NationStates Jolt Archive

New Issue:Box Office Blues

26-04-2006, 01:51
I know I - I mean the good people of Slapstickstan- can't suggest new issues until we have a popluation of 500 million (we're only at about 140... hey, there's an issue to be debated) but here's one that I just wrote. Still trying to figure out appropriate stats and whether the validity is all encompasing so suggestions would be appreciated.

The Issue:

The Arts Minister has proposed courting foreign film industries to come and make their films in @COUNTRYNAME@ and is proposing a multi million @@CURRENCY@@ budget to develop a world class production facility and to market it internationally.

Validity: All

The Debate
[option] “This could provide a positive injection of foreign funds into our economy,” says noted economist @@RANDOMNAME@@, “but I wonder if the proposal goes far enough. If we truly wish to attract these large film projects, we should also offer tax breaks and grants to these foreign studios as an incentive to move their productions to our shores. Yes we end up subsidising foreign films, but our local economy will ultimately benefit from this investment.”
[effect] the arts budget is being gobbled up by b-grade foreign films while their lawyers rort every loophole in the tax system.
[stats]taxes go up, corruption goes up, economy goes up a little

[option] “I think that is a positively grand idea,” says veteran actress @@RANDOMNAME@@ while doing her own makeup for a dog food commercial. “Our local industry could certainly do with a little stimulation. We must however make sure to protect local talent. By all means woo these foreign producers to our fair country but we must insist that they employ a certain quota of locals in the cast and crew of each production. We must also take steps to ensure the quality of the films we choose to have made here. We can’t just allow any riff-raff with a camera in.”
[effect] the local homeless are finding temporary employment in lavish foreign films
[stats] employment goes up a little, economy goes up a little

[option] “You’ve got to be kidding me,’ rants local filmmaker @@RANDOMNAME@@ while serving up two skinny lattes. “It’s hard enough to get a project off the ground in this country without having to compete with the foreign studios. Here’s a novel idea: how about giving funding to local productions? The cinema-going public are crying out for original stories about our country and culture, plus it would boost employment and with a little extra money for marketing we might even crack the big foreign markets.”
[effect] a bumper crop of locally produced feature films are receiving rave reviews at home and abroad.
[stats] economy goes up, national pride goes up, employment goes up, arts funding goes up, industry goes up
26-04-2006, 02:07
Definately need another option not giving any funding to films at all... and maybe banning all film productions...

but yes...

@@COUNTRYNAME@@ should just be @@NAME@@

appart from that I don't think there are any issues with the validity (though I do thinky you'd need to go through the list of issues stickied in this forum just to make sure)
26-04-2006, 03:21
[effect] the arts budget is being gobbled up by b-grade foreign films while their lawyers rort every loophole in the tax system.
Take out the part that I struck out, it is unnecessary and doesn't read like an effect.

I also think the third option needs to be "wrong" in some way. Otherwise there's a right and wrong answer to the issue.
Emperor Matthuis
26-04-2006, 17:15
Well written issue. Original although slightly obscure, just a small thing however. I would switch round options two and three so the second issue is a third, more compromising issue.