NationStates Jolt Archive

National Population Control?

Ice Hockey Players
19-01-2004, 09:54
Several members of special interest groups all over @@NAME@@ are lobbying for a form of population control, arguing that the population is too high and must be controlled.

The Debate

1. "It's time for child limits!" shouts @@RANDOMNAME@@, head of Zero Population Growth of @@NAME@@. "One child is too few to limit them to, but two is all people really need anyway. If people want more than two children they should adopt them. Parents who have more than two children will be severely punished...somehow...I've got it! We'll take away their additional children and give them to families who want to adopt!"
[effect]babies disappear from full houses without a trace

2. "If people can't have kids, the population will go down," argues @@RANDOMNAME@@, a surgeon who specializes in sterilizations. "We'll make people get sterilized. Not all of them, of course. Just enough to stop them from having kids. The process will be...umm, random and completely fair, and we will sterilize both men and women."
[effect]the government forces sterilizations on citizens, a disproportionate number of whom are disadvantaged

3. "Forcing people to bring down the population is counterproductive," states @@RANDOMNAME@@, the new appointee to the Treasury. "If we give people a nice lifelong tax break for being sterilized, more people will want to do it. We let them have, say, one kid, and after that they can get sterilized for money. Every kid they have after that would lessen their possible benefits. We all know no one likes high taxes anyway."
[effect]the government sterilizes citizens in exchange for tax breaks

4. "This is insanity! There's no population problem," shouts @@RANDOMNAME@@, host of a popular radio talk show. "Limiting the number of children! Forced sterilizations! This is a complete outrage! This country can support at least twice as many people as it does now! We must abandon population control measures and use the money to promote something else, like defense spending."
[effect]the military is using increased funding to recruit an ever-expanding young population

5. "We need more kids, not fewer!" demands charismatic nationalist @@RANDOMNAME@@ at a party convention. "Instead of limiting the number of kids people can have, we should establish a minimum! One boy and one girl per household at the very minimum! We need more young people to pass on the traditions of this great ntion and defend them against those who threaten them! Oh yes, and all that money you were going to spend on sterilizations should go to promoting the family and tossing single people into prison or the military."
[effect]the government arrests and drafts single people into the military and pro-marriage and pro-family propaganda appear at every turn

Stats go up once I am less sleep-deprived.
Eta Carinae
20-01-2004, 06:45
Good variety of options. If there are awards for best player-submitted issues, I'll shortlist you.
Emperor Matthuis
20-01-2004, 22:36
Is good, as usual, i wish you had submitted them ages ago then we would have them now... :D
Emperor Matthuis
20-01-2004, 22:36
Is good, as usual, i wish you had submitted them ages ago then we would have them now... :D