29-08-2005, 12:38
Zip it
Not valid for nations where private enterprise is illegal
After several incidents of zippers sticking and trapping boy scouts in sleeping bags, the people of @@NAME@@ are demanding the government do something about it.
[Option]"Zippers are an abomination of nature and should be banned forever", shouts protest leader @@RANDOMNAME@@. "They are accidents waiting to happen. Only last week the zipper on my suitcase broke and spilled my collection of margie dolls all over the floor in the middle of the airport baggage collection area. It was the most embarrassing moment of my life and....ermm....I'm sure they're bad for children too, yeah, think of what these evil things do to the children".
[effect]anyone found in possession of a zipper is tarred and feathered then run out of town
[option]"Ban the zipper? I hope you're not taking these nutcases seriously", roars @@RANDOMNAME@@, the owner of the largest zipper factory in the nation. "You want to put me out of business because of a few duds? Yeah, you're right, think of the children, and how they are going to eat with their parents out of work. Think of the tailors forced to go back to old-fashioned buttons. Think of my bank balance. I have a much better idea. How about the government supports our industry by giving us a pile of corporate welfare, so we can replace our ancient machines and improve quality. Yes, I can probably afford to pay for it myself but why should I when our zippers bring so much cash into the nation. A few million @@CURRENCY@@s is cheap compared to life without zippers".
[effect]government officials have begun to call the zipper industry the money pit
[option]"This product is way too important to the nations economy to be left in the hands of private enterprise", says @@RANDOMNAME@@, a government advisor. "Its time to nationalise all zipper manufacturing and oversee the production ourselves. That way we can keep people in work and improve quality, without handing over taxpayers @@CURRENCY@@s to greedy factory owners. Besides our government can put the profits to uses that would benefit all of us. Like a new recreation area with spa and sauna and providing free overseas holidays for all government officials. We'll just tell the public we're spending the money on roads, hospitals and schools. What they don't know, won't hurt us".
[effect]politicians have started saying, "bless the zipper" before every meal in their new five star dining room.
I've just finished writing this idea up but after reading the sticky again, am not sure if I should submit it because while it is fun, its not a realistic idea.
Being new to issue writing (my only other attempt was a very forgettable pile of rubbish), I am looking for advice on whether this is worth submitting or if I should try to find an idea more relevent to real life.
Not valid for nations where private enterprise is illegal
After several incidents of zippers sticking and trapping boy scouts in sleeping bags, the people of @@NAME@@ are demanding the government do something about it.
[Option]"Zippers are an abomination of nature and should be banned forever", shouts protest leader @@RANDOMNAME@@. "They are accidents waiting to happen. Only last week the zipper on my suitcase broke and spilled my collection of margie dolls all over the floor in the middle of the airport baggage collection area. It was the most embarrassing moment of my life and....ermm....I'm sure they're bad for children too, yeah, think of what these evil things do to the children".
[effect]anyone found in possession of a zipper is tarred and feathered then run out of town
[option]"Ban the zipper? I hope you're not taking these nutcases seriously", roars @@RANDOMNAME@@, the owner of the largest zipper factory in the nation. "You want to put me out of business because of a few duds? Yeah, you're right, think of the children, and how they are going to eat with their parents out of work. Think of the tailors forced to go back to old-fashioned buttons. Think of my bank balance. I have a much better idea. How about the government supports our industry by giving us a pile of corporate welfare, so we can replace our ancient machines and improve quality. Yes, I can probably afford to pay for it myself but why should I when our zippers bring so much cash into the nation. A few million @@CURRENCY@@s is cheap compared to life without zippers".
[effect]government officials have begun to call the zipper industry the money pit
[option]"This product is way too important to the nations economy to be left in the hands of private enterprise", says @@RANDOMNAME@@, a government advisor. "Its time to nationalise all zipper manufacturing and oversee the production ourselves. That way we can keep people in work and improve quality, without handing over taxpayers @@CURRENCY@@s to greedy factory owners. Besides our government can put the profits to uses that would benefit all of us. Like a new recreation area with spa and sauna and providing free overseas holidays for all government officials. We'll just tell the public we're spending the money on roads, hospitals and schools. What they don't know, won't hurt us".
[effect]politicians have started saying, "bless the zipper" before every meal in their new five star dining room.
I've just finished writing this idea up but after reading the sticky again, am not sure if I should submit it because while it is fun, its not a realistic idea.
Being new to issue writing (my only other attempt was a very forgettable pile of rubbish), I am looking for advice on whether this is worth submitting or if I should try to find an idea more relevent to real life.