23-09-2006, 00:00
Prescriptum: Sorry if the issue is too risque, and I ask for any comments you may have.
Redefine pedophilia
All throughout @@NAME@@ groups are forming to loosen laws governing the age of consent.
[option]Three-time acquitted sex criminal @@RANDOMNAME@@ says, "Pedophiles are disgusting, but I ain't one of them. Kids these days learn most of what they need to know about sex before puberty, and are eager to try it. I'm not saying let ten-year-olds have sex, but maybe the age of consent should be lowered to, say, 13."
[effect] it has become common practice for children to roam @@NAME@@'s red light district upon turning 13
[option]"Well I am saying that," declares twelve-year-old @@RANDOMNAME@@ after breaking from a long french kiss with his ten-year-old girlfriend. "Anyone who wants to have sex with anyone else should be allowed to do so."
[effect] parents and social workers alike are complaining about rising STI rates in pre-pubescent children
[option]"Think of the children!" cries @@RANDOMNAME@@, as her 22-year-old son tries to distance himself from her. "We mothers know what is best for our children. I should be able to protect my son from all those bad girls out there and there perversions, and how can I do that if he's allowed to sleep with any floozy whenever he wants to? Mothers should have a legal standing in their children's sex lives."
[effect] mothers have the final say in all marriage and sexual decisions and frequently accuse their children's sex partners of rape or seduction
Redefine pedophilia
All throughout @@NAME@@ groups are forming to loosen laws governing the age of consent.
[option]Three-time acquitted sex criminal @@RANDOMNAME@@ says, "Pedophiles are disgusting, but I ain't one of them. Kids these days learn most of what they need to know about sex before puberty, and are eager to try it. I'm not saying let ten-year-olds have sex, but maybe the age of consent should be lowered to, say, 13."
[effect] it has become common practice for children to roam @@NAME@@'s red light district upon turning 13
[option]"Well I am saying that," declares twelve-year-old @@RANDOMNAME@@ after breaking from a long french kiss with his ten-year-old girlfriend. "Anyone who wants to have sex with anyone else should be allowed to do so."
[effect] parents and social workers alike are complaining about rising STI rates in pre-pubescent children
[option]"Think of the children!" cries @@RANDOMNAME@@, as her 22-year-old son tries to distance himself from her. "We mothers know what is best for our children. I should be able to protect my son from all those bad girls out there and there perversions, and how can I do that if he's allowed to sleep with any floozy whenever he wants to? Mothers should have a legal standing in their children's sex lives."
[effect] mothers have the final say in all marriage and sexual decisions and frequently accuse their children's sex partners of rape or seduction