NationStates Jolt Archive

What about war?

13-08-2004, 18:10
Why does anyone need an army and why should I join other regions? Can you be raided in this game or do people just say that in order to get you to join their region?
13-08-2004, 18:45
Why does anyone need an army and why should I join other regions? Can you be raided in this game or do people just say that in order to get you to join their region?

Your game stats won't ever change, meaning your population will continue to grow and your economy and freedoms are completely safe from outsiders.

The only two things other nations can do to you:

- A UN Delegate or regional founder can eject you from a region,
- If you are in the UN, UN resolutions will change your game stats slightly.

The military issue is just a roleplaying aid ... that and an excuse to drive up your tax rate. I recently "built" an air force when I got the issue.