suspected Elven Agent working within the borders of a signatory state, and confer with the Author states on the matter of the subject's race, at which time s/he will be sent to any one of the Author states. If, after such a time has passed and both parties are in agreement as to the Elven nature [or lack thereof] of a subject, then the authors reverve the right to suspend that agent or send him back. If the authors decide, after the deliberation period, to suspend the Agent, the suspension will take effect immediately and a new replacement may be suggested by the Authors. Suggestions on the part of the Authors to fill the position are not binding unless specific circumstances exist as to render the new appointee's loaylties suspect. Elven Agents or elven-sympathetic entities will not be permitted to re-apply to the position in either state, be it in the region of Arda, or The Crimson Order. This clause also applies specifically to members of the Signatory alliance that are not themselves a part of the Crimson Order's region, and likewise for non-residential Author states. Specifically prohibited is any sort of favorable economic or military realtions with the race of Elves known as the Noldor, the foremost of which in this world is the nation of Menelmacar.

1b. In the event that either the Author or the Signatory discover a breach in this protocol, the other party reserves the right to immediately withdraw from this contract.

2. No nation within the boundaries of either the Crimson Order or Arda shall make any treaty of alliance, whether military or economic, with any member of SATO. "SATO" is defined explicitly as the allaince known as the "South Atlantic Treaty Organization." In the event of the formation of an alliance with an identical acronym, the Author states will confer as to whether or not this paricular alliance is worthy of a favorable agreement with either the Signatory or Author states. During this process, the Author states will accept constructive input from the Signatory nations as well, and factor their position into the descision-making process. In addition, no individual, business or corporation within the boundaries of Signatory or Author nations may have any dealings concerning the exchange of goods or monetary units with any members of SATO. Any currently existing relations with SATO or their member states must be severed immediately upon the signing of this treaty. A 90-day grace period will be granted to any nations who have outstanding relations. At the end of this period, if the Signatories still have not terminated their contracts, treaties or other agreements, they will be expelled from the benefits of this union.

2a Compliance to this particular clause can be enacted retroactively. In the event that the Authors find a breach in this agreement at a later date, they may move to sever these ties by force if necessary. This clause is written with the undertstanding that the Signatories' non-compliance is intentional.

2b In the event that a retroactive non-compliance can be found in a Signatory State, then the Signatory will be permitted to make his case in an Imperial or Kalessini court.

3. No nation within the boundaries of either the Crimson Order or Arda shall make any treaty of alliance, whether military or economic, with any member of any alliance incorporating the Nation of Menelmacar. In addition, no individual, business or corporation within the boundaries of said nations may have any dealings concerning the exchange of goods or monetary units with any members of any alliance incorporating the Nation of Menelmacar. Menelmacar itself does count as a self-contained alliance for these purposes.

3a This clause also stipulates the cessation of trade, military support, political support, student exchange programs that any Signatory may hve with Menelmacar itself.

3b Non-compliance will result in either the freezing of all Signatory assets in Arda, expulsion from the treaty, or both. In the event that the Author states choose to freeze a Signatory's assets, they reserve the right to appropriate any and all funds taken in this manner, and spend said monies at their government's leisure. Only assets held in Arda can be frozen in this manner.

4. All nations within the boundaries of both the Crimson Order and Arda shall consistently act to the detriment of SATO and the Elven race as far as they are able. This does not compel either the Signatory or Author states to go to war. The precise level of ability shall be judged my Lord Melkor and The Emperor of Kalessin.

4a. If it found, at any point, that either a Signatory or Author state is acting in league with the Elves, the rest of that traitor's respective region are bound by this treaty to eradicate the problem with force. If this is not an option, or the Author States decide for their own reasons to intervene, the Author States will do it themselves, and hold any land seized in the conflict as their own.

4b. Non compliance with this amendment will result in the seizing and appropriation of any funds held by the traitor nation in all other Signatory or Autor states. Monies seized in this fashion will be sent to Lord Melkor and the Emperor of Kalessin.

4c. The Author States reserve the right to order an investigation into any Signatory government, if there exists reasonable suspicion that siad Signatory is harboring secret sympathies towards the Elves. If this is found to be the case, the Author States reserve the right to resolve the situation by force.

5. No nation within the boundaries of the Crimson Order shall embark upon any hostile military action to the detriment of any nation within the boundaries of the Reich without first obtaining permission from either the Emperor of Kalessin* or Lord Melkor. The Reich is treated as an alliance in this treaty, and as such counts members that may not inhabit the region itself.

6. No nation within the boundaries of the Crimson Order shall embark upon any hostile military action to the detriment of the land known as Arani without first obtaining permission from either the Emperor of Kalessin or Lord Melkor.

7. No nation within the boundaries of the Crimson Order shall embark upon any hostile military action to the detriment of the land known as The Brotherhood of Nod without first obtaining permission from either the Emperor of Kalessin or Lord Melkor.

8. No nation within the boundaries of the Crimson Order shall embark upon any hostile military action to the detriment of the land known as The Silver Turtle without first obtaining permission from either the Emperor of Kalessin or Lord Melkor.

9. No nation within the boundaries of the Crimson Order shall embark upon any action, whether military or economic, that might prove detrimental to any nation within the boundaries of Arda without first obtaining permission from either the Emperor of Kalessin or Lord Melkor.

10. No nation within the boundaries of the Arda shall embark upon any action, whether military or economic, that might prove detrimental to any nation within the boundaries of The Crimson Order without first obtaining permission from the Lords of Padasma.

10a Noncompliance with clauses 5-10 will result in full annexation by the Author States, most notably Lord Melkor and the Emperor of Kalessin.

11. Should any nation within the boundaries of Arda be attacked without prior permission from the Emperor of Kalessin or Lord Melkor, the Crimson Order must provide as much military assistance as the Emperor of Kalessin and Lord Melkor decide is necessary, stop all trade with the aggressor(s), cancel all treaties, whether military or economic, with the aggressor(s), and immediately declare war on the aggressor(s). "Aggressor" in this clause is taken to mean the nation which instigates hostilities in a conflict, and as such may not necessarily be the party to have fired the first shot. Ultimate arbitration of what constitutes "Aggressive action" lies with Lord Melkor and the Emperor of Kalessin.

12. Should any nation within the boundaries of The Crimson Order be attacked without prior permission from Lord Kentaka or the government of Padasma, Arda must provide as much military assistance as the Emperor of Kalessin and Lord Melkor decide is necessary, stop all trade with the aggressor(s), cancel all treaties, whether military or economic, with the aggressor(s), and immediately declare war on the aggressor(s). As with clause 11, Ultimate arbitration of aggressive intent lies with the Lords of Arda.

13. If war is declared between Arda and SATO, The Crimson Order must provide as much military assistance as the Emperor of Kalessin and Lord Melkor decide is necessary and immediately declare war on SATO as well. Faiure to do so will result in full annexation by the Ardan States.

13a. Should special circumstances exist at the time to render the Signatory States unable to carry out the war, provisions will be made for them to aid in some other fashion, be it logistical support or increased arms sales. U;timate arbitration of whether or not the Signatories are capable of fighting lies with the Lords of Arda.

14. If war is declared between Arda and Menelmacar, The Crimson Order must provide as much military assistance as the Emperor of Kalessin and Lord Melkor decide is necessary and immediately declare war on Menelmacar.

14a. Should special circumstances exist at the time to render the Signatory States unable to carry out the war, provisions will be made for them to aid in some other fashion, be it logistical support or increased arms sales. Ultimate arbitration of whether or not the Signatories are capable of fighting lies with the Lords of Arda.

15. The Crimson Order shall not declare war on any nation or region without first consulting with The Emperor of Kalessin and Lord Melkor. Should the Signatories fail to do so, the Author states reserve the right to abstain from the conflict entirely, and they will not be obligated to act in the Crimson Order's defense.

15a. In the event that the Signatories contact the Author States with their case, and are advised not to carry out the war, then the Signatory is bound by the treaty to enact said advice. Should they decide, in spite of this, to continue their war anyway, then the Author States will abstain from the conoflict entirely and reserves the right to cease trade for the duration of the conflict.

16. Should any of the terms in the above treaty be breached, then all nations within both Arda and The Crimson Order must declare war on the perpetrator of the breach, who shall be immediately be evicted from his alliance. A military campaign will then be launched against said nation, under the supervision of Lord Melkor and the Emperor of Kalessin, and each nation within Arda and the Crimson Order must supply as many troops as Lord Melkor and the Emperor of Kalessin see fit.

16a. In the event that the above clause is carried out to the detriment of either a Signatory or an Author state, any respective nation taking part in the afrementioned military campaign may reserve the right to annex any and all land conquered and held by their armies.

17. The Author States reserve the right to amend this treaty as they see fit. Any Amendments made will first be submitted for approval to the Signatory States before being added.
[ooc: Okay, this treaty isnt exactly final, it's just a general idea. I'm posting this now but Kal might want to make some amendments to it in case I missed something. I'd appreciate it if anyone not affiliated with Arda or teh TCO could keep their comments to themselves, as it pertains to the treaty. Feel free to react ICly if you want, just don't point out stuff in the contract. That's for Arda and TCO to work out.]
Crimson Sparta
26-01-2004, 04:49

Resonse will come later.
26-01-2004, 09:24

Looks good. IC post pending.
26-01-2004, 11:52
OOC: [tag while I try to see anything we might've missed]
26-01-2004, 20:53
Melkor Unchained
27-01-2004, 09:24
[Just got an idea: we might want to put something in there about regime changes, and maybe some trade info.]
28-01-2004, 20:46
OOC: I'm working on something for trade but will want to discuss it with Monolith and yourself. Just post any ideas you have concerning it.
28-01-2004, 20:49
OOC: I'm working on something for trade but will want to discuss it with Monolith and yourself. Just post any ideas you have concerning it.
28-01-2004, 20:51
Melkor Unchained
28-01-2004, 23:49
Well, basically all that should be set in the treaty are tariff rates, what kind of goods we'll be trafficking, trade routes, etc etc.

Once those are set, we can alter our trade agreements further, just some guidelines would be good. I dont know what's a good number though, for tariffs and such.
Melkor Unchained
28-01-2004, 23:50
Well, basically all that should be set in the treaty are tariff rates, what kind of goods we'll be trafficking, trade routes, etc etc.

Once those are set, we can alter our trade agreements further, just some guidelines would be good. I dont know what's a good number though, for tariffs and such.
31-01-2004, 02:27
Unless anyone has any changes that must be made now I would like to say that acting in my offical capacity and as a TCO member I approve of this treaty and put my name to it.
Crimson Sparta
31-01-2004, 02:43
This treaty is a great thing for our nations. Together we will all prosper from this deal. Therefore, today, I, Lord Usuengi Kentaka, High Lord of Crimson Sparta, President of The Crimson Order, affix my seal of approval on this treaty.

02-02-2004, 09:31
Wretchengard welcomes its new brothers of the Crimson Order. May this new friendship remain eternally fruitful for all of us.

Bradley Steelblood
Overlord of Wretchengard