The Kea
29-04-2005, 23:28
Political Activists Raising Cainings
After a media report showing the dismal state of the prisons in @@NAME@@, several groups are trying to push their agenda through on how to improve them.
[option]"We should publicly beat people for crimes instead of sending them to prisons," shouts @@RANDOMNAME@@, who frequently says stupid people should just be shot. "It would be much cheaper and more effective than sending them to prisons for years, and it wouldn't ruin their entire lives, so they could work their minimum wage jobs. If they pass out, we can just send them to the hospital until they feel good enough to be beaten some more!"
[effect]criminals are beaten thousands of times over a period of several months
[stats]government size decreases, tax decreases, crime decreases
[option]"Today's punishments are too serious," says a mysterious person known only as The Mikado. "We should try to liven them up a bit by making the punishment fit the crime, which has always been my lifelong object. Try to add a humorous element, such as the persons who advertise miracle cures have all their teeth extracted by terrified amateurs, and make
sure it is done publicly."
[effect]prisoners are tortured in cruel and ironic ways, to the delight of onlookers
[stats]happiness increases, government size decreases, tax decreases, crime decreases, economy increases
[option]@@RANDOMNAME@@, author of "The Dangers of Using Your Imagination" and "Think Less, Act More", favors doing things the old way. "These new methods are appalling! We should just keep sending people to prisons for years. If we're running out of money because of the hundreds of thousands of @@CURRENCY@@s it takes to keep someone in prison for life, we should just increase taxes!"
[effect]taxes have been increased to pay for the rising costs of keeping prisoners happy
[stats]happiness decreases, government size increases, tax increases
[option]"I thought we were supposed to be TOUGH on crime!" screams @@RANDOMNAME@@, who once tried to kill a jaywalker in the name of justice. "All criminals, no matter how seemingly harmless the crime, choose evil. ALL WHO CHOOSE EVIL MUST PERISH!!!"
[effect]thousands are executed daily for any crime, no matter how small
[stats]happiness decreases, crime decreases, economy decreases
[option]"We don't want kill everyone," advises @@RANDOMNAME@@, a spokesperson for Pfazer®. "We should just load them up on Prozap™ so they won't commit any crimes. That way no one will be unhappy. In fact, they'll like it so much, if you forced them to work 100 hours a week building giant monuments to the glory of @@NAME@@, they'd smile and wave every time you walk by!"
[effect]prisoners are loaded up on Prozap™, a drug known to induce plague, and forced to work hideous hours building giant statues of government officials
[stats]happiness increases, government size increases, tax increases, economy increases, crime decreases
[option]"If there were no laws, there would be no criminals!" rages @@RANDOMNAME@@, who has been arrested dozens of times for starting riots. "We must eliminate all forms of authority, and Man will set up a perfect society! Voltaire explained it all! We just have to set up the Committee of Public Safety, which will have total control, to prevent anyone from siezing power!"
[effect]the Committee of Public Safety executes anyone suspected of trying to criticize them
[stats]government size decreases, political freedoms decrease, civil rights decrease, economy decreases, crime increases
After a media report showing the dismal state of the prisons in @@NAME@@, several groups are trying to push their agenda through on how to improve them.
[option]"We should publicly beat people for crimes instead of sending them to prisons," shouts @@RANDOMNAME@@, who frequently says stupid people should just be shot. "It would be much cheaper and more effective than sending them to prisons for years, and it wouldn't ruin their entire lives, so they could work their minimum wage jobs. If they pass out, we can just send them to the hospital until they feel good enough to be beaten some more!"
[effect]criminals are beaten thousands of times over a period of several months
[stats]government size decreases, tax decreases, crime decreases
[option]"Today's punishments are too serious," says a mysterious person known only as The Mikado. "We should try to liven them up a bit by making the punishment fit the crime, which has always been my lifelong object. Try to add a humorous element, such as the persons who advertise miracle cures have all their teeth extracted by terrified amateurs, and make
sure it is done publicly."
[effect]prisoners are tortured in cruel and ironic ways, to the delight of onlookers
[stats]happiness increases, government size decreases, tax decreases, crime decreases, economy increases
[option]@@RANDOMNAME@@, author of "The Dangers of Using Your Imagination" and "Think Less, Act More", favors doing things the old way. "These new methods are appalling! We should just keep sending people to prisons for years. If we're running out of money because of the hundreds of thousands of @@CURRENCY@@s it takes to keep someone in prison for life, we should just increase taxes!"
[effect]taxes have been increased to pay for the rising costs of keeping prisoners happy
[stats]happiness decreases, government size increases, tax increases
[option]"I thought we were supposed to be TOUGH on crime!" screams @@RANDOMNAME@@, who once tried to kill a jaywalker in the name of justice. "All criminals, no matter how seemingly harmless the crime, choose evil. ALL WHO CHOOSE EVIL MUST PERISH!!!"
[effect]thousands are executed daily for any crime, no matter how small
[stats]happiness decreases, crime decreases, economy decreases
[option]"We don't want kill everyone," advises @@RANDOMNAME@@, a spokesperson for Pfazer®. "We should just load them up on Prozap™ so they won't commit any crimes. That way no one will be unhappy. In fact, they'll like it so much, if you forced them to work 100 hours a week building giant monuments to the glory of @@NAME@@, they'd smile and wave every time you walk by!"
[effect]prisoners are loaded up on Prozap™, a drug known to induce plague, and forced to work hideous hours building giant statues of government officials
[stats]happiness increases, government size increases, tax increases, economy increases, crime decreases
[option]"If there were no laws, there would be no criminals!" rages @@RANDOMNAME@@, who has been arrested dozens of times for starting riots. "We must eliminate all forms of authority, and Man will set up a perfect society! Voltaire explained it all! We just have to set up the Committee of Public Safety, which will have total control, to prevent anyone from siezing power!"
[effect]the Committee of Public Safety executes anyone suspected of trying to criticize them
[stats]government size decreases, political freedoms decrease, civil rights decrease, economy decreases, crime increases