NationStates Jolt Archive

New Issue: Advertising - Clean Up or Cash In?

12-03-2004, 05:11
A recent television advertisement got broad attention when it depicted a shocking scene to market its product. Other, similar ads have been disapproved by the same regulators which approved the shocking ad. Corporations are demanding that laws be changed so they can cash in as well.

Validity: Nations with Commerce significantly higher than Law & Order


[option]@@RANDOMNAME@@, head of advertising for Transparent Underthings, Inc., says, "There's always been a hazy line between what's barely acceptable and what isn't. What I'm suggesting we do is simply eliminate that line. Let us advertise any way we like, as long as we don't make any false claims. The kids will adjust in time, and commerce will explode! Sold?"
[effects]television commercials outweigh pornography in terms of raw sexual content
[stats]retail way up, devoutness down, apathy up

[option]"What this discussion is really about is selling our morals and children's innocence for @@CURRENCY@@s," argues Family Interest representative @@RANDOMNAME@@. "We all know what type of tactics advertisers will use if they have their way. Make the regulations for advertisers much clearer and in favor of cleaner television. We mustn't put a price on our ethics!"
[effects]television advertising has become highly regulated and fairly ineffective
[stats]retail way down, devoutness up, apathy down

[option]@@RANDOMNAME@@, the recently-appointed president of @@NAME@@ Retired Professionals Association, says, "I know many people want cleaner TV ads, and many people don't care. We all know what the corporations want. So let 'em have it - on the channels that show adult programs during the times that they show them. Everyone's happy. Of course, this will require a lot of regulation and government-funded supervision, but the benefits to the economy will pay for it."
[effects]television advertisements are either child-safe or adults-only depending on what time of day it is
[stats]retail up, devoutness down

Your thoughts?
Eta Carinae
12-03-2004, 05:27
Goodness, you're becoming a very prolific writer. At this rate, you'll be submitting more issues in a week than I submitted in five months. I suppose that will lessen your anger over the abortion issue fiasco caused by me :oops: .

One area of feedback:

[option]@@RANDOMNAME@@, your recently-appointed"I know many people want cleaner TV ads, and many people don't care. We all know what the corporations want. So let 'em have it - on the channels that show adult programs during the times that they show them. Everyone's happy. Of course, this will require a lot of regulation government-funded supervision, but the benefits to the economy will pay for it."
[effects]television advertisements are either child-safe or adults-only depending on what time of day it is
[stats]retail up, devoutness down

Is there meant to be text between 'your recently-appointed' and '"I know many people want cleaner TV ads,'?
12-03-2004, 05:55
Thank you so much for catching that! I fixed it in the original posting.

And thank you so much for your kind words. I am having lots of fun on NationStates and there's so many great people here with so many wonderful ideas :) And I'm not angry - don't be silly! I think you're a terrific writer and a good inspiration. Thank you :)
12-03-2004, 10:28
Yikes...I feel pretty bad for throwing the fuel on the fire in that forum too...have you guys seen it lately? We got a random Christian basher in there now! =D
Eta Carinae
13-03-2004, 05:44
Yikes...I feel pretty bad for throwing the fuel on the fire in that forum too...have you guys seen it lately? We got a random Christian basher in there now! =D

I've read that post, though I still can't see how it's related to abortion.
13-03-2004, 06:05
I've read that post, though I still can't see how it's related to abortion.

Maybe it's sort of like how these posts are related to advertising... :P hehe
16-03-2004, 19:27
I'd imagine that the third issue would increase the size of goverment.
Also, shouldn't this issue have an economic effect?