NationStates Jolt Archive

Sirocco's Guide to the Language of NationStates.

24-09-2003, 18:22

Red= NationStates Technical Terms
Magenta= Non-AOLese Abbreviations
Green= RolePlay Terms
Blue= AOLese/Miscellaneous

Admin: Administrator(Usually Refers to [violet])
AFAICS: As Far As I Can See
AFAICT: As Far As I Can Tell
AFAIK: As Far As I Know
ASAP: As Soon As Possible
ATM: At The Moment
BTA: But Then Again
BTW: By The Way
C&P: Cut and Past/Copy and Paste
COI: Conflict Of Interests
DEAT: Delete
FA: Forum Administrator
Forum Admin: Forum Administrator
FM: Forum Moderator
FTL: Faster Than Light
FYI: For Your Information
GDP: Gross Domestic Product
GDPCalc: Gross Domestic Product Calculator
GM: Game Moderator
GORT: Delete
'gram: Telegram (deprecated, only seen in older threads)
IAMB: I Am Max Barry
IC: In Character
IH: In Humour
II: The International Incidents forum
IMO: In My Opinion
IMHO: In My Honest/Humble Opinion
IIRC: If I Remember Correctly
IRC: Internet Relay Chat
IRL: In Real Life
IVMB: Is [violet] Max Barry?
JG: Jennifer Government (the book/movie or the forum of the same name)
j/k: Just Kidding
LMAO: Laughing My Arse Off
LOL (and variations): Laughing Out Loud
Mod: Moderator (or the Moderation Forum)
Modbomb: Delete
nm: Nevermind/Not Much
NS: NationStates (the game or the forum of the same name)
NS2: NationStates 2 (the game or the forum of the same name)
OOC: Out Of Character
OMG: Oh My God
OMFG: Oh My F***ing God
OMGLOL: Oh My God Laughing Out Loud
OOI: Out Of Interest
OT: Off-topic
OTOH: On The Other Hand
OTT: Over The Top
OWN (and variations): Overpower; to be superior to; to own.
Pop: Population
Pop Bug: Population Bug
Pop Bug Nation: Nation that recieved the pop bug for a long time
PW: Password
PWed: Passworded(Password-protected)
PwPd: Password-protected
PWN (and variations): Overpower; to be superior to; to own.
RB: Regional Message Board
RL: Real Life
Rofl: Rolling On The Floor Laughing
Roflmao: Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Arse Off
RP: Roleplay
SINGAA: Sirocco Is Not Good At Acronyms.
Smilie: Emoticon
(sp?): Is this correctly spelled?
STFU: Shut The F*** Up(Note that this is indisputably flaming)
TG: Telegram
TM: Telegram
TMI: Too Much Information
Tech: The Technical Forum
The RR: The Rejected Realms
UN: United Nations (the organisation and the forum of the same name)
VM:Vacation Mode
WarCalc: War Calculator
w/e: Whatever
WTF: What The F***
YMMV: Your Mileage May Vary

Forum Terms

Announcement: A special notice by a moderator or admin that they want everyone to see.

Brownnoser: Someone who 'sucks up' to the moderators. A Modhater is self-explanatory.

Bump (and variations): Used to send a topic of interest to the top of the forum board.

Double-post, triple-post et cetera: An accidentally repeated post.

Edit: An 'edit' usually appears at the end of a post and is usually either an afterthought by the poster or a correction.

Ex-Nation: A nation that has ceased to exist or is a nation posting when it's not logged in.

Forum Administrator: This administrator is in charge of the forum. It can, on top of forum moderator capabilities, edit forum descriptors, pick forum moderators and edit postcount descriptors.

Forum Moderator: A moderator that moderates the forum. They can lock, move, edit and delete posts or topics. The older ones are Senior Forum Moderators. No extra powers, just a snazzier title.

Gross Domestic Product/GDP: The total market value of all the goods and services produced within the borders of a nation during a specified period.

IGNORE Cannon (and variations): Used when someone godmodes or godmods (see here. ( and other players want to make it clear that as far as they're concerned, the godmod/godmode in question never happened.

Invite/Private/Closed RP: A roleplay thread that only specified nations may participate.

Locked Thread: A thread that has been closed to any more replies because it has contravened rules or, if it's an Announcement thread (see below), a thread that the moderator or administrator did not want replies made to. There are sometimes exceptions to the rule (a temporary lock).

MODALERT/Modalert: Used to gain attention from a moderator to threads where spam, flame etc. has occured. Remember to make it all one word, as it makes it easier for the mods to find.

Moderator: Volunteers chosen by Administrators (though the forum administrator can only make players forum moderators) who make sure that the rules detailed in the etiquette section of the FAQ (, amongst other duties, are being adhered to.

Moved Thread: A thread that has been placed in the wrong forum and has been moved to the correct one by a moderator or administrator.

N00b (and variations): Usually means a new nation who: has no roleplaying skills, is annoying, or has no understanding of the rules. Is primarily a derogatory term, but is not always used as such.

N00k: A nuke that's being used by a n00b (see above) or in a n00bish way.

Nation-Selling: Creating a nation for the sole purpose of selling it 'Out-of-Character' for a ridiculously high 'In-Character' price to justify ridiculous 'In-Character' expenditures. Is frowned upon in Roleplaying society.

Newbie (and variations): A new nation who is willing to learn how to play properly.

Open RP: A roleplay thread that any nation may participate in.

Pic Warning: Usually represented in topic titles as "(pics)". These indicate that there are a lot of images (or big images) in the topic. Some people have 56k modems which can't cope with this.

Post: An entry in the forum.

Semi-Invite RP: A closed roleplay thread but other nations can join with permission.

Signature/Sig/Siggy: An image or text or combination of both that is the official title of the poster. For instance, mine is 'King Siroc'.

<snip>/snip: Used in quotes to cut out parts of the quote the snipper isn't interested in or, simply just to make the post entry smaller.

Sticky: A thread that the moderators or admin believe everyone should, or would like to, see. Also used as a verb meaning to make a thread a Sticky.

Tag: Used when a reader has nothing to add to the conversation, but wants to keep an eye on the proceedings or wishes to see the topic again later. Also known as mark.

Tags: [size=24] and and all the other BBCodes are referred to as tags.

Tech Modling/Modling: Has forum moderator powers within the Technical forum. Is the resident technical expert.

Thread: A topic (replies and everything).

W00t: Basically means 'yay!' or 'hurrah!'

Wiring Money: When a nation buys something from another nation, that nation 'wires' the money. This can consist of just saying "I have wired the money" or actually sending a telegram with the details. It's a roleplay thing and has no effect on your country's statistics.


Illegal Actions

Events Log Spamming: See Spam.

Flame: Expressing anger in uncouth ways with OOC comments (i.e. swearing, being obnoxious, threatening etc.)though it does to watch what you post IC as well unless the other posters know you're not serious.

Flamebait: Posts that are made with the aim of angering someone.
(like 'You are a [insert vile comment here]' for example).

Godmoding,Godmodding/Wanking and (puppet) Multiing: Look here:

Gravedigging: Posting a reply on a long disused thread; bumping threads that aren't used anymore.

Griefing: Harrassing a nation because of what they did or said.

Klamathing: See Spam.

Multiing: See UN Multiing.

Nation Hijacking: Stealing someone else's nation by gaining their password.

Normacking: See Spam.

Obscenities: Sexually graphic images and posts. Very strictly forbidden.

Post-Whoring: See Spam.

Quote Pyramids: When replies with quotes get quoted and then [i]that reply get's quoted and so on and so forth. It's OK if it's just a few quotes but once they start getting monstrously huge, it is not OK.

Region Griefing: Region Griefing is the malicious cousin of "region crashing". Where "crashing" involves moving several nations into a region at once and taking over the delegate-ship, griefing involves less savoury events afterwards. Basically the same as Griefing, only it's a bunch of nations (the region crashers) being griefed.

Spam/SPAM: Off-topic, irrelevant and multi-posts that clog the server. This includes posting lots of smilies which is known as Smilie Spam. Also akin to spamming is Post-whoring which is when a player posts anything just to increase the postcount, also known as Normacking. Going in and out of a region and hence filling up the regional events board with departing and arriving messages is known as Events Log Spamming and is not allowed. Spamming to the point where you get deleted is known as Klamathing.

Thread Hijacking: Appropiating a thread for a discussion totally unrelated to the original purpose of said thread.

Trolling: Posts that are made with the aim of angering people. (like 'ALL JEWS ARE ' for example). Also is used to refer to making obviously silly topics that people nonetheless will reply to. (making a case for the proof that teletubbies exist for instance. There will always be someone who feels compelled to post 'No they don't.' despite the fact that threads like this should be just left to die.)

UN Multiing: Primarily someone who has more than one UN nation. Also, in Roleplay, Puppet Multiing is when someone uses their other nations in wars to give themselves an advantage. Not against the game rules, but very likely to tick people off.

Game Terms

Administrator: Is in charge of the entire game. Can do anything, including changing the very coding of NationStates itself.

Dead Region: A region with no nations or a region where none of the members communicate with anyone else.

Endorsement Swapping: Where a nation endorses another in return for an endorsement back. A 'you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours' kinda thing.

Founder: The creator of a region. A founder can do anything s/he likes (apart from things mentioned in 'Illegal Actions') in any region s/he founds. Can eject and ban nations, edit his/her region's World Factbook Entry and password-protect the region, change the current password or take the current password away.

Game Moderator: A moderator who primarily moderates the game but can moderate the forum too. On top of forum moderator capabilities, they can delete nations, edit regions' names and many other things short of actual code-changing. The older ones are Senior Game Moderators. No extra powers, just a snazzier title.

Native: Nations that are indigenous to a region. Meaning that they 'live' there and are not invaders that have taken over, or region hoppers that are only staying for a short while.

Pop Bug/Population Bug: Instead of being updated zero times per update, nations with the population bug are updated two times. This means they gain population at twice the rate of other nations, receive twice as many issues as they request, and, if they are UN members, are doubly affected by UN resolutions. Sometimes it works the other way round and nations [i]lose population.

Puppet: Any additional nation owned by a player besides his "main" or "principal". The border between "main" and "puppet" is unclear, as some players have different "main" nations for different styles of RP, Future Tech, Space Tech, Modern Tech, Fantasy.... Typically, the "main" nation is the one with UN Membership.

Region Crashing/Invading: Gaining delegateship in a region through force. For more information as to what is a legitimate invasion look at the etiquette section of the FAQ. ( Nations that region crash are usually known as Invaders or Region Crashers.

Region Hawking: Recreating recently deceased regions to become the founder of them. For further clarification, see here:

Region Hopping: Moving a nation from one region to another in quick progression, usually using a special program (script) to do so.

Spawned: The region where a nation is founded (one of the Pacific regions) is where it 'spawns'.

UN Delegate/UND: The elected representative of a region. Can vote on the passing (or rejecting) of proposals to be submitted for general voting (see UN Terms) and when a delegate votes on a proposal that's up for vote his/her endorsements are added on to the votes that he/she casts. Can also (unless the founder of the region bars him/her access to Regional Control) eject and ban nations, edit his/her region's World Factbook Entry and password-protect the region, change the current password or take the current password away. Only the UN members of a region can endorse (and hence elect) a UN Delegate.

UN Terms

To learn more about the UN look here: About The UN And Some Helpful Links (

Approval: A vote that only delegates can make on proposals. If a proposal has enough approvals it will be put up for vote to be a possible resolution.

Proposal: A potential resolution. [List of Proposals (]

Quorum: The number of approvals needed to put a proposal up for vote, which if voted FOR, will become a resolution.

Resolution: A law that all UN nations must adhere to. [Past UN Resolutions (]

Major In-Character NationStates Alliances

[List of Known Alliances (]

ADN: Allied Defense Network
CACE: Coalition of Anti-Capitalist Economies
EODS: Empire of Draconic States
EOTED: Empire Of The Eternal Dawn
NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization
SATO: South Atlantic Treaty Organization
SCDT: Sardaukar Confederate Defense Trust
TofY/ToY: Triumverate of Yut
WBO: World Business Organization

Please do tell if you think I've got something wrong or if something should be added...
24-09-2003, 19:26
This is a great list Sirroco. Perhaps someday it will be stickied. Then it might put an end to all the иоовееz  :D
24-09-2003, 19:43
agreed - Sticky please.
Tactical Grace
24-09-2003, 19:58
I would add STFU and Puppet to the list. Nice one.
24-09-2003, 19:59

24-09-2003, 20:22
I would add STFU and Puppet to the list. Nice one.

How could I have forgotten puppet? D'oh!

Added! :)
24-09-2003, 20:38
Thanks Sirocco now I know what most of the terms used on NS are. I remmeber sometimes where I would just guess at what a word ment and look like a NOOB, although I knew what that ment.
New Genoa
24-09-2003, 20:40
*Thank You.*
The Free Republic of New Genoa
24-09-2003, 20:53
You forgot RIC.
24-09-2003, 20:54
I've never come across that one... what is it?
24-09-2003, 20:56
Raevyn Is Cool.

24-09-2003, 21:00
*hits Raevyn over head with mallet*

Cheeky! :wink:
24-09-2003, 21:23
Sticky, please?

And you might want to add the UN definitions:

UN: United Nations
Resolution: Proposal that has come to a vote

And also maybe some of the larger alliances.
New Genoa
24-09-2003, 21:35
IIRC: If I Remember Correctly
The Free Republic of New Genoa
24-09-2003, 22:14
--double post--

Urgh! :oops:
24-09-2003, 22:15
Added. I'm still updating, so lets be having with your suggestions! :)
24-09-2003, 22:21
I think you forgot "Klamathing" and there was another similar term named after another nation I forgot....

*Thinks really hard*
24-09-2003, 22:39
I'm not sure what Klamathing is... maybe the other one you're thinking of is 'Normacking'.
24-09-2003, 22:56
I'm not sure what Klamathing is... maybe the other one you're thinking of is 'Normacking'.

That was the other one, "Normacking". Let see, "Normacking" is basicly spamming and I think "Klamathing" is flaming.
24-09-2003, 23:06
I don't think I'll add them... I've never seen them used in a serious way.
Tactical Grace
24-09-2003, 23:53
How about post-whoring?
24-09-2003, 23:57
Like the new title, but still I think "Normacking" and "Klamathing" should be mentioned. Not that it really matters or anything.
25-09-2003, 00:09
How about post-whoring?

Look at Spam, it is mentioned there, it is even bolded.
Tactical Grace
25-09-2003, 01:15
Ignore Cannons? (And related technologies)
25-09-2003, 01:58
nice list

maybe you should add lmao and its many variations?
25-09-2003, 02:14
maybe you should add lmao and its many variations?
25-09-2003, 02:42
maybe you should add lmao and its many variations?

25-09-2003, 07:31
Damn, good job Sirocco.
25-09-2003, 09:47
Wow. I got plagiarised. Not bad.

*nods approval of the thread*
Catholic Europe
25-09-2003, 10:39
Cheers Sirocco, now I understand all these abbreviations, and it saves time writing out the whole word!
25-09-2003, 10:56
Thread hijacking (hijaaking? highjacking?) - Appropiating a thread for a discussion totally unrelated to the original purpose of said thread. Though not a illegal practice, it is unpolite and frowned upon.

Off-topic (acronym OT) - Posting inside a thread with a subject different to that of the thread. Can lead to hijacking.
25-09-2003, 11:29
Thread hijacking (hijaaking? highjacking?) - Appropiating a thread for a discussion totally unrelated to the original purpose of said thread. Though not a illegal practice, it is unpolite and frowned upon.
"Hijacking" is the correct spelling. At least, in the sense of "to hijack a bus and demand it go to Cuba" gratuitous Monty Python reference.
Kurai Nami
25-09-2003, 11:46
ATM = At The Moment

FYI = For Your Information

Did'nt see these on the list
25-09-2003, 12:18
Thread hijacking (hijaaking? highjacking?) - Appropiating a thread for a discussion totally unrelated to the original purpose of said thread. Though not a illegal practice, it is unpolite and frowned upon.
"Hijacking" is the correct spelling. At least, in the sense of "to hijack a bus and demand it go to Cuba" gratuitous Monty Python reference.

I tried to take a bus to Cuba once...
The Most Glorious Hack
25-09-2003, 12:59
YMMV: Your Milage May Vary.

Added to Scolo's Big Tech Sticky
25-09-2003, 14:25
YMMV: Your Milage May Vary.

Added to Scolo's Big Tech Sticky

That one is seldom used. OTOH :shock: (THAT means "On The Other Hand") that makes it obscure enough for people to look its meaning, but as always, YMMV. OMG! I just used it!

And let's not forget that TANSTAAFL!
25-09-2003, 15:28
Thread hijacking (hijaaking? highjacking?) - Appropiating a thread for a discussion totally unrelated to the original purpose of said thread. Though not a illegal practice, it is unpolite and frowned upon.
"Hijacking" is the correct spelling. At least, in the sense of "to hijack a bus and demand it go to Cuba" gratuitous Monty Python reference.

I tried to take a bus to Cuba once...

I know someone tried to drive a Chevy pickup from Cuba to Florida.

Seriously. The thing was rigged with a huge load of flotation devices. It was practically a make-shift boat.

--The Democratic States of Cogitation
25-09-2003, 16:47
Practical demonstration of the term "thread hijacking". And by a Mod, no less! :)
25-09-2003, 19:01
YMMV: Your Milage May Vary.

Added to Scolo's Big Tech Sticky

That one is seldom used. OTOH :shock: (THAT means "On The Other Hand") that makes it obscure enough for people to look its meaning, but as always, YMMV. OMG! I just used it!

And let's not forget that TANSTAAFL!

What does that mean?

Thanks for all the other stuff too, can't believe I forgot hijacking! *slaps forehead*

Keep 'em coming...
25-09-2003, 20:10
*Bows to mods*
Please sticky this thread o great ones! /jk
This would really help as a sticky and would cut down on the "WHUTZ IMHO MEEN????!!!!!!!!!!!1111" stuff by the n00bs. God I hate those.... :P
25-09-2003, 20:36
It has been stickied. :mrgreen:

Problem is, I don't think that many people do look at the sticky list... maybe it needs a new title.
HC Eredivisie
25-09-2003, 20:38
It has been stickied. :mrgreen:

what has been stickied? :?
Crazy girl
25-09-2003, 20:51
the link to this thread was posted in the big tech sticky thing..
25-09-2003, 20:54
What does that mean?

What? TANSTAAFL? Actually is a Heinlein acronym. I think I have seen one or two countries having it as motto. It has no relation to the forums, but it is a real-life, frightening truth:

There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch.

Meaning that everything has its costs, whether on plain sight or not.

Thanks for all the other stuff too, can't believe I forgot hijacking! *slaps forehead*

Keep 'em coming...

And referring to forum-lingo, there are also other terms that aren't really NS-specific but they appear sometimes in conversation, like "pwn", "1337", and all the AOLese. But I think you can spare the AOLese. Please, do so. Please please.
25-09-2003, 21:37
Please do tell if you think I've got something wrong or if something should be added
No Problemo. Italics mine.

NS: NationStates, both the Server(Game?) and the Forum of the same name

Forum Moderator: A moderator assigned specifically to forum-related problems. They can lock, move, edit and delete posts or topics.

Tech Modling/Modling: Has forum moderator powers within the Technical forum. Is the resident technical expert. AKA SS :) (Sorry couldn't resist! Have you AKA? Also Known As)

Spam/SPAM: Off-topic, irrelevant and multi-posts that clog the server. This includes posting lots of smilies which is known as Smilie Spam. Also akin to spamming is Post-whoring which is when a player posts anything just to increase the postcount, also known as Normacking.
Don't forget RB (Regional Board) and Regional Events log (or whatever it is called) Spamming. It can be grounds for deletion. Or, as the Mods say, DEAT. (Hey! what THAT means?)

Puppet: Any additional nation owned by a player besides his "main" or "principal". The border between "main" and "puppet" is unclear, as some players have different "main" nations for different styles of RP, Future Tech, Space Tech, Modern Tech, Fantasy.... Typically, the "main" nation is the one with UN Membership.

UN Delegate: The elected representative of a region. Can vote on the passing (or rejecting) of proposals to be submitted for general voting (see UN Terms) and when a delegate votes on a proposal that's up for vote his/her endorsements are added on to the votes that he/she casts. Can also (unless the founder of the region bars him/her access to Regional Control) eject and ban nations, edit his/her region's World Factbook Entry and password-protect the region, change the current password or take the current password away. Only the UN members of a region can endorse (and hence elect) a UN Delegate(UND).

I submit those changes for your consideration. Add the ones you like and forget about the rest. ASAP. CU.

Another Term: Ex-Nation: deleted nation, or post in a thread by someone not logged in.
25-09-2003, 21:45
how about OOI - out of interest ..... or am i the only person who uses that? well maybe i can start my own term :D
25-09-2003, 21:58
I read the sticky list. But then again (is that used often? Is it already on the list? BTA?), thats just me.
Yay! Now I know what roflmao means!
Btw, Sirocco, I do NOT like you :o !

Yeah, I know that its a joke, but if anyone want to see what Im talking about, the click me (
26-09-2003, 00:10
I was hoping for something that explains what the various political names mean. What is a "College State" for example.
26-09-2003, 07:54
I would, but I'm not sure myself. :wink:

Added some of the things people have come up with, but I'm not sure what 'pwn' means and I see that a lot.
The Most Glorious Hack
26-09-2003, 08:09
I would, but I'm not sure myself. :wink:

Added some of the things people have come up with, but I'm not sure what 'pwn' means and I see that a lot.

"pwn" leet speak for "own". In other words, to completely overpower something, or be clearly better.

Example: "Did you catch that game? The Cubs totally pwnd the Mets."
26-09-2003, 12:42

Can't believe there's not an abbreviation for this. ;)
26-09-2003, 16:38

Can't believe there's not an abbreviation for this. ;)

Er... I Vote Max Barry? :lol:

Still searching for anything I've left out BTW...
26-09-2003, 21:23
I've made changes (thanks Dark Sith :wink: ) and made some new additions so please tell me what you think. I still don't know what IVMB means... :?
26-09-2003, 22:56

Can't believe there's not an abbreviation for this. ;)
Add it Sirocco, then it might begin to get used as an abreviation.
26-09-2003, 23:00
IVMB? No.. IAMB! :lol:
26-09-2003, 23:36
IVMB? No.. IAMB! :lol:

<------- doesn't get it. :cry:
27-09-2003, 00:18
Some terms that might need listing as well, along with some random humor to make my post somewhat less boring:

Perrierring: Godmoding by invoking God, i.e. "God makes your spaceship explode! :( "; also, posting incredibly tasteless pictures, i.e. those of the Challenger accident, along with it.
Zolanding: Posting goatse and tubgirl repeatedly; also includes making an apology thread for the above in which is posted a similar pic.
spacewanking: a specialized subset of godmoding, in which a nation that has no right being in space at all has starfleets that rival the Star Wars Imperial Navy.
godmodding: an atrociously incorrect spelling of the word 'godmoding.'
burninate: to destroy in a particularly spectacular fashion, usually involving fire.
Menelmacar/Melkor Unchained: See 'Agression Sponge'
Nation-Selling: creating a nation for the sole purpose of OOCly selling it for a ridiculously high IC price to justify ridiculous IC expenditures. See also: "I hate people who do this."
Dark Terror: "I don't roleplay, I annex." Bane of the II Forum. Ignore.
27-09-2003, 00:34
IVMB? No.. IAMB! :lol:

<------- doesn't get it. :cry:

think he means I Am Max Barry
27-09-2003, 00:35
Could you tell me which are which?

Nation-Selling is definitely in, but I've never seen burninate or spacewanking, both of which seem plausible to me...
Total n Utter Insanity
27-09-2003, 00:43
Spacewanking is mainly said on IRC. As with all the other forms of wanking, e.g. nanowanking, numberwanking, etc they all have the same basic meaning.
27-09-2003, 00:48
Hmm... I can hardly generalise it all and say 'and another term for godmoding is wanking.'

It'd look damn silly it would! :lol:
27-09-2003, 00:56
IVMB? No.. IAMB! :lol:

<------- doesn't get it. :cry:

think he means I Am Max Barry

I'm a she.. :(

IVMB = Is Violet Max Barry

IAMB = I am Max Barry

SINGAA = Sirocco Is Not Good At Acronyms. :wink:
27-09-2003, 01:03
IVMB? No.. IAMB! :lol:

<------- doesn't get it. :cry:

think he means I Am Max Barry

I'm a she.. :(

IVMB = Is Violet Max Barry

IAMB = I am Max Barry

SINGAA = Sirocco Is Not Good At Acronyms. :wink:


Consider IVMB and IAMB added!
27-09-2003, 01:49
No SINGAA? :lol:
27-09-2003, 04:14
*burninate: to destroy in a particularly spectacular fashion, usually involving fire.

A Trogdor reference.

And there is a difference between godmoding and godmodding, I just forget what it is. It's in a sticky somewhere (in II I think)...
27-09-2003, 04:16
No SINGAA? :lol:

IMVB: Is Violet Max Barry

(emphisis added)

I should point out that SINGAA.
27-09-2003, 06:17
And there is a difference between godmoding and godmodding, I just forget what it is. It's in a sticky somewhere (in II I think)...

No, it's just people who can't spell. *blugeons people who spell it 'godmodding' with a Stratocaster*
The Most Glorious Hack
27-09-2003, 06:22
And there is a difference between godmoding and godmodding, I just forget what it is. It's in a sticky somewhere (in II I think)...

No, it's just people who can't spell. *blugeons people who spell it 'godmodding' with a Stratocaster*

Granted, it's a fictional word, but...

Generally, when a word ends in a single consanant predicated with a vowel, and has a suffix that starts with a vowel (ie: -ed, -ing, etc) the consanant is doubled. Hence, "godmod" would become "godmodding". Much like "run" becomes "running", not "runing".
27-09-2003, 07:15
Yep, if you make the continous tense from the verb "godmode", the correct form is "godmoding", as you say, but if you use "godmod", the correct one is "godmodding".

And referring to the IRC lingo, I was aware of it, but seeing that wasn't too used in the forums...

Though I thought "wanking" was a poor form of RPing, removing descriptions and leaving "just the facts, ma'am".

"I attack you with 100 tanks and 1000 soldiers."
"I use 25 howitzers against you. Post losses."
"I lose 6 tanks and 200 men. I get to the howitzers and attack them. Post losses."

And so on. Boooooring.

Another term of IRC that fortunately I haven't seen in any post of the forum is "ortillery", meaning Orbital Artillery, i.e. bombarding someone from space.

BTW, I'd say that posting the names of BEB and Melky as part of the argot is not a good idea. And calling them "Agression spounges" can be hazardous to your nation's health.

Dark Terror is, as always, IGNOREd.

And I still don't see what God has to do with Perrier.
The Most Glorious Hack
27-09-2003, 07:47
Though I thought "wanking" was a poor form of RPing, removing descriptions and leaving "just the facts, ma'am".

Wanking usually has a modifier. "Puppet wanking", "picture wanking", etc.
27-09-2003, 10:44
No SINGAA? :lol:

IMVB: Is Violet Max Barry

(emphisis added)

I should point out that SINGAA.

:lol: Ok Siro, now you have to add SINGAA to the list. I am going to make sure it becomes part of forum lingo, at least in the General anyway, 'cause we all know how much I visit the other forums. You should consider adding it to your sig. :P

The Most Glorious Hack
27-09-2003, 10:49
:lol: Ok Siro, now you have to add SINGAA to the list. I am going to make sure it becomes part of forum lingo, at least in the General anyway, 'cause we all know how much I visit the other forums. You should consider adding it to your sig. :P


Or a POWAR ABUSZING mod could :wink:
27-09-2003, 10:55
Hack! :o

Are you abusing power again? Didn't rehab help? The first step is admitting you have a problem. :lol:
The Most Glorious Hack
27-09-2003, 10:57
Hack! :o

Are you abusing power again? Didn't rehab help? The first step is admitting you have a problem. :lol:

Hrumph. I can quit any time I want. :wink:
27-09-2003, 16:46
Where can I put my face? :oops:

What does IRC stand for? I want to put that in Abbreviations.
27-09-2003, 16:48

27-09-2003, 17:04
And there is a difference between godmoding and godmodding, I just forget what it is. It's in a sticky somewhere (in II I think)...

No, it's just people who can't spell. *blugeons people who spell it 'godmodding' with a Stratocaster*

I pride myself on my spelling, I feel that godmodding is used so much now that its become a perfectly acceptable variant of godmoding.

BTW, you spelt 'bludgeons' wrong. :wink:
27-09-2003, 17:15
27-09-2003, 18:05
:shock: AAAAHHHH! :shock:

Well, anyway, it has been stickied (shows how much people look at Scolo's list eh?) and I'm still making new additions so keep with the suggestions... and I've decided to add wanking, though it may be against my better judgement... :wink:

Could any mods reading give me a definition for 'modbomb'? I'm not sure if it's just for threads.
27-09-2003, 21:02
Oh, Sirrrrooooccooo. . .

You forgot:

"The RR" and
"spawned" and

Edit: Oh and EODS- Evil Despotic Spammers ( :wink: ) and "Edit"/"" tags
27-09-2003, 21:27
What's spawning?
27-09-2003, 21:29
Sorry, I meant "spawned" that is the Pacific that you were born in.

I added two more common terms for your consideration.
27-09-2003, 21:43

I've never seen EODS before... what does the O stand for?
27-09-2003, 21:49
It is the "The Empire of Draconic States", a group of nations who go around attempting to godmod newbs out of existance.
27-09-2003, 21:55
Not sure whether to add it or not, could someone give me a second opinion?

(Note: Still wanting to know what IRC stands for and the accurate definition of modbomb. I'm leaving no stone unturned here... :wink: )
27-09-2003, 21:58
Not sure whether to add it or not, could someone give me a second opinion?

(Note: Still wanting to know what IRC stands for and the accurate definition of modbomb. I'm leaving no stone unturned here... :wink: )

IRC = Internet Relay Chat

modbomb = dang, I dunno....being deleted? o.o
27-09-2003, 22:13
modbomb = dang, I dunno....being deleted? o.o
At least that is the impression that Hack gave me, or rather he said that he modbombed several nations that had been UN multis, so I assume that it means when a forum mod runs an IP scan and gets a GM to delete the offending nations?
27-09-2003, 22:29
Hmm... can any mods who see this tell me?

I'd so ever like to know... :)
27-09-2003, 22:29
Invite RP, Private RP, Closed RP: Role-plays in which only specific nations can participate.

Open RP: A role-play in which any nation may participate in.
27-09-2003, 22:47
Added. :)

Wait, I need a good definition for semi-invite RPs too(I've never actually tried one).
28-09-2003, 00:46
And there is a difference between godmoding and godmodding, I just forget what it is. It's in a sticky somewhere (in II I think)...

No, it's just people who can't spell. *blugeons people who spell it 'godmodding' with a Stratocaster*

Granted, it's a fictional word, but...

Generally, when a word ends in a single consanant predicated with a vowel, and has a suffix that starts with a vowel (ie: -ed, -ing, etc) the consanant is doubled. Hence, "godmod" would become "godmodding". Much like "run" becomes "running", not "runing".


Except it's godmode, not godmod, so it drops the e and only adds an ing, making it godmoding...
28-09-2003, 01:06
Hmm... can any mods who see this tell me?

I'd so ever like to know... :)
Ask Cog. . .

I don't know if he'll mind, but the worst that he'll do is give you a lenghty and confusing explaination. :P
The Most Glorious Hack
28-09-2003, 06:22
Modbomb: GORT, DEAT, delete.

Essentialy, Neut uses DEAT, Scolopendra uses GORT, and Reploid uses Modbomb.

DEAT was from a misspelling in a newspaper or something.
GORT is from The Day The Earth Stood Still, of course.
Modbomb is from the image Rep uses when she deletes a nation.

Semi-Invite RP: closed RP, but non-invited players can join with permission.
28-09-2003, 10:08
Shame on you, Sirocco. You keep asking about IRC, when you can find in the NS Forum a nice STICKY titled Nationstates IRC Chat (, with all the info about it.

I myself go there from time to time, and it is also a very fast way to talk (unofficially) to more or less off-duty mods. That means "don't go there to pester them about rulings and decisions". But that is useful for quick doubts and rule clarifications. Complaints and cheating accusations must be handled through the official channels, not IRC.

Also, a lot of experienced players are there that can help you with RPing and nation-managing. Be aware that you can be drowned in a lot of technobabble, depending on the question you make. Oh, and never ever ask about FTL there. (SINGAA: FTL is not a Forum term. It means "Faster Than Light". Future Tech.)
Reploid Productions
28-09-2003, 12:09
Modbomb: Originally a slang term (I think I started it actually o_o) that meant to delete a thread in the forum. Has since evolved to generally imply deletions of threads or nations.

The modbomb image is this:

:wink: Hope that helps a bit!
28-09-2003, 17:38
Shame on you, Sirocco. You keep asking about IRC, when you can find in the NS Forum a nice STICKY titled Nationstates IRC Chat (, with all the info about it.

...except what it actually stands for! :wink: Nice use of SINGAA by the way... :lol:

Consider FTL added!
28-09-2003, 18:05
j/k = just kidding
28-09-2003, 19:44
And there is a difference between godmoding and godmodding, I just forget what it is. It's in a sticky somewhere (in II I think)...

No, it's just people who can't spell. *blugeons people who spell it 'godmodding' with a Stratocaster*

Granted, it's a fictional word, but...

Generally, when a word ends in a single consanant predicated with a vowel, and has a suffix that starts with a vowel (ie: -ed, -ing, etc) the consanant is doubled. Hence, "godmod" would become "godmodding". Much like "run" becomes "running", not "runing".
But "godmode" ends with an e, not an n.
28-09-2003, 19:54
And there is a difference between godmoding and godmodding, I just forget what it is. It's in a sticky somewhere (in II I think)...

No, it's just people who can't spell. *blugeons people who spell it 'godmodding' with a Stratocaster*

Granted, it's a fictional word, but...

Generally, when a word ends in a single consanant predicated with a vowel, and has a suffix that starts with a vowel (ie: -ed, -ing, etc) the consanant is doubled. Hence, "godmod" would become "godmodding". Much like "run" becomes "running", not "runing".
But "godmode" ends with an e, not an n.

godmod -> godmodding
godmode -> godmoding
28-09-2003, 20:28
Yes, I know.

... Oh... I didn't know there was a 5th page to this thread... >_>
28-09-2003, 21:16
j/k = just kidding

New Genoa
29-09-2003, 01:22
w/e = whatever
29-09-2003, 01:38
u r ghey = I believe that you tend to exhibit homosexual tendencies in a frequent manner.
29-09-2003, 01:53
nutty a powar abusor (and variants)- a common expression of mod hate directed at Neutered Sputniks

the mod r powar abusor (and variants)- common general expression of mod hate
29-09-2003, 01:57
i love mods cuz they are cool - common expression of blind mod-worship by idiots.
29-09-2003, 02:02
Actually it is more often spelled like "i luv mods cuz they r kool", but you are right, to be fair I should have put that one in my post too.
The Most Glorious Hack
29-09-2003, 06:52
But "godmode" ends with an e, not an n.

Being a fictitious word, it can be spelled either way.
29-09-2003, 14:06
*Scratches head.*
Wasn't this stickied? Oh well. I really want to say something with malpropism in it, but theres no NS term for it...
29-09-2003, 17:17
godmod -> godmodding
godmode -> godmoding

There is no word 'godmod.' The term is GODMODE. It's a Doom reference! IDDQD! GOD MODE. GODMODE. GODMODING. Ugh.

(this is one of those random things that pisses me off far more than it should)
29-09-2003, 21:17
Kitty, are you sure?
This one ( is in the Godmodding sticky, in II forum. And it is by YOU, no less. :) Err. The II sticky, not the link I give.
30-09-2003, 22:51
Interesting! I'll include this other definition of Multiing.
01-10-2003, 17:15
New additions have been made... second opinions much appreciated.
02-10-2003, 17:10
Anyone? :?
03-10-2003, 00:35
NARC! :|
Tactical Grace
03-10-2003, 11:29
NARC! :|
03-10-2003, 15:30
Kitty, are you sure?
This one ( is in the Godmodding sticky, in II forum. And it is by YOU, no less. :) Err. The II sticky, not the link I give.

It's not my fault other people can't spell.
03-10-2003, 15:51
No, I mean YOU made a thread that included a thread by TNR explaining the differences between both terms. So in that you seem to condone the existance of both words.
03-10-2003, 16:10
No, I mean YOU made a thread that included a thread by TNR explaining the differences between both terms. So in that you seem to condone the existance of both words.

Actually, Slag added that. I don't agree that 'godmod' is actually a word. Call me a purist, but the word is GODMODE. Grf.
03-10-2003, 16:26
Hey, "Grf" at Slag, not at me. I was just pointing the fact that it SEEMS you condoning, not that you actually condoned the word.
03-10-2003, 18:22
Godmod and godmode, IMHO, are both used to mean the same things so often now that they're both acceptable variants just like 'color' came from colour and 'thru' from through.
03-10-2003, 19:01
Godmod is slang. You may call it wrong, but it is a word here, so it excist :P

The getting help section! ( (for all your gaming problems)
The Central Pacific ( (for The Pacific alternative.)
03-10-2003, 21:18
NARC! :|
I haven't heard that one before, does that mean sort of like an obnoxious informant to the mods?

If so, the I am a NetKKop of the UN proposals. :twisted:
03-10-2003, 22:57
Godmod and godmode, IMHO, are both used to mean the same things so often now that they're both acceptable variants just like 'color' came from colour and 'thru' from through.



'Color' is not an acceptable variant!



03-10-2003, 23:27
Godmod and godmode, IMHO, are both used to mean the same things so often now that they're both acceptable variants just like 'color' came from colour and 'thru' from through.



'Color' is not an acceptable variant!




In phpBB, "colour" is an unacceptable variant. :P
03-10-2003, 23:36
Ah, but there's no strict laws dictating RP.
03-10-2003, 23:36
That's because SHS` and the other UKies on the phpBB team are ignored... :P
04-10-2003, 05:12
What is 1337?

You could add abbreviations of the most powerful alliances; EOTED, TofY, NATO
04-10-2003, 10:08

"1337" is AOLese. It is replacing letters with numbers. Actually it is read "LEET", that is argot for "ELITE". Like "j00" (="joo"="you") and a lot of similar crap.
04-10-2003, 10:10
Hmm... I have no idea what 1337 means. A list of IC abbreviations would be interesting... you'd have to be considered important or well known enough to go in of course. I'd like second opinions about this...

Edit after seeing Darksith's post: Ahh... so do you think it should go in?
The Most Glorious Hack
04-10-2003, 10:16
You could add abbreviations of the most powerful alliances; EOTED, TofY, NATO

Here's a few:

Empire Of The Eternal Dawn (EOTED)
Triumverate of Yut (TofY, ToY)
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
South Atlantic Treaty Organization (SATO)
World Business Organization (WBO)
Coalition of Anti-Capitalist Economies (CACE)
Empire of Draconic States (EODS)
04-10-2003, 10:45
I still can't help wonder; Are we talking language here, or is it Acronyms? :?
Or maybe both :?
The getting help section! ( (for all your gaming problems)
The Central Pacific ( (for The Pacific alternative.)
04-10-2003, 11:04
Edit after seeing Darksith's post: Ahh... so do you think it should go in?
No, please, not AOLese. It barely qualifies as human language, the same that its speakers barely qualify as human beings. I mean:

I PWN J00! I AM TEH H4X00RZ!!!11!!111 J00 R L4M3!!!!111 L0Z4444RRRR!!!

NO, thank you. Unless joo wnat my n00kz 2 kik ur l4m3 4zzz!!!!11

(BTW: Translations: "I pwn(own) you! I am the haxor! (hacker) You are lame! Loser!" and "Unless you want my nukes to kick your lame ass")

So, please, steer away from that.

Triumverate of Yut (TofY, ToY)
:shock: The scary Miss N belongs to that. (flees)
04-10-2003, 16:17
OK, I've added Hack's list of major alliances.
04-10-2003, 17:32
Edit after seeing Darksith's post: Ahh... so do you think it should go in?
No, please, not AOLese. It barely qualifies as human language, the same that its speakers barely qualify as human beings. I mean:

I PWN J00! I AM TEH H4X00RZ!!!11!!111 J00 R L4M3!!!!111 L0Z4444RRRR!!!

NO, thank you. Unless joo wnat my n00kz 2 kik ur l4m3 4zzz!!!!11

(BTW: Translations: "I pwn(own) you! I am the haxor! (hacker) You are lame! Loser!" and "Unless you want my nukes to kick your lame ass")

So, please, steer away from that.

Triumverate of Yut (TofY, ToY)
:shock: The scary Miss N belongs to that. (flees)

It's usually referred to as leet-speak.
04-10-2003, 17:38
Ya know, I'm considering applying to join the Trimverate. :P
04-10-2003, 18:26
Godmod is slang. You may call it wrong, but it is a word here, so it excist :P

Spelling it 'godmod' is like spelling 'cat' with a k. It's just plain wrong.

Ye Olde Forum Curmudgeon
Master of the Pet Peeve
04-10-2003, 18:32

"1337" is AOLese.

AOLese = u r gay lol nad u suk

1337 = j00 4|23 94`/ 4|\||) j00 5|_|><><0|22
04-10-2003, 18:34
Godmod is slang. You may call it wrong, but it is a word here, so it excist :P

Spelling it 'godmod' is like spelling 'cat' with a k. It's just plain wrong.

Ye Olde Forum Curmudgeon
Master of the Pet Peeve



Peng-Pau, the Naitive Forum Grammar Nazi (
04-10-2003, 19:10
Spelling it 'godmod' is like spelling 'cat' with a k. It's just plain wrong.

Ye Olde Forum Curmudgeon
Master of the Pet Peeve
Up until yesterday I never saw it spelled "godmode" I will continue to spell it "godmod" thankee very much.

And after all Sketch, Loop, and TGM all spell "the" "teh".
Catholic Europe
04-10-2003, 20:10
Pop. = population.

Would this be included? I use it a lot...
04-10-2003, 23:16
Pop. = population.

Would this be included? I use it a lot...

It's already there... :wink:
Catholic Europe
05-10-2003, 10:36
Pop. = population.

Would this be included? I use it a lot...

It's already there... :wink:

Really! I didn't see it... :oops:

*Goes to look again*
Tactical Grace
05-10-2003, 22:49
ADN (Allied Defense Network) - pretty important one, lots of the major regions are in it.

SCDT (Sardaukar Confederate Defense Trust) - maybe.

And is Population / Pop. Bug in there?
06-10-2003, 07:55
I've added the alliances, but I already had Pop bug up there. :)
07-10-2003, 01:41
Might I suggest the addition of "Warmongering".
07-10-2003, 02:07
Might I suggest the addition of "Warmongering".
That aint an NS or AOLese(apparently a lot of NS terms originate on AwOL).
07-10-2003, 02:54
Add Owned/0wn3d
07-10-2003, 16:53
Is that the same as 'pwned'?
07-10-2003, 18:10
Of course they are. "Owned" is the right way to write it, "pwned" and "0wn3d" are, of course, leet-speak or AOLese.
07-10-2003, 21:50
Might I suggest the addition of "Warmongering".
That aint an NS or AOLese(apparently a lot of NS terms originate on AwOL).

Bush creates NS terms?
09-10-2003, 17:10
Might I suggest the addition of "Warmongering".
That aint an NS or AOLese(apparently a lot of NS terms originate on AwOL).

Bush creates NS terms?


Is there anything I've missed do you think?
Steve Owen
09-10-2003, 17:18
could you add what all the things like powerbroker and envoy mean? If you have then I didn't look at it well enough.
09-10-2003, 17:24
Hmm... there will be new titles soon, I'll put up a definition for each one when they appear. Any suggestions? I for one have no idea what a powerbroker is...
Earth II
09-10-2003, 17:49

( suggestion, only to find this thread again until it gets its Sticky)
09-10-2003, 17:52
I dunno if you've added this, but remember the fish!!

*Slaps (NAME) in face with trout*


*Slaps Sirocco in face with trout* (See Sirocco VS Dregruk)
09-10-2003, 20:59
Hmm... there will be new titles soon, I'll put up a definition for each one when they appear. Any suggestions? I for one have no idea what a powerbroker is...

Powerbroker=A person who exerts strong political or economic influence, especially by virtue of the individuals and votes he or she controls.
09-10-2003, 21:31
ADN (Allied Defense Network) - pretty important one, lots of the major regions are in it.

w00t! :o
10-10-2003, 11:28
I dunno if you've added this, but remember the fish!!

*Slaps (NAME) in face with trout*


*Slaps Sirocco in face with trout* (See Sirocco VS Dregruk)

You mean I shouls add (NAME)?

*drops lobster down Dregruk's trousers*

Thanks Goober, as soon as the new titles are up I'll include it in the all-new section: Postcount Descriptors

Be there at the opening ceremony, it'll be quite a premier! :wink:
10-10-2003, 11:32
King Siroc, anyplace I can find more information about the new postcount descriptors?
10-10-2003, 11:35
10-10-2003, 18:25
*Throws starfish at Sirocco like Shurikens*

Get the idea, folks? Of course, to do this properly, you've got to be psychos like me 'n' Siroc.
10-10-2003, 22:27
I can't add fish fighting! :shock:

They're not ready for it! :wink:
11-10-2003, 01:51
too true... :D no one is ready for fish fighting exept for those of us that have true skillz....

*whips out swordfish* enguarde!
11-10-2003, 01:55
*hurls squid at the back of Shing-lo's head*

"Stop hijacking this thread! :wink: "
11-10-2003, 02:23
*feels squid penetrate mai*

*whips around and slices squid in half, is rewarded with face full of squid blood and ink*

ughh.... i hate to admit it, but your right... i will stop hijacking it...
11-10-2003, 08:53
[Evil laugh] I almost managed to turn another thread into a fish fight... damn I'm good... [/Evil laugh]
11-10-2003, 17:15
*throws a salmon at Dregruk for laughing evilly*
11-10-2003, 17:54
Stop that now! If you wish to fish-fight, use Shing-Lo's thread!
12-10-2003, 08:15
Hey, Sirocco! You became a mod! About time! Well done! I can't stop using exclamation marks! Help me! Arg!
14-10-2003, 22:44
"W00T" is away of saying "YEA!" I guess...It really means Wonderful Loot. This dates back to the early days on online gaming in such games as Quake and Everquest which if you killed someone you got money, and hopefully lots of it. If you got tons of cash for a kill you would say w00t or W00T! to express pride and joy in this. This later goes on to show joy in all events in the internet and has been a praised word among hackers and gamers alike.
14-10-2003, 22:49
I've already got 'w00t' in there, but hey! That's pretty interesting, I didn't know about all that! :wink:
15-10-2003, 09:45
All your base are belong to us
Somebody set up us the bomb!!

Aaahh.... classics...
16-10-2003, 15:28
Right, I'm busy alphabeticising the different sections of the Guide and if someone could do the Abbreviations section (Abbrev. Sect. for short :P ) I'd be very happy! :wink:
16-10-2003, 17:02
I'll do it, but I'm at school right now.
(That is why I am logged in with a little known puppet of mine as opposed to my main nation, I decided not to use my older puppets as I have some godmods on a couple of them from back when I was a n00b, anywhen. . .)
Can you wait for about six hours (I have a SPR meeting today).


Peace, Truth, and Justice,
16-10-2003, 17:06
Thanks Qaa, I did it a while back but it gave me Invalid_session and reset it all. I just haven't had the heart to do it since. :cry: Just remember to select all and copy before submitting in case it all goes drastically wrong! :wink:

Anyways, thanks again!
16-10-2003, 17:30
Thanks Qaa, I did it a while back but it gave me Invalid_session and reset it all. I just haven't had the heart to do it since. :cry: Just remember to select all and copy before submitting in case it all goes drastically wrong! :wink:

Anyways, thanks again!
Actually, I always type long posts into notepad first.


Peace, Truth, and Justice,
16-10-2003, 17:34
17-10-2003, 02:11
Sorry about this Sirocco. The LAN crashed to do a wind storm yesterday and my father took a nap from four to eight Eastern Time, so It just now cme back up.

I'm on it now though.
17-10-2003, 02:21
No problem, thanks again. :)
17-10-2003, 02:50
Bienvieu(sp?) :wink:

I made a few changes (like seperating OWNED and PWNED an spelling "Violet" as "[violet]" and I realized that you forgot "(sp?)")

ADo you mind if I put words unique to NS in a different color, so that people came pick them out more easily among the 45,000 AOLese words for "that is very funny"?
17-10-2003, 02:56
That's a good idea! Could you provide a key also, at the top?
17-10-2003, 03:06
That's a good idea! Could you provide a key also, at the top?
You mean like:
red=NS Technical Terms
magenta=General Forum Terms
green=RP Terms
blue=AOLese Terms
17-10-2003, 03:16
That's a good idea! Could you provide a key also, at the top?
You mean like:
red=NS Technical Terms
magenta=General Forum Terms
green=RP Terms
blue=AOLese Terms

Yeah... only just have the colours coloured in (red=NationStates technical terms).
17-10-2003, 03:21

I also took the liberty of making a few helpful annotations, most notably:

STFU: Shut The F*** Up(Note that this is indisputably flaming, and will result in major consequences if a mod catches you using it)

I hope that you do not mind, but I've seen people DEATed for using "STFU", so I decided that it was best to add a warning.
17-10-2003, 03:23
OK. Don't make them too long, I don't want linebreaks.
17-10-2003, 03:31
Well I can not shorten that one, and if they see a mod putting it on a list with no warning. . . :evil:
17-10-2003, 03:43
Well I can not shorten that one, and if they see a mod putting it on a list with no warning. . . :evil:

Couldn't you just say "(Note that this is indisputably flaming)"?
17-10-2003, 03:45
Well I can not shorten that one, and if they see a mod putting it on a list with no warning. . . :evil:

Couldn't you just say "(Note that this is indisputably flaming)"?
No. stfu u suxxoring n00b
17-10-2003, 03:46
Sounds good to me Goober.

OT: New issues! All nations with a Capitalizt government will be getting a leetle surprise from me... 8)

EDIT: I'm going to assume you were joking Raevyn, though it helps to have a ' :wink: ' as a disclaimer sometimes.
17-10-2003, 03:50
Sounds good to me Goober.

OT: New issues! All nations with a Capitalizt government will be getting a leetle surprise from me... 8)
Then I shall.

None of my puppets are Capitalizt Siro.

Will you tell me your issue or with I have to torment Corinthe?
17-10-2003, 04:34
Nah... keep it a surprise eh? Let's keep On-topic too... 8)
17-10-2003, 04:36

Can I finish it tomorrow Siro?
17-10-2003, 04:38
Of course. After all, you're not getting paid. :twisted:
19-10-2003, 00:28
Sorry Siro. I finished this this morning and forgot to post it.

[color=red]red[/color] NS Technical Terms
[color=violet]magenta[/color]Non-AOLese Abbreviations
[color=green]green[/color] RP Terms
[color=blue]blue[/color] AOLese

[color=red]Admin:[/color] Administrator(Usually Refers to [violet])
[color=blue]AFAICS:[/color] As Far As I Can See
[color=blue]AFAICT:[/color] As Far As I Can Tell
[color=blue]AFAIK:[/color] As Far As I Know
[color=blue]ASAP:[/color] As Soon As Possible
[color=blue]ATM:[/color] At The Moment
[color=blue]BTA:[/color] But Then Again
[color=violet]BTW:[/color] By The Way
[color=violet]C&P:[/color] Cut and Past/Copy and Paste
[color=violet]COI:[/color] Conflict Of Interests
[color=red]DEAT:[/color] Delete
[color=red]FA:[/color] Forum Administrator
[color=red]Forum Admin:[/color] Forum Administrator
[color=red]FM:[/color] Forum Moderator
[color=blue]FTL:[/color] Faster Than Light
[color=violet]FYI:[/color] For Your Information
[color=green]green[/color]GDP:[/color] Gross Domestic Product
[color=green]green[/color]GDPCalc:[/color] Gross Domestic Product Calculator
[color=red]GM:[/color] Game Moderator
[color=red]GORT:[/color] Delete
[color=red]'gram:[/color] Telegram (deprecated, only seen in older threads)
[color=red]IAMB:[/color] I Am Max Barry
[color=green]green[/color]IC:[/color] In Character
[color=blue]IH:[/color] In Humour
[color=red]II:[/color] The International Incidents forum
[color=blue]IMO:[/color] In My Opinion
[color=blue]IMHO:[/color] In My Honest/Humble Opinion
[color=blue]IIRC:[/color] If I Remember Correctly
[color=blue]IRC:[/color] Internet Relay Chat
[color=green]IRL:[/color] In Real Life
[color=red]IVMB:[/color] Is [violet] Max Barry?
[color=red]JG:[/color] Jennifer Government (the book/movie or the forum of the same name)
[color=blue]j/k:[/color] Just Kidding
[color=blue]LMAO:[/color] Laughing My Arse Off
[color=blue]LOL (and variations):[/color] Laughing Out Loud
[color=red]Mod:[/color] Moderator (or the Moderation Forum)
[color=red]Modbomb:[/color] Delete
[color=blue]nm:[/color] Nevermind/Not Much
[color=red]NS:[/color] NationStates (the game or the forum of the same name)
[color=red]NS2:[/color] NationStates 2 (the game or the forum of the same name)
[color=green]OOC:[/color] Out Of Character
[color=blue]OMG:[/color] Oh My God
[color=blue]OMFG:[/color] Oh My F***ing God
[color=blue]OMGLOL:[/color] Oh My God Laughing Out Loud
[color=blue]OOI:[/color] Out Of Interest
[color=blue]OT:[/color] Off-topic
[color=blue]OTOH:[/color] On The Other Hand
[color=green]OWN (and variations):[/color] Overpower; to be superior to; to own.
[color=red]Pop:[/color] Population
[color=red] Pop Bug:[/color] Population Bug
[color=green]Pop Bug Nation:[/color] Nation that recieved the pop bug for a long time
[color=red]PW:[/color] Password
[color=red]PWed:[/color] Passworded(Password-protected)
[color=red]PwPd:[/color] Password-protected
[color=green]PWN (and variations):[/color] Overpower; to be superior to; to own.
[color=red]RB:[/color] Regional Message Board
[color=red]RL:[/color] Real Life
[color=blue]Rofl:[/color] Rolling On The Floor Laughing
[color=blue]Roflmao:[/color] Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Arse Off
[color=red]RP:[/color] Roleplay
[color=violet]SINGAA:[/color] Sirocco Is Not Good At Acronyms. ( :wink: )
[color=violet]Smilie:[/color] Emoticon
[color=red](sp?): [/color]I don't think that I spelled this correctly/Is this correctly spelled?
[color=blue]STFU:[/color] Shut The F*** Up(Note that this is [i]indisputably flaming[/i])
[color=red]TG:[/color] Telegram
[color=red]TM:[/color] Telegram
[color=red]Tech:[/color] The Technical Forum
[color=red]The RR: [/color]The Rejected Realms
[color=red]UN:[/color] United Nations (the organisation and the forum of the same name)
[color=red]VM:[/color]Vacation Mode
[color=red]WarCalc:[/color] War Calculator
[color=blue]w/e:[/color] Whatever
[color=blue]WTF:[/color] What The F***
[color=blue]YMMV:[/color] Your Mileage May Vary
19-10-2003, 22:32
Thanks Qaa, I've tidied it up a bit too! :wink:
19-10-2003, 23:37
Welcome, :) and I could have sworn that I already did tidy it up using "preview" before adding the code tages. :?
19-10-2003, 23:42
[code:1:96c19e371f][color=green]green[/color]GDP:[/color] Gross Domestic Product
[color=green]green[/color]GDPCalc:[/color] Gross Domestic Product Calculator[/code:1:96c19e371f]

greenGDP:[/color] Gross Domestic Product
greenGDPCalc:[/color] Gross Domestic Product Calculator
19-10-2003, 23:46
[code:1:28fbe5762d][color=green]green[/color]GDP:[/color] Gross Domestic Product
[color=green]green[/color]GDPCalc:[/color] Gross Domestic Product Calculator[/code:1:28fbe5762d]

greenGDP:[/color] Gross Domestic Product
greenGDPCalc:[/color] Gross Domestic Product Calculator
Whoops. :oops:

Wonder how I missed it. :?
20-10-2003, 04:33
This thing is getting long. Anyway we could ever get this condensed, and get like a pamphlet mailed to us or something.

Feel free to send it to

1313 mickingbird Lane
Ackbar, Farktopia
Kurai Nami
26-10-2003, 15:41
Just thought of another acronym, it's not used here much.
But anyway TMI To Much Information , it's when something described in great detail. Usually sexual or gory..
26-10-2003, 18:35
[code:1:bacb9cc8ea][color=blue]OTT = Over The Top[/color][/code:1:bacb9cc8ea]
26-10-2003, 19:16
[code:1:0651554823][color=blue]OTT = Over The Top[/color][/code:1:0651554823]

Actually It should be.

[code:1:0651554823][color=blue]OTT:[/color] Over The Top[/code:1:0651554823]
27-10-2003, 19:10
Added and added. :)
Puppet nr 784523
29-10-2003, 17:21
Please do tell if you think I've got something wrong or if something should be added...

Like there's "klamathing",.. maybe an idea:
To do/have a Franky => Obsession of excessivly kicking people out
29-10-2003, 18:15
Klamathing's already in there... as far as I know, it's another term for flaming constantly.
30-10-2003, 06:27
Pfui, thought I'd posted this already.

Some of the terms that have been 'credited' to AOL do not originally come from there, but
from Usenet &/or IRC. Indeed, in my 5 years on AOL, the only time I saw them used was
by Usenet-savvy or IRC-savvy folks.
The terms I suggest changing to violet/magenta are:

AFAICS: As Far As I Can See
AFAICT: As Far As I Can Tell
AFAIK: As Far As I Know
ATM: At The Moment
IMO: In My Opinion
IMHO: In My Honest/Humble Opinion
IIRC: If I Remember Correctly
IRC: Internet Relay Chat
j/k: Just Kidding
LMAO: Laughing My Arse Off
LOL (and variations): Laughing Out Loud
OMG: Oh My God
OT: Off-topic
OTOH: On The Other Hand
Rofl: Rolling On The Floor Laughing
Roflmao: Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Arse Off
WTF: What The F***
YMMV: Your Mileage May Vary

Also, there are ones that come from way before AOL ever existed:

FTL: Faster Than Light
ASAP: As Soon As Possible

TMI, as suggested by Kurai Nami, is also non-AOLese.