NationStates Jolt Archive

Electronic Plague in Nianacio!

21-01-2004, 23:50
What will the various options do?
The Issue

The malicious computer virus "DEAT.exe" is infecting nearly all the computers in Nianacio and the people are crying out for the government to do something about it.

The Debate

"It's those horrible kids. Hacking in where they don't belong. You've got to give us more funding to put a stop to it," says Nianacio Federal Police Chief Abraham Jones. "Like with cars- ban kids from using computers until they pass a test and get a license!"

CEO George W. Barry of CyberMirage Labs has a different idea. "Let us release SAL9000, our new AI, into the Nianacio Network. It'll put a stop to this virus. Nevermind that it's still only an untested beta!"

"Yeah, wonderful! Fix a virus by releasing an AI that will likely turn on its creators? Are you people trying to get us all killed?!" Decries infamous technophobe Klaus Jefferson, "What do we need computers for anyway? They will only bring us trouble and disaster! Personal computers ought to be banned!"
Eta Carinae
23-01-2004, 14:11
I think so. People are downloading stuff without paying for it, and the companies making the products are losing money.
Emperor Matthuis
24-01-2004, 22:55
It will lower your economy
25-01-2004, 19:48
27-01-2004, 01:43
27-01-2004, 01:44
Do any of the options help civil rights and do the copy rights actually hurt the economy. I saw one large nation in my region that had their economy drop from frightening to all-consuming after enforcing copy rights.
27-01-2004, 09:05
I believe the no copyrights option increases civil rights.
31-01-2004, 18:41
Thanks, guys. :)
What do the various options for Electronic Plague in Nianacio! do?
03-02-2004, 09:36
The results seem a little obvious. #1 will likely lower civil rights a little and increase law and order (and might hurt or help the economy, and IT expecially, depending on the author and editors takes on the situation, arguments can probably be made both ways). #2 will certainly increase IT, not to mention economic freedoms in general. It might hurt CFs a little. In my experiance, if you choose #2, it is followed by the Android Rights issue (although this could be a couple of coincidences). #3 will likely destroy your IT industry, do serious damage to your economy, lower your CFs drastically, and ... might raise law and order.
The Most Glorious Hack
03-02-2004, 10:41
In my experiance, if you choose #2, it is followed by the Android Rights issue (although this could be a couple of coincidences).
