NationStates Jolt Archive

@NAME@ in the Great War of @REGION@?

Ice Hockey Players
18-01-2004, 11:08
An ongoing feud between members of two of @@REGION@@'s military alliances had turned into all-out war, though so far @@NAME@@ has remained neutral, receiving pleas from both sides to join their efforts. @@NAME@@'s legislature has heard both sides of the argument and is preparting to make a decision.

The Debate

1. "This is not a war against the Allied Nations," shouts charismatic New Order leader @@RANDOMNAME@@ on a region-wide TV broadcast. "This is a war against the Bigtopian scourge that is plaguing all of @@REGION@@. Join the New Order and we will take the Bigtopians out of power and establish a single order across the region. The military effort of @@NAME@@ will be the deciding factor in the war! Join us and you shall not fail!"
[effect]the military has joined the Great War on the side of the New Order
[stats]military spending increases, education decreases, patriotism increases, political freedoms decrease

2. "You're not actually going to join those wackos, are you?" replies @@RANDOMNAME@@, the diplomatic head of the Allied Nations. "The Allied Nations stands for freedom and democracy. Maybe they're doing better economically and they're winning the war right now, but with @@NAME@@'s help, we can turn the tide and win. You don't want @@NAME@@ to be run by a mad dictator, do you?"
[effect]the military has joined the Great War on the side of the Allied Nations
[stats]military spending increases, patriotism increases, political freedoms increase, economy decreases, cynicism increases

3. "Why take a side now?" asks @@RANDOMNAME@@, head of the Treasury. "This war is a great economic opportunity for @@NAME@@. Let's take the side of whoever wins the war and rebuild the losers. We make friends and become the new superpower in @@REGION@@. Oh yeah, and just between us, if we don't like the war's outcome, we can spearhead another one after we rebuild the losers."
[effect]the military is upsetting other regional leaders with pledged support to both sides in the Great War
[stats]economy increases, cynicism increases, compassion decreases, political freedoms increase

4. "Are you serious? You're not actually going to JOIN this war," screams angry libertarian @@RANDOMNAME@@. "Let the New Order and Allied Nations tear each other apart. What business is it of ours? And that Treasury guy who wants to take advantage of the losers should be run out of office. People who try to capitalize on others' misfortune are sick and have no business in government."
[effect]the military remains neutral in the Great War as the government has tried to become more compassionate
[stats]rich-poor gap decreases, political freedoms decrease, military spending decreases, civil rights increase, patriotism decreases

5. "PH33R T3H 1337 5Ki11Z 0F 0UR ARMY N0W!!!!!!1111oneoneone" declare angry hackers in a roleplay simulation. "W3 R UR G0DZ N0W AND W3 Wi11 DR0P 123598701579804389124978042978 N00KZ 0N A11 WH0 0PP0Z3 US!!!!!111 W3 Wi11 D357R0YZ0RZ T3H N00 0RD3R W1TH 0UR 1337 HA><0RiNG 5Ki11Z!!!111 7H3N W3 Wi11 3><P0Z3 T3H A11i3D NA7i0NZ AND 7H3N W3 Wi11 RU1Z0RZ T3H W0R1D!!!!!!11111 PH33R T3H 1337 HA><0RZ!!!!!11111oneoneone" Your Minister of Odd Languages translated this to mean something along the lines of: "Fear our army! We are your gods and we will nuke all who oppose us! Fear the elite hackers!"
[effect]the military had hired a group of hackers who make idle threats to regional leaders on a daily basis
[stats]compassion decreases, patriotism increases

Stats are still a bit unrefined.
Emperor Matthuis
18-01-2004, 11:49
Great issue...again but get rid of the hacker option, that is just pointless and no one would chose it. How about changing #4 so that the military gives aid to survivors on both sides, like the red cross or someonething. :D :)
18-01-2004, 11:49
I like it.
Ice Hockey Players
18-01-2004, 12:10
Great issue...again but get rid of the hacker option, that is just pointless and no one would chose it. How about changing #4 so that the military gives aid to survivors on both sides, like the red cross or someonething. :D :)

I might consider making the Red Croos thing part of #3, but a stance of total neutrality is an option I want to give players. Though with #3, acting as the Red Cross might help in letting the player bide time until the war is over.

I am considering expanding this issue into a sort of issue tree, such that selecting one option triggers another issue specific to that answer. Someone awhile back wrote a "War Tree" and this would be based loosely off of that, though with some changes made.

And I have to have at least one odd option, and that's what #5 is. It's no different from option 4 in the Titles of Nobility issue; it's out of left field and appears to be unrelated to the issue at hand, but it might be fun to pick. Adventurous people might try it just to be different, and people might try it on their puppets.
18-01-2004, 20:06
Make option #5 more coherent.
19-01-2004, 10:51
And understandable.

But besides that, I like it.
19-01-2004, 22:06
The English version of #5:
"Fear the leet skills of our army now!" declare angry hackers in a roleplay simulation. "We are your gods now and we will drop @@NUMBER@@ nukes on all who oppose us! We will destroy the New Order with our leet hacking skills! Then we will oppose the Allied Nations and then we will rule the world! Fear the leet hackers!"
20-01-2004, 08:19
The even better English version: substitute "elite" for "leet"... 8)
Ice Hockey Players
27-01-2004, 06:43

The following issue would appear if your nation chose the first option on the above list.

New Order wins the Great War!

With the help of @@NAME@@'s military, the New Order military alliance has won the Great War of @@REGION@@, and now the postwar power structure is the subject of peace conferences.

The Debate

1. "We all know what we fought this war for," shouts @@RANDOMNAME@@, a prominent New Order military official. "We fought this war to bring all of @@REGION@@ under one ruler for one common goal. We must turn the states of @@REGION@@ into one united military force and go after the world! The Great War of @@REGION@@ is just the beginning! First the Allied Nations, and tomorrow the world!"
[effect]the military, in union with the New Order of @@REGION@@, has waged war on neighboring regions in the name of world unity

2. "That's not what we fought this war for!" cries @@RANDOMNAME@@, the most nationalistic member of the New Order Cabinet. "We fought this war to eradicate the Bigtopians! They are the reason for the economic hardship in @@REGION@@! They are the reason for oppression and all the wrongs we experience! Wipe them all out! And while we're at it, let's get rid of all those other dregs on society as well."
[effect]the New Order has rounded up Bigtopians and others deemed "undesirable" and dragged them to places unknown

3. "OK, we helped these people out enough. This isn't our war anymore," chimes in @@RANDOMNAME@@ over a cell phone. "We supported them simply to keep them from invading us, but since we helped them, they will let us go back to our normal lives. We don't need to fight; we need to get back to normal and let the rest of the region deal with its problems."
[effect]New Order members perform attacks on @@NAME@@'s largest cities in retaliation for its refusal to participate in a regional government

4. "Good Lord, what have we done?" cries @@RANDOMNAME@@, a pro-democracy member of your Cabinet. "Let the New Order exist as a political entity, but I fear we're making a grave mistake by letting them set up a genocidal campaign against the Bigtopians. We need to be prepared to fight their human rights abuses. We're not taking this up as a military cause but a human rights cause. Someone has to protect the Bigtopians."
[effect]agents from @@NAME@@'s Special Forces break into New Order internment camps and bring back the inmates as refugees
Ice Hockey Players
29-01-2004, 07:20

The following issue would appear if your nation chose the second option on the above list.

Allied Nations wins the Great War!

With the help of @@NAME@@'s military, the Allied Nations military alliance has won the Great War of @@REGION@@, and now the postwar power structure is the subject of peace conferences.

The Debate

1. "We fought this war to block the New Order from controlling the region," argues @@RANDOMNAME@@, an ally's head of state. "Now thata we have done that, we must eradicate the New Order from the entire region, especially those nations from which it came. Pass laws banning New Order propaganda and make it impossible for such organizations to do to anyone what the New Order attempted to do to the Bigtopians."
[effect]it is illegal to lobby for defeated military causes

2. "Simply protecting the Bigtopians and suppressing the New Order won't do it," insists @@RANDOMNAME@@, your top diplomat. "@@NAME@@'s involvement in a new regional organization to discuss ideas will prevent any future large-scale wars. Something like the United Nations for our region. If leaders have a forum to blow off steam and actually be heard, problems can be talked out instead of fought out. And of course we should be in charge of it. We won the war, after all."
[effect]@@NAME@@ is a leading member of a regional diplomatic organization in charge of stopping war

3. "Some organization for world leaders won't do much good if they have no economic prowess to stand on," chimes in @@RANDOMNAME@@, head of the @@NAME@@ Treasury. "If we rebuild the defeated nations, we will gain economic and diplomatic allies. The New Order has been discredited and no one wants to fight anymore; all we would deal with is the occasional wacko trying to revive it. Money makes the world go 'round, and it could make @@REGION@@ go straight to the top if we invest it."
[effect]the Treasury is pouring billions of @@CURRENCY@@s into rebuilding former war enemies

4. "The Great War isn't over; it's just begun," shouts nationalist @@RANDOMNAME@@ from the statehouse lawn. "The New Order was wrong; the Bigtopians are out allies. It's the Lilliputians and their bizarre government that's going to take some of our allies by storm that we need to worry about. We must prevent the Lilliputian governments from taking hols in our neighboring governments, even if it means a few covert operations...I mean, protective military operations."
[effect]the military installs and supports dictators in developing nations out of fear of a Lilliputian uprising