NationStates Jolt Archive

New Issue: Inhibitions about Prohibition

28-01-2006, 10:46
A hoy hoy,

This is the first issue i've written and I'm just looking for some feedback, and some ideas for what the consequences should be. ^_^
So ... here it is:

Inhibitions about Prohibition

In response to various violent crimes, deformation of public property and acts of public nudity perpetrated by drunken revelers in the aftermath of @@NAME@@'s world renowned novemberfest; the question of introducing prohibition has been raised.

Prohibition has many redeeming features, notes @@RANDOMNAME@@, but lets not go to extremes, I'm sure we could ban some of the more potent liquors without causing a revolution. Besides who knows, if the white collar worker isn't blowing his paycheck on alcohol maybe he'll be a more productive member of society.
Upstanding members of society have been forced to turn to hardcore drugs in order to relax.

Thats not nearly good enough, bellows @@RANDOMNAME@@, the righteous head of abstainers anonymous. If we want to save the souls of the poor mislead children of @@NAME@@ we must beware the pitfalls of the past and enforce prohibition effectively. That means boosting police numbers and border patrols to make sure that theres no sneaky smuggling going on, but it's worth it to maintain the high moral standard of @@NAME@@; in addition to saving those drunkards from themselves of course.
Many citizens spend Friday nights at home, with a nice cold serving of moral superiority.

“I think ... thish ish ... teribble” states @@RANDOMNAME@@ as he wobbles unsteadily before you. “I russhed over fom my AA meeting as shoon as I heard. You caint ban drinkin', its part of our national idedtity, you'd be robbin' @@NAME@@ of rish national heritage, like the novemberfesht. If anything public drinkin' should be leggalised so that theshe eventsh can be shelebrateded more fullyly. I mean ... people have been drinkin' for shree ... noooooo .... five ... a few millenias, and its never done any harm” affirms @@RANDOMNAME@@, just before he collapses.
Incoherent and disorientated people are a common site on the streets of @@NAME@@.

You know we could just nationalise the alcohol industry, suggests @@RANDOMNAME@@ as he steps over the inert form lying on your floor. That way we could hand out quota's of alcohol out to the general populace, controlling this situation. Not to mention the amount of money it would divert into government coffers. We could even use extra alcohol rations as rewards and incentives to sway the populace to your way of thinking.
Devotee's of the government get roaring drunk every night, while others can barely afford a single gin ration.

Well I believe that alcohol should be subsidised by the government, and the legal drinking age be lowered, requests @@RANDOMNAME@@ putting forth a surprisingly coherent argument. The beneficial effect of alcohol as a depressant have been proved time and time again; but often people cannot afford or are too young to drink it. Surly people have enough sense, to chose for themselves, when to start and stop drinking; and if they don't, well thats what the police are for.
The general peace is only occasionally marred by violent senseless act perpetrated by youthful drinkers.

Also I was wondering if anyone could think of a better title >.<, and although I know this is the wrong whats happing with NS2.

Btw does anyone know where the mods are up to in sortting through the issues?

Thx alot

28-01-2006, 11:29
I'm afraid we've already got an issue about alcohol prohibition. I'm nearly finished with the last batch, but personal circumstances are making it difficult for me (i.e. EXAMS!!1!1)
28-01-2006, 11:38
Ahh too bad >.<

I guess ill just have to make up anotherone ^_^.

Have you got one about public literacy standards? Maybe as a tree from one the education ones.

Good luck with exams btw, the issues can wait.

Emperor Matthuis
28-01-2006, 15:05
Ahh too bad >.<

I guess ill just have to make up anotherone ^_^.

Have you got one about public literacy standards? Maybe as a tree from one the education ones.

Good luck with exams btw, the issues can wait.


I think that has also been done.
29-01-2006, 14:30

I guess im just thinking of them subconsciously and recyling them as new issues =S.

What about one on the right to vote?

... jk >.<
