21-07-2004, 04:00
This is a working idea that I first drafted up in mid-June in response to a levee failure here in California.
When the Levee Breaks
Extremely high water levels caused a privately owned levee protecting valuable farmland to break. The levee district responsible for maintaining the levee and farmers in the area flooded have requested government aid in repairing the levee.
[option]"Valuable crops have been lost and we have no money to repair the levee breach on our own," advocated farmer Robert Plant. "For the good of @@NAME@@, the government needs to repair the breach as quickly as possible."
[effect]privately owned farms flourish and more privately owned levees are not maintained,
[stats]size of government increases a bit, public apathy decreases a bit
[option]"I'll tell you why the levee failed. Those privately owned levee districts ain't been spending their money on maintaining their piles of dirt and rock! So why are the rest of us left paying for their mistakes?" protested John Bonham. "The flooded land will make a great fishing hole now."
[effect]small family owned farms get bought out by large mega-corporations, government engineers can be found spending their days fishing in and around failed levees,
[stats]size of government decreases, trout farming increases, tax rate decreases a bit
[option]"We have been given a glorious opportunity to restore the wetlands we drained long ago," preached ecologist John Paul Jones. "We should buy the farmers land and restore it into the wetlands it once was. Think of all the endangered species we could restore!"
[effect]produce prices at local supermarkets increase, land owners are commonly seen in the capital trying to sell their arid plots of land as valuable wetlands,
[stats] size of government increases, government priority for environment increases, environment improves, weather improves, apathy decreases
When the Levee Breaks
Extremely high water levels caused a privately owned levee protecting valuable farmland to break. The levee district responsible for maintaining the levee and farmers in the area flooded have requested government aid in repairing the levee.
[option]"Valuable crops have been lost and we have no money to repair the levee breach on our own," advocated farmer Robert Plant. "For the good of @@NAME@@, the government needs to repair the breach as quickly as possible."
[effect]privately owned farms flourish and more privately owned levees are not maintained,
[stats]size of government increases a bit, public apathy decreases a bit
[option]"I'll tell you why the levee failed. Those privately owned levee districts ain't been spending their money on maintaining their piles of dirt and rock! So why are the rest of us left paying for their mistakes?" protested John Bonham. "The flooded land will make a great fishing hole now."
[effect]small family owned farms get bought out by large mega-corporations, government engineers can be found spending their days fishing in and around failed levees,
[stats]size of government decreases, trout farming increases, tax rate decreases a bit
[option]"We have been given a glorious opportunity to restore the wetlands we drained long ago," preached ecologist John Paul Jones. "We should buy the farmers land and restore it into the wetlands it once was. Think of all the endangered species we could restore!"
[effect]produce prices at local supermarkets increase, land owners are commonly seen in the capital trying to sell their arid plots of land as valuable wetlands,
[stats] size of government increases, government priority for environment increases, environment improves, weather improves, apathy decreases