Austar Union
23-08-2005, 19:44
I have only just submitted the following issue for review. Thoughts, opinions anyone?
Name: Quit the Penny Pinching, Cry @NAME@@'s Beggers!
Description: A powerful group of @@NAME@@'s street homeless, naming themselves "Beggers for Life" have staged recent protests over the nation's belt-tightening taxes.
Validility: Available only for nations with more than 0% tax.
[OPTION] "How can you expect us to survive under such a heavily taxed regime?!" exclaims enraged begger @@RANDOMNAME@@ as he hides his fattened wallet behind himself. "I say we lower taxes... and increase those social security payments just a little. Afterall, I need those damn @@CURRENCY@@ if I ever want to get that financial breakthrough."
[EFFECT] Taxes have dropped, and @@NAME@@'s homeless are among the wealthiest people in the world.
[STATS] Taxes Lower, Government Size Increases, Social Welfare Increases
[OPTION] In the meantime, your Brother makes his own suggestion during your weekly round of golf. "I agree that taxes need to be dropped, if not even taken down to zero. But the answer isnt to increase social welfare if you really want to help the homeless. Just force @@NAME@@'s homeless to work for my company for as long as they remain poor. I get the cheap labour, and you dont have such big lines at the social security offices... Its a win-win situation."
[EFFECT] @@NAME@@'s homeless are now under forced-employment, but on the offhand taxes have been lowered abroad.
[STATS] Taxes Lower, Government Size Decreases, Civil Rights Decrease, Social Welfare Decreases, Commerce Increases, Crime Decreases, Economy Increases
[OPTION] "I havent heard a more rediculous idea Soldier!" yells General @@RANDOMNAME@@ at the top of his lungs. "In fact, we need more of those valuable revenues for more defense, not less! We're the only force stopping @@REGION@@'s loose-cannon's from breaking our border perimetres, dont forget! Drop and give me twenty!"
[EFFECT]Defense Departments have recieved major funding increases
[STATS] Taxes Increase, Government Size Increases, Defense Increases, Economy Decreases
Name: Quit the Penny Pinching, Cry @NAME@@'s Beggers!
Description: A powerful group of @@NAME@@'s street homeless, naming themselves "Beggers for Life" have staged recent protests over the nation's belt-tightening taxes.
Validility: Available only for nations with more than 0% tax.
[OPTION] "How can you expect us to survive under such a heavily taxed regime?!" exclaims enraged begger @@RANDOMNAME@@ as he hides his fattened wallet behind himself. "I say we lower taxes... and increase those social security payments just a little. Afterall, I need those damn @@CURRENCY@@ if I ever want to get that financial breakthrough."
[EFFECT] Taxes have dropped, and @@NAME@@'s homeless are among the wealthiest people in the world.
[STATS] Taxes Lower, Government Size Increases, Social Welfare Increases
[OPTION] In the meantime, your Brother makes his own suggestion during your weekly round of golf. "I agree that taxes need to be dropped, if not even taken down to zero. But the answer isnt to increase social welfare if you really want to help the homeless. Just force @@NAME@@'s homeless to work for my company for as long as they remain poor. I get the cheap labour, and you dont have such big lines at the social security offices... Its a win-win situation."
[EFFECT] @@NAME@@'s homeless are now under forced-employment, but on the offhand taxes have been lowered abroad.
[STATS] Taxes Lower, Government Size Decreases, Civil Rights Decrease, Social Welfare Decreases, Commerce Increases, Crime Decreases, Economy Increases
[OPTION] "I havent heard a more rediculous idea Soldier!" yells General @@RANDOMNAME@@ at the top of his lungs. "In fact, we need more of those valuable revenues for more defense, not less! We're the only force stopping @@REGION@@'s loose-cannon's from breaking our border perimetres, dont forget! Drop and give me twenty!"
[EFFECT]Defense Departments have recieved major funding increases
[STATS] Taxes Increase, Government Size Increases, Defense Increases, Economy Decreases