Lions and Bears and Parties, Oh My!
21-12-2003, 00:41
Another one of my issues, but this time it's dead unique :P
Lions and Bears and Parties, Oh My!
After several parties with highly idealistic, far-fetched, and sometimes mutually exclusive goals had sprung into existence, the conservative population of @@NAME@@ started breathing down their backs in hopes to disband the groups. The parties at question have for the first time spoken up against the silent apartheid against them.
Valid only for nations with high political freedoms
[option]"We deserve our freedoms!" exclaims @@RANDOMNAME@@, demileader of the Anarchofascism Party. "@@NAME@@ has been the last remaining nation that has let us carry out our operations, and now their feeble-minded population wants to destroy us! Freedom and liberty for all!"
[effect]members of the Libertarian National Socialist Green Party have fruitlessly attempted to win seats in Parliament
[stats]political freedoms increase, civil rights increase, crime increases, intelligence decreases
[option]"Your existence is a complete sham!" says @@RANDOMNAME@@, Chairman of the @@NAME@@ Council of Pragmatism. "You can either be anarchists or fascists, but not both. As a citizen of @@NAME@ I declare these groups have no right to exist and corrupt the concrete thinking that has got the nation this far."
[effect]parties must have a "realistic licence" to operate and run in elections
[stats]political freedoms decreases, civil rights decrease, crime decreases, intelligence increases
[option]"I agree that these groups are too whacked to exist," says clear-thinking advocate @@RANDOMNAME@@, "but let's not jeopardise the rights of our people. These groups have every right to exist and believe what they want to, but to spare the administration we just won't let them run in elections. Everybody will be happy then."
[effect]parties without a "realistic licence" may not serve government offices
[stats]civil rights increase, political freedoms decrease, crime decreases, intelligence increases
[option]"Parties? Who needs parties!" says noted anarchist @@RANDOMNAME@@ while committing arson on a megacorporation HQ. "Just let every man do whatever he wants. That would relieve the great amount of stress that this horrible fascist regime has placed on the nation!"
[effect]civil war has broken out in the nation
[stats]civil rights increase greatly, economic freedoms increases, economy decreases, crime skyrockets, law and order funding plummets, arms manufacturing increases, political freedoms skyrocket
Options 2 and 3 seem very similar... if not a bit confusing.
21-12-2003, 00:49
I do want there to be two degrees of strength on each side of the argument though... If I reword option 3 or remove it (LAST RESORT), would it be better?
Emperor Matthuis
21-12-2003, 17:36
reword it and ask bas to check it :D
21-12-2003, 20:17
I don't see what a Liberal National Socialist Green Party has to do with crime. Despite this, it's a nice issue!
21-12-2003, 20:30
I put crime for the first issue because:
1. I needed something bad to occur and couldn't think of anything else
2. Generally, because the political freedoms increase I thought that the corruptness and crime would increase as well.
Updated issue (changes in bold):
Lions and Bears and Parties, Oh My!
After several parties with highly idealistic, far-fetched, and sometimes mutually exclusive goals had sprung into existence, the conservative population of @@NAME@@ started breathing down their backs in hopes to disband the groups. The parties at question have for the first time spoken up against the silent apartheid against them.
Valid only for nations with high political freedoms
[option]"We deserve our freedoms!" exclaims @@RANDOMNAME@@, demileader of the Anarchofascism Party. "@@NAME@@ has been the last remaining nation that has let us carry out our operations, and now their feeble-minded population wants to destroy us! Let there be freedom and tyrrany for all!"
[effect]members of the Libertarian National Socialist Green Party have fruitlessly attempted to win seats in Parliament
[stats]political freedoms increase, civil rights increase, crime increases, corruptness increases, intelligence decreases
[option]"Your existence is a complete sham!" says @@RANDOMNAME@@, Chairman of the @@NAME@@ Council of Pragmatism. "You can either be anarchists or fascists, but not both. As a citizen of @@NAME@ I declare these groups have no right to exist and corrupt the concrete thinking that has got the nation this far."
[effect]parties must have a "realistic licence" to operate and run in elections
[stats]political freedoms decreases, civil rights decrease, crime decreases, intelligence increases
[option]"I agree that these groups are too whacked to exist," says clear-thinking advocate @@RANDOMNAME@@, "but let's not jeopardise the rights of our people just because of a few mislead nuts. Of course these groups will have the right to exist and operate, but they can't be on the ballot. That way we'll preserve the freedoms and the sanity of the nation."
[effect]parties without a "realistic licence" may not serve government offices
[stats]civil rights increase, political freedoms decrease, crime decreases, intelligence increases
[option]"Parties? Who needs parties!" decries noted anarchist @@RANDOMNAME@@ while casually committing arson on a megacorporation HQ. "Just let every man do whatever he wants. That would relieve the great amount of stress that this horrible fascist regime has placed on the nation!"
[effect]civil war has broken out in the nation
[stats]civil rights increase greatly, economic freedoms increases, economy decreases, crime skyrockets, law and order funding plummets, arms manufacturing increases, political freedoms skyrocket
21-12-2003, 22:09
Take apathy as bad thing! It will increase if the 'fun parties' appear.
21-12-2003, 22:19
Hadn't thought of that Reji, thanks. I will take out the increase in crime and corruptness for 1, and in place put an increase in apathy and a decrease in government size for choices 1 and 4.
Okay, it looks about ready to submit to me. Any last remarks before submission? (changes in bold)
Lions and Bears and Parties, Oh My!
After several parties with highly idealistic, far-fetched, and sometimes mutually exclusive goals had sprung into existence, the conservative population of @@NAME@@ started breathing down their backs in hopes to disband the groups. The parties at question have for the first time spoken up against the silent apartheid against them.
Valid only for nations with high political freedoms
[option]"We deserve our freedoms!" exclaims @@RANDOMNAME@@, demileader of the Anarchofascism Party. "@@NAME@@ has been the last remaining nation that has let us carry out our operations, and now their feeble-minded population wants to destroy us! Let there be freedom and tyrrany for all!"
[effect]members of the Libertarian National Socialist Green Party have fruitlessly attempted to win seats in Parliament
[stats]political freedoms increase, civil rights increase, intelligence decreases, apathy increases, government size decreases
[option]"Your existence is a complete sham!" says @@RANDOMNAME@@, Chairman of the @@NAME@@ Council of Pragmatism. "You can either be anarchists or fascists, but not both. As a citizen of @@NAME@ I declare these groups have no right to exist and corrupt the concrete thinking that has got the nation this far."
[effect]parties must have a "realistic licence" to operate and run in elections
[stats]political freedoms decrease, civil rights decrease, intelligence increases, government size increases, corruptness increases
[option]"I agree that these groups are too whacked to exist," says clear-thinking advocate @@RANDOMNAME@@, "but let's not jeopardise the rights of our people just because of a few mislead nuts. Of course these groups will have the right to exist and operate, but they can't be on the ballot. That way we'll preserve the freedoms and the sanity of the nation."
[effect]parties without a "realistic licence" may not serve government offices
[stats]civil rights increase, political freedoms decrease, intelligence increases, government size increases slightly, corruptness increases
[option]"Parties? Who needs parties!" decries noted anarchist @@RANDOMNAME@@ while casually committing arson on a megacorporation HQ. "Just let every man do whatever he wants. That would relieve the great amount of stress that this horrible fascist regime has placed on the nation!"
[effect]civil war has broken out in the nation
[stats]civil rights increase greatly, economic freedoms increases, economy decreases, crime skyrockets, law and order funding plummets, arms manufacturing increases, political freedoms skyrocket, apathy increases, government size decreases greatly
21-12-2003, 22:53
I like it! I even know already which option to take :D
22-12-2003, 03:25
Why would intellegence decrease by allowing these parties?
Intellegence and apathy are two distinctly different things.
22-12-2003, 04:23
I chose to decrease intelligence because of the incoherent and self-oppositional nature of the parties, and when the people start to believe such things I figured the intelligence would decrease. I don't know if that would fit under apathy, but I personally think that said concept would decrease intelligence. Make any last comments or for ever hold your peace because I am submitting soon.
22-12-2003, 04:39
I think that it would fall under apathy, and that the varied political debate might actually increase intellegence, with the "ignorance is strength" option decreasing it.
22-12-2003, 04:56
However these parties are meant to be totally incoherent promoting ideals such as anarchofascism, but I guess you have a point there. I'll make it increase slightly for option one, decrease it for option two, and increase slightly for option three.
Tyranny, not "tyrrany" for Option 1.
22-12-2003, 05:57
One more thing.
Shouldn't this be valid for nations with moderate politcal freedoms as well(if not solely)?
It seems to me that nations with high PF would discard otions 3 & 4 without a backwards glance.
22-12-2003, 07:14
Submitted with said changes.