NationStates Jolt Archive

My Issue...

01-10-2005, 04:29
Sry if it in the wrong place...

TITLE: Lord of the Rings: healthy or deathifying?

A recent LAN Party for the Lord of the Rings: Middle Earth computer game turned into a riot as one party triumphed over the other. Now the government is arguing whether to ban it completly, just the game, or not at all.

[OPTION1] "We must ban it!" shouts Health Director @@RANDOMNAME1@@. "It sucks thier money, thier health, their lives! They learn only that! If we do not ban this, more people will be hurt, and more will suffer!"

[OPTION2]"Whoa, hold your horses," says Game President @@RANDOMNAME2@@. "I agree, but not completly. The game sucks their lives, not the movies or the books. Take out the games, we all go back to being healthy."

[OPTION3]"WHAT!?!" screams local fan @@RANDOMNAME3@@. "Crazy! This is like taking my life! And not just mine! My friends and others, too! Don't take out the Lord of the Rings or there will be more riots!"

[AFTERMATHOF1]People almost always try to download games or sneak books or movies into the country. Daily busts.

[AFTERMATHOF2]People try daily to make Lord of the Rings games or find them somewhere and play them. Busts, but less.

[AFTERMATHOF3]Daily LAN games turn to daily riots between races and lands.
01-10-2005, 05:02
Put it in proper issue format so we can actually read it. ;)

To find that look in the stickies this forum.
01-10-2005, 05:14
It's fine if we were looking for advertising for the game you're interested in at the moment. Since we're not, probably not all that great an issue.
LA Ice
01-10-2005, 11:23
It could be better, but why should it be LOTR? Make it a more generic LAN game that most people know-Quake, CounterStrike, etc

Anyway, the responses and description need to be mucho longero. It's not a v. good issue, I'd dismiss it. :)
01-10-2005, 13:44
Yeah, it's my first issue, anyways. Thanks! I'll post a new one in a few minutes...
01-10-2005, 14:45
OK, I'm going to redo it...

Doom 3: To be banned, or not to be banned?

A recent LAN party turned into a bloody fight, causing 3 deaths and several injuries. The nation is deciding wheth er to ban it, ban all violent games, ban all games, or not ban anything.

[option]"Ban it! Ban the unhealthy game!" shouts Health Department President @@RANDONNAME1@@"It is very unhealthy, sitting on the computer all day, playing the same thing over and over!"
[effect] people are caught trying to play it and download it and others go outside and get jobs
[stats] Lower Policitcal Freedoms

[option]"Ban it," says @@RANDOMNAME2@@, a worker for @@RANDOMEINDUSTRY@@ "only not just that. Ban all violent games! Kids grow up playing it, and when they are older, they kill people because they think it is funny!"
[effect] less violence happens and more people get out
[stats] Lower Policitcal Freedoms

[option]"Ban it," says @@RANDOMNAME3@@, a mother who lost one of her sons in the fight. "Ban all games, violent or not! It frys thier brains!"
[effect] lots more people outisde playing or working or more trying to make games
[stats] Policitcal freedoms go way down, so does ecomeny(sp)

[option]"No! No way!" shouts a LAN-goer by the name of @@RANDOMNAME4@@. "If you do that, we will all have nothing to do, with no jobs!"
[effect] fights dail caused by LAN parties
[stat] Policitcal Freedoms go up

I don't get the return thing, and anything else, just edit it (I really don't understand it). Thanks!