28-03-2004, 14:02
Freak Typhoons have wrecked havoc in @@REGION@@, leaving its cities in shambles. This, along with its traditionally robust growth in population, @@NAME@@ has found its self in the middle of a housing shortage of epic proprtions.
1. "We're ready, willing, and able to serve @@Name@@ in this time of crisis," says Chief Contractor Lobbyist @@Random Name@@ , "All we ask is generous government aid for our efforts."
2. "Ha!" Exclaims @@RANDOM NAME@@, Minster of the Interior. "Even the common @@ANIMAL@@ would know that corporations are slow at best and downright corrupt at worst. The solutions is simple; government itself should not only build Housing Projects for its citizen, but encourage them move in too. Not only will this solve the problem it will make it easier for us to keep tabs on any no-good malcontents."
3. "People shouldn't have to sleep in their cars," cries Inner City Advocate @@RANDOM NAME@@, "And the government shouldn't have to spend millions of @@CURRENCY@@ on the construction of a civil right's nightmare!" Rather, a nation wide system of rent controls should be instituted to keep affordable housing open for all citizens
1. "We're ready, willing, and able to serve @@Name@@ in this time of crisis," says Chief Contractor Lobbyist @@Random Name@@ , "All we ask is generous government aid for our efforts."
2. "Ha!" Exclaims @@RANDOM NAME@@, Minster of the Interior. "Even the common @@ANIMAL@@ would know that corporations are slow at best and downright corrupt at worst. The solutions is simple; government itself should not only build Housing Projects for its citizen, but encourage them move in too. Not only will this solve the problem it will make it easier for us to keep tabs on any no-good malcontents."
3. "People shouldn't have to sleep in their cars," cries Inner City Advocate @@RANDOM NAME@@, "And the government shouldn't have to spend millions of @@CURRENCY@@ on the construction of a civil right's nightmare!" Rather, a nation wide system of rent controls should be instituted to keep affordable housing open for all citizens