I think there should be an issue related to weather manipulation...
America of Tomorrow
03-02-2006, 15:55
Weather control... Anyone agree? This is only an outline, but I'm thinking that one citizen would hate that idea because it's messing with mother nature or the almighty gods or whatever; one immigrant might like it since their country has the same thing and they're used to it and think your nation should also have it; someone else in the government might like the idea since it's a great way to control events and things so that you as the leader could be more in control and maybe even make more money off of it (after spending a lot to make it, of course).
Irish Nations of Meame
03-02-2006, 16:11
No. Let me think of an option though:
[option]@@RANDOMNAME@@ shouts from the rooftops: "You shall not mess with the forces of God! You will pay! YOU WILL PAY!"
[effect] People live in fear of God, forever proving science wrong
[stats] none that I can think of...
Heh, it's a great idea, but I can't see it becoming an issue. Perhaps an easter egg if Sal's in the mood (which is unlikely).
America of Tomorrow
03-02-2006, 21:57
Wow, thanks! I'm not sure about your science vs. God thing... Hope that was a joke. I'm still thinking of the options -- I'm not that great of an issue writer (no experience), but I'll post more ideas about this later.
I hope it does become an issue, though, since weather manipulation has been going on (attempted, anyway) a little bit since the 60s (or so I heard from the Discovery channel)... So it might make sense, once it's all fully thought out and everything.
Thanks again. Especially to you, Sirocco. I'm so glad you think this is a great idea. Any more comments would be strongly appreciated... :)
Irish Nations of Meame
03-02-2006, 23:42
Wow, thanks! I'm not sure about your science vs. God thing... Hope that was a joke.
In issues you can ban the Internet, medicine or most scientific recearch. Adding that option to the list is quite common.
Emperor Matthuis
04-02-2006, 16:03
Everyone else had replied because I left my post so long.