NationStates Jolt Archive

Two questions

07-06-2005, 06:49
1. When will I know if an issue I submitted about 3 days ago was accepted?

2. "Water Supply Problems Becoming a Major Drain" - I keep getting this issue. I'm not complain or whatnot; I read the Issue Repetition sticky. But I am going to complain, in a way. This issue annoys me because I can't figure out how my response will effect my ratings. Nor do I really care about my response. I just keep clicking dismiss a lot. Essentially, could someone tell me either what the conditions are for this issue to come up are or what each of the options end up doing? Either one would be wonderful. Thanks!

<Note: If there's anything blatantly stupid in here, blame it on me being extremely tired as I write.>
07-06-2005, 19:56
1. Read the issues FAQ.

2. I'm afraid that's just too bad. Only game moderators can accurately say what any option will do and we're not going to do that. When you get right down to it, you should be able to tell roughly by using a little common sense.
08-06-2005, 00:57
Ack. You're making me do work, and read things, and think. This goes against my most sacred precepts. So it is. *sigh*[/sarcasm]
08-06-2005, 01:04
1. When will I know if an issue I submitted about 3 days ago was accepted?
Issues get processed in big batches, sometimes 3 to 6 months worth of submissions at a time. Probably 90% or more get tossed as duplicates of an existing issue, or not worth editing into something worthwhile.

It may be a while.
The Kea
08-06-2005, 04:33
Originally posted by sirocco.
2. I'm afraid that's just too bad. Only game moderators can accurately say what any option will do and we're not going to do that. When you get right down to it, you should be able to tell roughly by using a little common sense.

Why are issue effects such a big secret? I've asked you before but you ignore me.
08-06-2005, 05:09
You know a lot of games that publish their code, do ya?

We release the effects, and nations become number crunchers instead of being surprised by the unexpected effects. Wheres the fun in that?

We like surprising you. That's the way Max set it up, that's the way Max likes it, and that's how it's gonna stay.
08-06-2005, 06:07
Issues get processed in big batches, sometimes 3 to 6 months worth of submissions at a time. Probably 90% or more get tossed as duplicates of an existing issue, or not worth editing into something worthwhile.

It may be a while.
Thanks. I just checked the Issues FAQ, and I don't think mine is in the current batch. I think it's one day short, so it probably will be a while.
The Kea
09-06-2005, 00:04
Originally posted by Frisbeeteria.
You know a lot of games that publish their code, do ya?

We release the effects, and nations become number crunchers instead of being surprised by the unexpected effects. Wheres the fun in that?

We like surprising you. That's the way Max set it up, that's the way Max likes it, and that's how it's gonna stay.

I suppose that could be called a good enough answer for some people. But what I don't understand is why sirocco keeps saying that only the moderators can know what issues do. Any code can be broken.