NationStates Jolt Archive

Another Issue Idea: Fruit Lobby Getting Fresh

Ice Hockey Players
25-05-2006, 02:26
Two competing factions have lobbied to have their chosen fruit known as the national fruit of @@NAME@@. Both sides present a compelling argument, but how should the decision be made?

The Debate

1. "It's clear to me that there's only one choice: the @@CURRENCY@@fruit!" clamors @@RANDOMNAME@@, a prominent executive of Tally Me Bananas Inc. "It's everywhere in @@NAME@@ and it's a national icon! Why, most of our cities have it in their seals. It's that ingrained in @@NAME@@'s lexicon! Is there any other choice? Aside from that, with governmental ensorsement, we can market our national fruit across our borders! We'll make billions!"
[effect]@@CURRENCY@@fruits are the nation's favorite snack and advertising insignia

2. "The @@CURRENCY@@fruit is a nice choice, sure, but why pander to the corporate bigwigs?" interjects @@RANDOMNAME@@, a fifth-generation farmer. "I've grown @@ANIMAL@@ apples since I was knee-hight to a grasshopper, and it's not only a symbol of the nation's hardest workers, but it's a nice snack as well! You can do so much with the @@ANIMAL@@ apple! It's so useful! I even power my tractor with the ones I don't eat! Sure, the economy's important, but we workers are the backbone of it, and we deserve some recognition!"
[effect]the @@ANIMAL@@ fruit is the nation's favorite snack and vehicle fuel

3. "I'm sorry...what are we debating again? FRUIT?" shouts @@RANDOMNAME@@, a veteran of two wars and a life-long pauper. "We have people starving, children who need better education, and we have possibly hostile neighbors all around us, and we're debating FRUIT? The government has far better things to do. Sure, we can pick something, but why waste the government's time with this? That's what we have historical committees for. I say we leave it up to our nation's highest historical council...which, by the way, all you @@NAME@@ Historical Society for me!"
[effect]a council of history enthusiasts are in charge of the naming the nation's official everything

4. "Wait a minute - the Historical Society? Is this what we're wasting our @@CURRENCY@@s on?" orates Reverend @@RANDOMNAME@@ from a rooftop. "Don't tell me that these blasphemers are going to suck up valuable tax @@CURRENCY@@s just to decide what the national cheese or whatever should be. It's high time we cut the Historical Society out of the budget and gave the money to someone who needs it more - like my church! And then with that money, we can start deciding what parts of history we should honor!"
[effect]the largest recipient of tax @@CURRENCY@@s is the Church of @@NAME@@
Emperor Matthuis
25-05-2006, 17:39
Very well written but is it really relevant?
25-05-2006, 21:33
LOL, good issue.
Ice Hockey Players
30-05-2006, 00:54
Very well written but is it really relevant?

It's no less relevant than the one about soap operas. This issue was inspired by a debate here in Ohio about the official state fruit - some prefer the pawpaw while others like the apple. Still others think that sending this issue to the state legislature is absurd. I see that there may be economic ramifications, but its relevance may not be an issue. I think it's worthy of being an issue.
04-06-2006, 20:51
Shows creativity in how you're using the variables to name fruit. I'd like to see more extreme consequences, but all my issue submissions have failed to produce. (Sorry, bad pun).

My suggestions: One idea would be to boost the tourism industry with the annual @@CURRENCY@@-fruit stomping/throwing festival or something like that, or to have the multi-national @@ANIMAL@@ Apple Computer company threaten to sue for trademark infringement.

As for the effect of the religious option: Sales of @@ANIMAL@@ apples have plummeted after the Minister of Religion had them declared "fruits of the devil."

Just some suggestions.
Stiky Pancakes
05-06-2006, 02:12
Two competing factions have lobbied to have their chosen fruit known as the national fruit of @@NAME@@. Both sides present a compelling argument, but how should the decision be made?

The Debate

1. "It's clear to me that there's only one choice: the @@CURRENCY@@fruit!" clamors @@RANDOMNAME@@, a prominent executive of Tally Me Bananas Inc. "It's everywhere in @@NAME@@ and it's a national icon! Why, most of our cities have it in their seals. It's that ingrained in @@NAME@@'s lexicon! Is there any other choice? Aside from that, with governmental ensorsement, we can market our national fruit across our borders! We'll make billions!"
[effect]@@CURRENCY@@fruits are the nation's favorite snack and advertising insignia

2. "The @@CURRENCY@@fruit is a nice choice, sure, but why pander to the corporate bigwigs?" interjects @@RANDOMNAME@@, a fifth-generation farmer. "I've grown @@ANIMAL@@ apples since I was knee-hight to a grasshopper, and it's not only a symbol of the nation's hardest workers, but it's a nice snack as well! You can do so much with the @@ANIMAL@@ apple! It's so useful! I even power my tractor with the ones I don't eat! Sure, the economy's important, but we workers are the backbone of it, and we deserve some recognition!"
[effect]the @@ANIMAL@@ fruit is the nation's favorite snack and vehicle fuel

3. "I'm sorry...what are we debating again? FRUIT?" shouts @@RANDOMNAME@@, a veteran of two wars and a life-long pauper. "We have people starving, children who need better education, and we have possibly hostile neighbors all around us, and we're debating FRUIT? The government has far better things to do. Sure, we can pick something, but why waste the government's time with this? That's what we have historical committees for. I say we leave it up to our nation's highest historical council...which, by the way, all you @@NAME@@ Historical Society for me!"
[effect]a council of history enthusiasts are in charge of the naming the nation's official everything

4. "Wait a minute - the Historical Society? Is this what we're wasting our @@CURRENCY@@s on?" orates Reverend @@RANDOMNAME@@ from a rooftop. "Don't tell me that these blasphemers are going to suck up valuable tax @@CURRENCY@@s just to decide what the national cheese or whatever should be. It's high time we cut the Historical Society out of the budget and gave the money to someone who needs it more - like my church! And then with that money, we can start deciding what parts of history we should honor!"

5.[QUOTE=Stiky Pancakes]Ist clear that we need a good name for the fruit says @@RANDOMNAME@@ leader of the church. I dont no maybe Im crazy, but I think that Debating over fruit is not the best thing to argue about! but if its a need to Know bases, than I would have to say that @@ANIMAL@@ fruit is the way to go. We dont do enough for the inocent animals, there living things they deserve respect in some way! The @@ANIMAL@@ is the perfect way, and name to give the fruits a name, and show respect to @@ANIMALS@@.