NationStates Jolt Archive


The Kea
27-05-2005, 00:25
Suburbanites in an Uproar

The traffic congestion in the suburbs of @@NAME@@ has reached an all time high.

Validity: nations with cars

[option]"This is a simple problem: Just build more roads," states @@RANDOMNAME@@, a bulbous individual with a briefcase. "It's the obvious solution, and those are always the best! All that's required it to knock down some houses and increase taxes to pay for it."
[effect]@@NAME@@ is continuously increasing taxes and destroying homes to make way for bigger roads
[stats]economy increases, happiness decreases, construction major industry (is there one?) increases, taxes increase, government size increases

[option]"It has been shown that building more roads actually increases the problem," advises @@RANDOMNAME@@, a proponent of more government funded mass transit. "It would be better if we tried to decrease the number of cars on the road by having government run buses and trains. The government could theoretically save money in the long run because of fewer roads, if the public uses the mass transit."
[effect]mass transit is the government's newest money pit
[stats]taxes increase, government size increases, happiness decreases, environment increases

[option]"The lazy citizens of @@NAME@@ would never agree to something that 'difficult,'" shouts @@RANDOMNAME@@, an rabid environmentalist while destroying a washing machine. "We need to ban cars to get those obese imbeciles to do what's healthy for the environment! And no exceptions for ambulances, fire trucks, and police cars!"
[effect]the economy has been ground up along with every motor vehicle, including ones needed for public safety
[stats]economy decreases, happiness is gone, environment increases

[option]A spindly college student dressed in a toga has an entirely new idea. "The problem is the suburbs themselves! Just ban them and send people into the city! Then set limits on the size of the city to keep them from reappearing! We'll do it the Roman way!"
[effect]suburbs have been outlawed, forcing the plebeians to languish in stacked tenaments
[stats]economy dies, happiness commits suicide, crime increases, government size increases
27-05-2005, 04:45
[option]A spindly college student dressed in a toga has an entirely new idea. "The problem is the suburbs themselves! Just ban them and send people into the city! Then set limits on the size of the city to keep them from reappearing! We'll do it the Roman way!"
[effect]suburbs have been outlawed, forcing the plebeians to languish in stacked tenaments
[stats]economy dies, happiness commits suicide, crime increases, government size increases

Not a bad issue, but, hehehe, whats with the weird stats on option 4?