25-05-2005, 12:44
Got ID?
Following a recent poll, fear of pirates, terrorists and spys are on the increase in @@NAME@@. Several members of your government have put together a bill for compulsory ID Cards, which can be used to trace people, and have records of nearly everything they do.
[option]"This is just what @@NAME@@ needs. Something to decrease crime, and something so that we can keep an eye on the civilians" says General @@RANDOMNAME@@ of the 42nd @@ANIMAL@@ Regiment of the @@NAME@@ Army.
[effect] Compulsory ID cards are enacted, everyones movements, actions and law-breaking are recorded.
[stats] Taxes Increase, Crime Decreases, Civil rights decrease, Happyness Decreases.
[option] "Its a good idea" says Detective @@RANDOMNAME@@ of the @@NAME@@ Police department, "but it needs a few creases ironed out, take away the tracing part and just keep the record files"
[effect]Compulsory ID cards are enacted, but only everyones crimes, and some actions are recorded.
[stats] Taxes increase, Crime slightly decreases, Civil rights slightly decrease
[option] "Like, no way man, this is like, totaly uncool man, like nu-uh!" Shouts civil-activist @@RANDOMNAME@@ from the top of the @@ANIMAL@@ Tower. "These cards are like, totaly infringing on like, everyones lifes man. That is soo not cool man, like everyone should not eat meat either man"
[effect] Compulsory ID cards are not enacted, and everyone eats tofu.
[stats]Taxes Decrease, Happyness Increase, Civil rights increase, Crime greatly increases.
Following a recent poll, fear of pirates, terrorists and spys are on the increase in @@NAME@@. Several members of your government have put together a bill for compulsory ID Cards, which can be used to trace people, and have records of nearly everything they do.
[option]"This is just what @@NAME@@ needs. Something to decrease crime, and something so that we can keep an eye on the civilians" says General @@RANDOMNAME@@ of the 42nd @@ANIMAL@@ Regiment of the @@NAME@@ Army.
[effect] Compulsory ID cards are enacted, everyones movements, actions and law-breaking are recorded.
[stats] Taxes Increase, Crime Decreases, Civil rights decrease, Happyness Decreases.
[option] "Its a good idea" says Detective @@RANDOMNAME@@ of the @@NAME@@ Police department, "but it needs a few creases ironed out, take away the tracing part and just keep the record files"
[effect]Compulsory ID cards are enacted, but only everyones crimes, and some actions are recorded.
[stats] Taxes increase, Crime slightly decreases, Civil rights slightly decrease
[option] "Like, no way man, this is like, totaly uncool man, like nu-uh!" Shouts civil-activist @@RANDOMNAME@@ from the top of the @@ANIMAL@@ Tower. "These cards are like, totaly infringing on like, everyones lifes man. That is soo not cool man, like everyone should not eat meat either man"
[effect] Compulsory ID cards are not enacted, and everyone eats tofu.
[stats]Taxes Decrease, Happyness Increase, Civil rights increase, Crime greatly increases.