NationStates Jolt Archive

Issue for puppets

02-11-2005, 10:35
Hello! In my newfound quest to flood the mods with things to do (;) ), here is another issue.

I put some stats on this issue to give an idea of what things I was going for, but it probably needs a few more fine points, assuming it's even issue-worthy:

Motherland Demands Piece of the Action!

@@NAME@@’s recent economic growth through resource gathering has prompted demands from its mother country, your main NationState.

Only valid for nations who have “Fiefdom”, “Dominion”, “Commonwealth”, “Protectorate”, or “Colony” in their titles.

Only valid for nations who have chosen one of the following:
Option 1 in Issue #23 (mining all the uranium),
Option 1 in Issue #49 (seizing the gold deposit from the divers),
Options 2 or 3 in Issue #129 (developing the native tribes or killing them off),
Option 2 in Issue #156 (disposing of waste by presenting it as a commodity),
Options 2 or 3 in Issue #169 (hunting the national animal), or
Option 3 in Issue #170 (letting farmers mine for gold, when desert takes over the country)

[option] “I do say, there seems to be no issue here whatsoever,” claims Governor-General @@RANDOMNAME@@, sipping a cup of tea. “For remember, @@NAME@@ is but a @@TYPE@@ of your much grander, more centred NationState. A flavourless puppet! Besides, exclusive trade within the empire actually benefits our people economically, so why act otherwise?
[effect] manufacturing industries have been shut down to promote mercantilistic trade
[stats] slight increase in economy, decrease in political freedoms, decrease in environment, increase in Commerce budget;

decrease in Automobile Manufacturing, Basket Weaving, Information Technology (IT), Book Publishing, Soda, Arms Manufacturing;

increase in Cheese Exports, Pizza Delivery, Trout Fishing, Retail, Uranium Mining, Woodchipping, Beef-based Agriculture

[option] “I’ll tell you why!” rages @@RANDOMNAME@@, leader of the “Children of Freedom” radical separatist group. “’Cause we’re our own NationState with our own culture, history, and FLAVOR! This is just some scheme to make the Motherland the CENTER of attention! We do all the work, ship all our resources to those ungrateful wretches, let them put a few pieces together, and pay money to buy’em back! Well thanks but no thanks! @@NAME@@ should be free in every sense, now and forever!”
[effect] natives proudly call @@NAME@@ an “Independent @@TYPE@@”
[stats] slight decrease in economy, increase in political freedoms, significant decrease in apathy, increase in Administration and Defense budgets;

increase in Automobile Manufacturing, Basket Weaving, Information Technology (IT), Book Publishing, Soda, Arms Manufacturing

[option] A local miner scrapes the gold and uranium from his boots before taking a shot of rum. “Looky ‘ere, mate. We’ve got @@NAME@@ian ingenuity, I’ll not be denyin’ ya that. But we’d be foolish to deny needin’ trade witha Motherland. So let’s just keep tha facade goin’. We pretend ta jus’ trade within tha empire, but we also trade with competitor nations an’ manufacture our own goods in secret. How’sat fer tha best o’ both worlds, eh?”
[effect] the @@TYPE@@ tries to cheat your main NationState whenever it can
[stats] increase in economy, increase in private sector, increase in crime, increase in apathy
St Edmund
02-11-2005, 18:43
However not all of the countries that have either “Fiefdom”, “Dominion”, “Commonwealth”, “Protectorate”, or “Colony” in their titles are actually puppets of other NationStates....
02-11-2005, 20:12
A small enough number so that those involved can dismiss it, or significant enough so that the issue rationale has problems on that level?
St Edmund
03-11-2005, 17:01
I don't know.

As far as my own nations are concerned _
Five of them have titles from that list: Two of these are supposedly dependent on other nations that I run, one is supposedly linked to a hypothetical mother-country that nobody's running, and the other two are fully independent.

Oh, and I would also point out that the term 'Commonwealth' is used as a title by at least two states in the USA (Massachussetts & Pennsylvania), and that players from those areas might therefore have chosen to use that title for their primary nations.

Oh, and some people might be applying the term 'Dominion' to nations that are under the domination of leaders who are actually based there, rather than controlled by foreign countries.
03-11-2005, 17:24
I'm sorry to say that this idea simply isn't workable. For a start, we can't tell which nation is the main one, or even if the owner HAS a main nation. And as said before, may of these nations are created as separate entities, and not as colonies or protectorates etc.
03-11-2005, 17:31
Ah well.