Not Quite Dead Peoples
15-05-2006, 19:30
[validity] haven't been banned
[description] The civil rights watchdog group "WeSueAll" has taken the youth organization “Young Man Scouts” to court after the Scouts announced that they support organized religion. They wish to ban all organizations that have a religious affiliation.
[option] “They discriminate,” states @@RANDOMNAME@@, the WeSueAll’s lawyer. “We cannot have outside groups support religions. Never mind the public services that ‘Young Man Scouts’ does, they teach their members to hate minorities and atheists!”
[effect] youth organizations and church groups have recently been banned
[stats] economic freedom down, religiousness down, youth-related crime up
[option] “‘Young Man Scouts’ has helped strengthen @@NAME@@’s moral fiber and community service for over 100 years,” argues @@RANDOMNAME@@, a lawyer for ‘Young Man Scouts.’ “Surely that counts for something. Even if we prefer mainstream religion over cults and minorities, look at all the good that we do. We take young men off of the streets and turn them into hard-working members of the society.”
[effect] scouting groups have won a major lawsuit
[stats] economic freedom up, social inequality up
[option] “You know, there is a third way,” whispers @@RANDOMNAME@@, your military advisor. “These scouts already have uniforms, ranks, and flag ceremonies. Why not turn it into a pre-military officer training program? Just give the military a little more money and let us take over. No one’s going to challenge our military again!”
[effect] boys are trained from age 10 to be military officers
[stats] civil freedom down, military spending up, taxes up slightly
[description] The civil rights watchdog group "WeSueAll" has taken the youth organization “Young Man Scouts” to court after the Scouts announced that they support organized religion. They wish to ban all organizations that have a religious affiliation.
[option] “They discriminate,” states @@RANDOMNAME@@, the WeSueAll’s lawyer. “We cannot have outside groups support religions. Never mind the public services that ‘Young Man Scouts’ does, they teach their members to hate minorities and atheists!”
[effect] youth organizations and church groups have recently been banned
[stats] economic freedom down, religiousness down, youth-related crime up
[option] “‘Young Man Scouts’ has helped strengthen @@NAME@@’s moral fiber and community service for over 100 years,” argues @@RANDOMNAME@@, a lawyer for ‘Young Man Scouts.’ “Surely that counts for something. Even if we prefer mainstream religion over cults and minorities, look at all the good that we do. We take young men off of the streets and turn them into hard-working members of the society.”
[effect] scouting groups have won a major lawsuit
[stats] economic freedom up, social inequality up
[option] “You know, there is a third way,” whispers @@RANDOMNAME@@, your military advisor. “These scouts already have uniforms, ranks, and flag ceremonies. Why not turn it into a pre-military officer training program? Just give the military a little more money and let us take over. No one’s going to challenge our military again!”
[effect] boys are trained from age 10 to be military officers
[stats] civil freedom down, military spending up, taxes up slightly