NationStates Jolt Archive

A new issue: coins

23-09-2004, 18:32
How do you like my new issue?

Title: Pondering about a new coin…
Description: Many people in @@NAME@@ have complained about the dull @@CURRENCY@@
Validity: [not sure yet]

[option]”It is obvious we need a new face on our coins” says @@RANDOMNAME@@ spokesman of your party whilst throwing cents in the crowd to win more supporters. “A good looking, trustworthy and friendly smiling face… like yours! As a democratically elected leader of @NATION@ you should be on all our coins! Every time people take a coin from their wallet they see the face of their beloved leader, you will be looking at all our servants… I mean citizens. It would also make it a whole lot easier for them to decide on who to vote in the next elections…”
[effect] the leader of @@NAME@@ can be seen on all coins
[stats] political freedoms decrease slightly

[option] ”I really dont see why we should have some populist president on our valuable coins”. Says veteran @@RANDOMNAME@@ whilst putting a coin in the washingmachine at the laundromat to wash an old uniform. “As a matter of fact, why do we need a valuable coin at all? I propose we melt all coins and use the material to make weapons, so we can spread our strength… I mean so we can protect all the citizens of @@NAME@@.”
[effect] coins are melted down into side-arms and people pay with wooden coins
[stats] Defense expenditures goes up slightly, arms manufacturing becomes much more important

[option]”You’re all so extreme” says toddler teacher @@RANDOMNAME@@ whilst putting a coin in a collecting box of the “Charity Organisation for Indigenous Nature”. Of course we need a nice new coin, but who have to use them in future? Exactly, our children! I say we give all toddlers around @@NAME@@ a paper to invent our new coin, so their young creativity will still be around when they’re old!
[effect] they cuddly teddybear can be found on all coins
[stats] Education expenditures goes up slightly

[option]”You’re all just wrong!” Shouts anarchist anti-coin advocate @@RANDOMNAME@@, whilst making an artistic bracelet of old coins. We do not need coins to pay with! Currency is only around to favour the rich elite.The elite tries to make profit from everything, even these small round objects. I say we abolish the currency and make nice artistic bracelets of them, like this one! Of course, we should keep a few and place them in a museum as a rememberance to years of cooperate oppression.
[effect]the currency has been abolished and some are stored in musea
[stats]economic strength decreases badly

[option] ”What’s all the fuss about?” Says the retired @@RANDOMNAME@@ whilst getting an age old coin of @@NAME@@ out of its pocket. “I like this one, I got it from a nice old lady when I was 5 years old… Why should we change this beautiful coin? It is a small cultural monument, and it has a differen remembrance hidden inside for all of us. I say we keep it like it is, and the government should be busy with more serious matters, like nature, I love walking here for hours with my old lucky coin.”
[effect]the long-extinct yellow-flocked @@ANIMAL@@ can be found on the national currency
[stats]no significant effects,
United White Front
23-09-2004, 18:52
i wish i could have cool ideas like this :(
23-09-2004, 18:52
[effect]coins are melted down into side-arms and people pay with wooden coins

could be "metals coins have been melted down into side-arms, and people pay with wooden coins"

[effect] they cuddly teddybear can be found on all coins

could be "an image of a teddybear can be found on all coins"

TYPO: cooperate oppression.

should be: corporate
United White Front
23-09-2004, 18:55
[effect]the currency has been abolished and some are stored in musea
23-09-2004, 19:07

Sozy means the plural of museum, which I think is actually museums, not musea.
23-09-2004, 19:16
Yes, my fault :( In my language we use it as a plural form for Museums. By the way I made this up whilst walking in the forest with my dog :)
23-09-2004, 19:34
You can't have an option in an issue which doesn't do anything. Also, you can't actually ban currency - that would require new code.

And use straight quotation marks ("). The bendy ones (”) aren't used.
23-09-2004, 19:58
I) I will think of something
II) It is not banned it can still be found in the museums
23-09-2004, 22:04
I edited it a bit, and now, I am submitting it :)

And hope they will accept it, otherwise I will just bribe them with some METAL COINS :D